Messenger: StrcICQ V2 - Dritte BETA-Version
Auf der StrICQ-Homepage ist heute die dritte Beta-Version des neuen
ICQ-Client V2 erschienen.
Download: STRICQv2.lha
Bitte die Installationshinweise beachten.
Changes since last release:
- Fixed a major error that involved a race condition in the IPC. A receiving task could actually check for data on the message port before that data actually arrived. The IPC now blocks until the message does arrive.
- Fixed an error in that some messages would actually not be NULL terminated.
- Now requests offline messages. If there are any, they won't be displayed! Hehehe...
- I still need enforcer/cyberguard hits!!
[Meldung: 04. Mär. 2002, 11:06] [Kommentare: 6 - 04. Mär. 2002, 15:55]
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