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Joseph Duchâtelet (ANF)

CdBuilder: A new productivity program launcher for the Amiga
Joseph Duchâtelet writes:
CommandBuilder version 1.03 (CdBuilder.lha) has been uploaded to Aminet util/wb. Programmed in Gui4Cli this program allows you to compose CLI, arexx, Gui4Cli and WorkBench commandlines very easily, using mostly just button & mouseclicks.

New commandlines can be saved directly to CommandSelection files. CommandSelection files organised according to your specific needs are a fast and effective way to make use of your computer. Find out what are some of its concepts:
  • selection files
  • expanding files
  • scripting
  • and more to come: ask me for my latest HD version
Download: CdBuilder.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 01. Jan. 2003, 12:25] [Kommentare: 0]
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