VMC Harald Frank (ANF)
TV-Karten Software: AmithlonTV Beta 262 mit OpenPCI Support
Guido Mersmann hat die Beta-Version 262 der TV-Karten Treiber-Software
AmithlonTV mit kleineren Updates und Verbesserungen veröffentlicht.
What's new:
The auto full screen mode at TVWatch startup caused a system crash.
The old tvtest utility is gone! TVCardDump is taking over from now!
Activated the OpenPCI support for the public. Don't blame me if the
stuff is slow or just crashing. The OpenPCI support is testet and
working fine. The driver may not work correct due the endian trouble.
Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha
[Meldung: 11. Feb. 2003, 17:21] [Kommentare: 12 - 12. Feb. 2003, 12:21]
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