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Emulation: WinUAE 0.8.27 veröffentlicht
Das Entwickler-Team von WinUAE hat die neue Version 0.8.27 veröffentlicht.
Neue Features:
- new rtg.library, 20-30 times faster Picasso96 pixel read
- don't add contents of zip file to disk history if zip only contains one supported disk image file
- compatibility fix for buggy programs that access non-existing memory in CIA address space
- MIDI can be selected without serial port
- full collision level implemented correctly (game "Rotor")
- AVIOutput tweaks
- improved compatibility (Back in Bizness, Total Triple Trouble)
Bereinigte Fehler aus der Version 0.8.26:
- JIT-only crash when loading state file or loading new config on the fly
- crash when loading config and directory or no config file was selected
- ports-page uninitialized joystick/mouse radio buttons
- ignore files not having .uae-extension when scanning configuration file directory
- GUI works now with non-96DPI fonts
- possible crash when starting emulator or inserting/ejecting disks
- JIT compatibility problems with some games (for example Alien Breed 3D II)
- debugger am-command
- "Priority=2!"-debug dialog
- disk image path/name text input
Bereinigte ältere Fehler:
- centering improved
- hardfile error "tried to seek out of bounds"-message when hardfile was too small or blocksize was set to zero
- fullscreen D3D/OpenGL-mode ALT-TAB
- fixed forever repeating "...because desktop is too small for the specified window size.."
- saving config: always add (if missing) ".uae"-extension to config file name
- "exter_int_helper: unknown native action xxx"
[Meldung: 06. Jun. 2004, 14:55] [Kommentare: 23 - 08. Jun. 2004, 19:42]
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