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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Rupert Hausberger (ANF)

Monolith 3D-CPU-Benchmark für MorphOS
Von Monolith, einem CPU-Benchmarker für MorphOS, steht eine neue Version zum Download bereit.

Download: monolith.lha

Weitere Einzelheiten:


Monolith is a CPU-benchmark which is based on some blocks flying around in a 3d-space. If the current FPS are higher than 25, more blocks become visible. Soon the 25 FPS mark is reached, benchmarking starts and counter counts how many blocks are visible at exactly 25 FPS. After the test is done, the result is like '85 blocks at 25 FPS'. It uses software rendering, because there is no real 3d-driver available atm. It also can be controled manualy, so you can zoom and rotate around. It's a litte nice looking toy, nothing serious...

Note: It seems that the Peagsos I is too slow to reach the 25 PFS mark, so it can only be used in manual mode with extended parameters...

  • 3D Texture Mapping in 24 bit (9 textures, each 256x256x24)
  • 3D Shading
  • 3D Rotations and Transformations
  • Hidden Surface Removal
  • Sutherland-Hodgman Clipping
  • Polygon Filling
  • MorphOS 1.4
  • Pegasos II
  • 1 GHz G4
  • 16 MB RAM
  • 2 MB HD

[Meldung: 09. Aug. 2004, 12:30] [Kommentare: 9 - 10. Aug. 2004, 08:50]
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