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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
14.Jul.2004 (Webseite)

IRC-Client: Version 1.2 von WookieChat veröffentlicht
Der IRC-Client WookieChat liegt nun in der Version 1.2 (353 KB) vor. Die Enforcer-Hits wurden noch nicht behoben, jedoch wollte der Autor den aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung schon mal veröffentlichen, bevor er verreist. Sollten währenddessen Probleme mit der neuen Version auftreten, so steht die V1.1 weiterhin zum Herunterladen zur Verfügung.

Veränderungen in der V1.2:
  • Installation script added
  • "Perform on connect" support added. So you can join channels, register with nickserv, etc, automatically when you connect to a server. Edit the Group entry to change your connect script.
  • Support added for server passwords
  • No longer crashes when you are missing any of the three MUI custom classes that WookieChat requires. It will give an error message instead.
  • You can now /part channels and close private message (query windows) tabs by clicking the X button in the top left hand corner.
  • If you try to use a command that isn't yet supported, the "/" prefix in the line you typed will be removed and the rest of the line will be sent to the server. /mode and /nickserv now work because of this. This might help with future IRC developments too... i.e. when new commands become available on networks, the client doesn't have to be updated to support them.
  • Bug fix: when you were disconnected from IRC by either the server or by typing /quit, the program would go into a never ending loop locking up the program. Fixed.
  • Bug fix: When a server name was too big for its button, it created weird problems. Now when a server name is too long, the string is restricted to 10 characters. So hopefully multiple server support works better now.
  • Bug fix: Can connect to the Galaxynet network fine now.
  • Bug fix: when connecting to a server in a new tab, sometimes the previous tab you were in wouldn't change its selected state to FALSE.
  • Bug fix: No longer crashes if you load WookieChat without first loading a TCP/IP stack. When you attempt to connect to a server, it loads bsdsocket.library if it hasn't been already, and if it fails it gives an error message.
  • Change: Nicklist listviews are a fixed size now, so when the window is small, you can still see the status symbols to the left of peoples nicks

[Meldung: 14. Jul. 2004, 09:43] [Kommentare: 9 - 16. Jul. 2004, 14:06]
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