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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >

Aminet-Uploads bis 29.07.2001
AmBoS-Update.lha     comm/ambos 1.2M+AmBoS-Update Rel. 2.98k (Thursday 26-Jul
binbatchpost.lha     comm/news    6K+Post binary files with NewsRog
FWControl.lha        comm/tcp   152K+Firewallcontrol for miamidx 0.1 *BETA*
DKG-MMFX.lha         demo/sound 586K+MultiMegaMix/Kefrens 1oo% fixed and impr
numconv.lha          dev/misc     8K+Simple DEC/HEX/BIN/ASC/FLT/OCT converter
MCDP_GldPanel.lha    disk/cdrom  29K+Replacement for standard Gold panel for 
MyRepulse-2.txt      docs/rview  23K+Review of the REPULSE audio card.
MyRepulse2.txt       docs/rview  23K+Review of REPULSE audio card. Revision 2
DopeWars-Final.lha   game/actio  14K+New version of Dope Wars
slimcdrom_in_a.txt   hard/hack    6K+Use Slimline CD/CDR/DVD in your Amiga
anescgfx.lha         misc/emu   134K+A/NES CGFX v1.24 - Nintendo emulator
imdbDiff010720.lha   misc/imdb  1.8M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
tomaatti.lha         mods/chip    6K+Chip DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Void
skobe.lha            mods/demo  195K+Demostyle 4ch-MOD by Tripper^Moods^Void
bicycle.lha          mods/house 341K+Moods-Onlinecompo DBM mod by Tripper^Moo
boyfunky.lha         mods/house 315K+Funkyhouse DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Void
fantasynew.lha       mods/house 452K+Demohousetrance DBM mod by Tripper^Moods
monobeats.lha        mods/house 343K+Monotonic house,detroit DBM mod by Tripp
upground.lha         mods/house 702K+House, Dance DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Vo
washgo.lha           mods/house  28K+House 4ch MOD by Tripper^Moods^Void
sjuice.lha           mods/jungl 772K+Drum'n'Bass DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Voi
sjuicedit.lha        mods/jungl 772K+Drum'n'Bass DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Voi
rollercoast.lha      mods/tranc 856K+Trance to monotonic DBM mod by Tripper^M
timedist.lha         mods/tranc 844K+Trance, Goa DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Voi
timegate.lha         mods/tranc 844K+Trance, Goa DBM mod by Tripper^Moods^Voi
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit   170K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
Projector_C4D.lha    pix/trace  515K+Projector-scene created with Cinema4D
CoolOS6.jpg          pix/wb     245K+WB pic made with DiamondBOX and PfPaint
GhostBuster.lha      util/cdity  38K+Automatically hides invalid disk icons
JPEG-DT.lha          util/dtype 434K+New Datatype for JPEG Images (43.6)
JPEG-DT35.lha        util/dtype 357K+New Datatype for JPEG Images (46.4)
PCD-DT.lha           util/dtype 141K+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (43.14)
PCD-DT35.lha         util/dtype  71K+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (44.3)
RGFX-DT.lha          util/dtype 126K+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (43.16)
RGFX-DT35.lha        util/dtype  50K+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (44.3)
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype 135K+JFIF-JPEG datatype V44.22 (68k,WarpOS,Mo
WarpPNGdt.lha        util/dtype 140K+PNG image datatype V44.18 (68k,WarpOS,Mo
GlowAttack.lha       util/misc  193K+"Glow" anims for ReqAttack v1.80+
NewHomer.lha         util/misc   37K+(bugfixed update) Another talking Homer 
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  383K+Report+ 5.0: Multipurpose utility
MiniI17.lha          util/wb    820K+Mini-Icone over 540

[Meldung: 29. Jul. 2001, 21:10] [Kommentare: 0]
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