Ron van Schaik
Report of the 19th April C= show
Hello C= fans!
You can find some pics of the last show at our website. On this
you see Thomas Margolf with his SIDsyn and Arndt Oevermann who's working
at the demo show. On this page
you can see the stereo C64 from Dirk Kledtke. This was a great success and
the sound of this machine was unbelievable!
Also there's an English report of the show.
The next show we will organize is at June 28! This is a change of date
because of some accomodation problems. As extra we organize then an Amiga
Party! We want every Amiga freak to join us at this party! Look
here for more
information. Look here
for latest news and new at our homepage is a
boulderdash page
and a Dutch software page where we wanna archive all
Dutch C64 software.
Both pages are under construction and will be soon 100% active.
Greetings Ron van Schaik
[Meldung: 28. Apr. 2003, 18:15] [Kommentare: 3 - 01. Mai. 2003, 12:00]
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