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UAE Discussion Board (ANF)

Emulator: UAE 0.8.17 (Beta) erschienen
Beta/Development versions of UAE will be available here, as soon as there are any changes to the code. The current stable versions are numbered, 0.7.x, while the next beta versions of UAE will be numbered 0.8.x; and finally 0.9.0 once it's stable again. Previously, the idea was to have a stable version 0.x.0 and beta versions 0.x.y, for y > 0. That didn't work very well: all versions that appeared in public were rather stable, while the beta versions mostly remained in a private directory. We'll try a different model now and see how it works out. You can also check out the ChangeLog of the latest version here.

Download: uae-0.8.17.tar.gz (ps)

[Meldung: 04. Aug. 2001, 10:01] [Kommentare: 28 - 08. Aug. 2001, 19:27]
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