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Terra Soft

Terra Soft kündigt ATX PowerPC-Systeme ab
Terra Soft Solutions hat beschlossen, die Konzeption, Entwicklung, Produktion und Distribution des angekündigten ATX PowerPC-Systems für die Linux-Gemeinde einzustellen. Das Unternehmen halte den Zeitpunkt für verkehrt, explizite Gründe wurden jedoch nicht genannt. Man werde in Zukunft jedoch Wiederverkäufer des Teron Mainboards von MAI Logic und davon abgeleiteter Mainboards wie AmigaOne dazu ermutigen, offizieller Reseller der Linux-Distribution von Terra Soft Solutions, Yellow Dog Linux, zu werden. Lesen Sie im Anschluss die komplette englischsprachige Mitteilung.

Terra Soft Solutions has determined that it is not, at this point in time, prudent to carry the Teron mainboards nor offer Teron-based Boxer systems. This is as great a disappointment for us as it is for many of you. We were truly excited to bring this particular ATX PowerPC Linux product to market.

If you have read the rumor mills, there are a variety of supposed reasons why we have been delayed in shipping, including unqualified statements and speculation at best. It is our corporate policy to not address specific issues regarding any strategic relationship within a public forum, where fact and fiction are not easily discernable, and our fiduciary responsibility to our customers, shareholders, and industry associates may be compromised.

We regret having launched a product initiative and built expectations prior to receiving first shipment. We have clearly learned a powerful lesson and do extend our apology to you, our existing and potential customers.

As the Teron mainboard and associated systems will be made available through other resellers, we will encourage them to sign-on as official Yellow Dog Linux resellers in order that we may continue to support movement of what we hope to be a very popular product. (nba)

[Meldung: 10. Apr. 2003, 00:35] [Kommentare: 118 - 16. Apr. 2003, 18:02]
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