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Cloanto (ANF)

Frohe Ostern von Cloanto / Amiga Forever 6.0
Cloanto wünscht frohe Ostern und präsentiert zugleich die aktualisierte Amiga Forever-Webseite, welche unter anderem die Neuerungen in der Version 6.0 auflistet. Ein wenig Arbeit benötige die Webseite jedoch noch, wobei Kommentare zur Gestaltung stets sehr willkommen seien.

Neue Eigenschaften von Amiga Forever 6.0 gegenüber der Vorgängerversion:
  • Preinstalled Amiga applications more than doubled (both in the 3.x and in the 1.3 environments)
  • Support for hard disks larger than 4 GB, mouse wheel, AHI, MUI, etc.
  • Built-in web browser (great for cross-browser web design testing)
  • CDs are now automounted in real time (includes CacheCDFS file system)
  • Built-in CD audio player and media player
  • New Amiga ROM and OS files (as in Amiga OS "3.5" and "3.9", but also historical items such as the Amiga 1000 boot ROM)
  • New reference configurations (for A500, A1200, CDTV, CD³², etc.)
  • More than 10 "First Demos" (Boing, Robo-City, Juggler, etc.) added to 1.3 environment
  • More realistic emulation (e.g. floppy disk drive sound, which makes an unexpected big difference in perception, but also required the addition of a good old "noclick" utility ;-)
  • New documentation (HTML shared by both Amiga and host OS)
  • Amiga Explorer 6.0 software
  • New launcher panel with one-click controls
  • New Software Manager for easy emulation news and updates
Die CD-Edition von Amiga Forever weist zusätzlich die folgenden neuen Eigenschaften auf:
  • Boot from CD option (featuring the KX Light GNU/Linux distribution)
  • New Gallery section (includes 1985 Byte Magazine reprint)
  • New high quality videos (includes Launch of Amiga New York event)
  • New preinstalled games (Mindwalker, Ports of Call, Deluxe Galaga, etc.)

[Meldung: 12. Apr. 2004, 13:05] [Kommentare: 6 - 14. Apr. 2004, 07:58]
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