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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Jean-Yves Topl-Auger (E-Mail)

Tool: Pixload Version 1.70
I made a tiny program PIXLOAD 1.70 in RXMUI which looks like Amidock but fully MUI compatible. User can configure all the interface.

This little "bar" allows to you load any program or script by one click on icon. A bubble help tells you the name of loaded program. Two help files (GUIDE and HTML) are available.

Pixload can be moved anywhere easily, contextual menu added!

What about:
It is a window with buttons including pictures. Each click on button, loads a command line which loads a program or script. It was made in AREXX and RXMUI for graphic part. You can modifiy everything (colors, aspect, etc.. from the Pixload contextual menu).

Download: (ps)

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2002, 12:52] [Kommentare: 7 - 03. Mai. 2002, 17:58]
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