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Ron van Schaik (E-Mail)

Event: Saturday, June 28: Amiga Show
The Dutch HCC Commodore User Group organizes an Amiga Show on Saturday June 28 from 10:00 till 16:00 at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland. ComputerCity, Genesi and Attention Software will attending our Amiga Show withe their newest products like the AmigaOne, Pegasos, VideoMicroWave, a STB Prototype, MorphOS and a new game. There will be a lot of demonstrations and activities and for all Amigans: This is the opportunity to meet all famous national and international Amiga people!


  • AmigaOne - Amiga computer with G3 or G4 PowerPC microprocessor, works with LinuxPPC operating system or AmigaOS 4.0
  • Pegasos - PowerPC computer from Genesi, with a G3 or Dual G4 PowerPC processor. Operating system MorphOS or LinuxPPC. Some other operating systems will be developed like some Linux variants, BeOS, OpenBSD etc.
  • VideoMicroWave - Soft- and hardware bundle for video on a Pegasos or other Amiga compatible computers. For our demonstration we will show a Pegasos computer in a microwave.
  • STB prototype - Digital signaldecoder from Genesi, based on the Pegasos and MorphOS technology.
  • MorphOS - AmigaOS compatible operating system for PowerPC processors.
  • Attention Software will demonstrate their new FotoFoto game at some Amiga systems.

More activities and participants can still join our program next week, all other Commodore computers and lovers will also attending at this show. For more news and our new Forum (you can also add your own news) look at our website:

Other participants on June 28 are: - - - - -

For the next great Amiga Event look at: (nba)

[Meldung: 20. Jun. 2003, 16:13] [Kommentare: 6 - 21. Jun. 2003, 12:11]
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