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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Oliver Wagner (E-Mail)

Netzinformations-Tool: NetInfo II Version 2.9
NetInfo II ist in Version 2.9 erschienen. Es handelt sich um ein Programm, um Netzinformationen zu erhalten. Das Programm vereint in sich Funktionalitäten wie TRACEROUTE, PING, WHOIS und FINGER.

  • "quick traceroute": Sends a series of packet in quick succession to get a route overview very fast, then does accurate timings for the individual hops
  • "ping": Sends a sequence of ICMP ECHO packets to a host to measure network latency and stability.
  • graphical display of hop min/last/max timings
  • integrated smart WHOIS function: double-click on a IP, Host or Network column to automatically receive WHOIS information for the given object. NetInfo determines the WHOIS host to query.
  • automatically retrieves WHOIS network information for hosts
  • automatically scans destination host for Web (HTTP) and FTP server versions
  • history for all queried hosts
  • integrated FINGER client
  • integrated "classical" WHOIS client with on-disk cache
  • ARexx port

[Meldung: 30. Aug. 2001, 11:58] [Kommentare: 12 - 02. Sep. 2001, 02:29]
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