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Chris Hodges (E-Mail)

USB-Stack: Poseidon Update V1.32
Dear Poseidon Users,

some time has passed since I spoke to you the last time with good news, but it tastes best, when you don't expect it. So let's get right to the goodies:

- The HID class is finally in a state that allows a release. Try it, you'll love it :) There's now full support for wheels (as many as you have) and any special key on the keyboard. Tablets are supported aswell (as long as they're confirming to the HID specs). Some features are still missing, but I don't think they'll hurt you right now. Just one thing: Please read the docs. There's about 20KB of it for the hid.class alone, and don't be offended, when I'll just reply with RTFM to some of your queries.

- This is only for the underpriviledged Highway/Subway-Users: The driver has been optimized a bit and now allows reading in data at a speed that is very much comparable to a certain PCI solution (at least if you've got a fast machine).

- Trident has been updated. It now supports so-called forced bindings. This allows you to fix an interface or an device to a certain class. Use with care. But it comes in handy with the new...

- Rawwrap.class. Yes, this is a wrapper class that makes it possible to speak to an USB interface through a standard exec device (usbraw.device). This class can be used for BetaScan. It might also work with SpitFire and some other programs.

- Some more options and workarounds for the massstorage.class were added.

- Heaps of bugs were fixed. Thanks to all those users who reported them.

The update can be downloaded from as usually. (ps)

[Meldung: 28. Nov. 2002, 03:28] [Kommentare: 6 - 29. Nov. 2002, 21:50]
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