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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: VirusZ III v0.9a
Georg Hoermann hat ein neues Update zu VirusZ III veröffentlicht, welches auf der Homepage von Virus Help Denmark zum Download bereitsteht. Hier ein paar Einzelheiten über dieses Update:

Name: VirusZ III v0.9a
Archivname : VirusZ.lha
Archivgröße: 58.365 Bytes
Datum: 20. Mai 2002
Programmierer: Georg Hörmann
Benötigt wird: AmigaOS 2.04 or better, util/libs/ReqToolsUsr.lha, util/virus/xvslibrary.lha, util/pack/xfdmaster.lha, util/arc/xadmaster.lha (recommended), util/libs/DisLib.lha (optional),

Neu in  VirusZ III v0.9a:
TODO  Until final release version 1.00:
 - Implement file and sector scanning inside
   all types of disk- and
   filearchives that xadmaster.library supports.
 - Add device-based sector scanning.
 - Add useful commands to ARexx port.

 0.9a  Changes/Additions since 0.99:
 - Totally redesigned the file check. Now all
   selected files/dirs are always scanned
   without user interaction (exception: encoded
   files) and just the important results get
   listed. These can be reviewed at any time
   to finally decide what to do with malicious
   The new concept has the following advantages:
   (a) it's much faster (my SYS: partition gets
       scanned in 2:16 min, the old scanner
       needed 9:20 min; that's over 4 times
   (b) the Job Monitor (that's the name of the
       new check-window) is fully prepared for
       archive and sector checking, all this will
       happen in just one window (NOT IMPLEMENTED
   (c) less information that's not interesting
       for the average user, just important things
       get reported now (if you want to analyse
       the files on your harddisk, just use a tool
       like CheckX!);
   (d) even disinfects damaged or encoded files as
       far as possible;
   (e) looks much better :-)
 - Added a whole bunch of perfectly commented
   snapshots sent by Todd A. Oberly. Thanks a lot!
 - Added more snapshots sent by Michel Bagmeijer
   and Ian Chapman. Again thanks!

[Meldung: 20. Mai. 2002, 17:08] [Kommentare: 0]
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