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Scalos (ANF)

Workbench: Scalos Beta V40.10
Am 19. August 2001 wurde von der Workbench-Alternative 'Scalos' die Betaversion 40.10 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung behebt insbesonders verschiedene Bugs. Gegenüber der vorigen Version hat sich folgendes geändert:
  • Repaired bug in updateicon which sometimes caused icons to appear in incorrect windows
  • Duplicating/cloning items now pops up the file copying progress window
  • Dragging multiple icons now shows one or two text lines under pointer telling how many files and drawers are being dragged
  • Fixed severe bug in wbl.c: WBNode's were allocated with AllocVecPooled() and freed with FreeVec()
  • Added a varargs version of SCA_ScreenTitleMsg()
  • Added flag to switch between Flag: old dragging (all icons visible) and new "icon stack"
  • Added new SCA_ScalosControl() tags SCALOSCTRLA_GetOldDragIconMode and SCALOSCTRLA_SetOldDragIconMode
  • IconWinCheckUpdate() now correctly updates INF_DefaultIcon flag and INF_SupportsLeaveOut attribute
  • Missed a CurrentDir() when renaming objects, leading to a directory lock getting never UnLock()ed
  • When D&D copying or moving icons, "Replace All" and "Abort" now should work correctly Message strings "xxx already exists" are now different when moving and copying objects
  • When moving icons inside window and new position overlaps other icon, the moved icons now jump back to their original positions
Fehler können dem Scalos-Team über die Bug-Report-Seite mitgeteilt werden.

Download: ScalosBeta.lha (180K), History (sd)

[Meldung: 19. Aug. 2001, 15:55] [Kommentare: 0]
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