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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Brad Webb (E-Mail)

Amiga Update Newsletter von Brad Webb
Brad Webb veröffentlich monatlich seinen englischsprachigen Newsletter 'Amiga Update', in welchem er über die wichtigsten Ereignisse rund um den Amiga berichtet:

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               A M I G A      |#010727 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      
               A M I G A   C H O O S E S   S T O R M C 

        A M I G A   A N D   E D I V I S I O N   I N   D E A L

            P U S H   F O R   A   T A O   S T A N D A R D

     N E W ,   F A S T E R   P O W E R   P C   A N N O U N C E D

     W O R L D   O F   A M I G A   B A C K  -  I N   T H E   U K 

         A M I G A F E S T   2 0 0 1   A P P R O A C H I N G 

            A M I W E S T   I S   S T A R T I N G   . . . 

    A N D   T H E R E ' L L   B E   A   D E V C O N   T H E R E ! 

    A L M O S T   H E R E   -   A M I G A   B B Q ,   O T T A W A 

       N E W   I N F O R M A T I O N   O N   S A K U   2 0 0 1 

           A M I G A   S E C U R I T Y   W E B P A G E 

     M E R L A N C I A   I N D U S T R I E S   I S   H I R I N G 

          G E N E T I C   S P E C I E S   F O R   F R E E !

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 July is often a dry month in this part of the world. Maybe that's why
there hasn't been much Amiga news? Perhaps it's dried up as well.
 Regardless, we have enough information to make a newsletter for you
and there are some interesting items in it.
 For one thing there are a number of Amiga shows coming up. Two of
them are set to kick off tomorrow (actually, AmiWest gets some
activities underway today). If you're in the area for either, please
attend and show your Amiga community spirit.
 We were going to include an article or two on the continuing feud
between Hyperion and Elbox, distasteful as that would have been, but
it appears these two companies may actually have settled matters. On
July 18 there was information to that affect posted to the net. We can
only hope that's true.
 You will notice a story below on Merlancia Industries recruiting new
employees. It's good to see an Amiga company expanding and we wish
them well. We also notice that they've apparently already been
rounding up Amiga talent. A quick look at their web site shows Amiga
legend Dave Haynie is now on their staff. 
 And to round the month out, there's the matter of a new Power PC chip
announced by Motorola. Details are below.
 There may not be a lot of news, but what there is, is interesting.
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

14 Jul 2001 


 I would like first to congratulate you for your efforts to give us
the the information in your e-mag .
 Can you tell me if there is still support for Miami ?
 I received last year my registred-keyfile for the full package ( from
 I tried since March to receive the MiamiSSL_USA . I send my request
from the register in the Miami-register program for the SSL file . I
received confirmation of my request a week later then nothing .
 I send email to two months ago at least ,still
no anwser
 I download MiamiSSL from Aminet but it needs one of the two en-
cryption librairies which is my request .
 Can you help me to have this librairy .

N.Renaud (Canada)
 As far as I know, there is no more support for Miami. However, it
continues to work fine and the international SSL library, at least, is
available. The difficulty is you are not supposed to use the
international version in Canada, and I believe you can't get the
US/Canadian version from Nordic Global. The international version will
work, of course, but downloading that and using it is not legal in the
US/Canada (Nordic Global's site does provide a link to download this
version for the benefit of non-US/Canadian users)..
 Does anyone among the readers have more information on Miami and SSL? 

             A M I G A   C H O O S E S   S T O R M C 

 July 14, 2001 - Amiga Inc is pleased to announce that it is
partnering with HAAGE&PARTNER GmbH, of Glashuetten, Germany in order
to provide Amiga developers with a world class development
 Amiga Inc is working closely with HAAGE&PARTNER to provide for the
first their flagship StormC developer package will become the official
Amiga Development System. This will see StormC providing transparent,
language independent support for both the AmigaOS and the AmigaDE.
 "Amiga is committed to moving application development forwards to
support our new architecture." said Fleecy Moss, Chief Technical
Officer of Amiga Inc. "This means dynamic, persistent components,
descriptive, location independent interfaces, brokered services and a
complete separation of design from implementation. HAAGE&PARTNER have
spent many years creating a simple, easy to use, yet powerful
development package for the AmigaOS, and we are delighted to be
working with them as we push forwards.
 "We are very pleased about the Amiga certification on StormC", said
Jürgen Haage, General Manager of HAAGE&PARTNER GmbH. "This
certification is a quality assurance for Amiga Inc. and guarantees the
Amiga developer community a continuous further development of our
StormC development system. "

       A M I G A   A N D   E D I V I S I O N   I N   D E A L

Snoqualmie, WA - July 16, 2001

 Edivision LLC announced today that they would create game
applications for the Amiga Digital Environment (AmigaDE). The company
plans to create 3 development labels in the coming year for the
AmigaDE environment. The titles created under these labels will be
distributed through the Sharp Space Town web site for release in Japan
and through other Amiga distribution channels worldwide. Amiga and
Edivision also announced a joint relationship where Edivision would
provide key pieces of technology for the AmigaDE.
 The principals at Edivision have more than 30 years of experience in
the computer graphics field. Patrick Roberts created 2D and 3D effects
for Walt Disney's feature animation classic "Dinosaur". He has also
created software and animation for Dreamworks Animation, Disney
Classics and the Disney channel. Jeremy Engelman is one of the finest
3D artists in the world. His best-known work is the artwork for Cyan's
Riven, the sequel to Myst. Steven Haun is an award-winning computer
graphics producer with more than 10 years of experience in the
computer graphics and entertainment industry. His credits include
effects production for Warner Brothers, Universal Pictures, ABC, CBS,
and Fox Television.
 "This relationship with Edivision will offer consumers some exciting
content and an enjoyable experience that they will want to share with
others," said Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amiga, Inc. "Patrick,
Jeremy and Steven are longtime supporters of Amiga and we appreciate
their contributions to driving adoption of our software. With their
expertise in gaming and the entertainment industry, we look forward to
some revolutionary games for the PDA market."
 "We are very excited to be working with Amiga to generate compelling
content for the AmigaDE," said Patrick Roberts, one of the founders at
Edivision. "When Amiga announced their relation with Sharp, we saw
this as an opportunity to get in early on a new, exciting gaming
platform. Devices like the Sharp Zaurus and other PDA's offer the
ability to reach a new and different generation of gamers."
 Edivision will focus on original titles for its first set of
releases. The company is also negotiating with other content providers
to bring their titles to the AmigaDE platform.
 The market for video games in the United States, which includes
arcade, PC, console, and online gaming, is currently estimated to be
worth $11 billion. The AmigaDE platform allows developers to create
game applications that target this market. The binary portable nature
of AmigaDE content allows applications to migrate seamlessly from cell
phones and handheld devices to set-top boxes and up to desktop
machines and servers.

          P U S H   F O R   A   T A O   S T A N D A R D

July 14, 2001

 World's leading consumer electronics firms push to create premium
contents platform standard. Sharp, JVC, Kyocera and the Tao Group
today announce the launch of the Open Contents Platform Association.
This move, initiated by Japan's consumer electronics giants, will
promote the global standardization of the intent(R) media platform as
a core on home and mobile connected devices, such as PDAs, phones, web
tablets, digital cameras and smart phones.

 The OCPA is a response to the proliferation of wired and wireless
devices with a requirement from carriers and broadcasters to deliver
premium contents to users. This trend of more devices has pushed up
development costs and increased application and device time to market
- an inevitable consequence when developing divergent software
implementations on every new product.
 The need for a flexible, open environment has become paramount. By
standardizing around Tao's open and pluggable platform, OCPA
manufacturers and developers will create powerful and differentiated
products, at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time,
capable of running the kind of premium services required by operators
and broadcasters.
 Many of the world's leading technology companies, including
electronics manufacturers, content developers and software vendors,
will be joining the Association targeting the first general assembly
in September. Other major manufacturers that have already stated their
support to the OCPA will be announced at that time. Meanwhile, the
following companies have already publicly announced that they would
join the OCPA as of July 12, 2001: Bandai Networks Co. Ltd, Capcom Co
Ltd, Criterion Software Ltd., Digital Hollywood Corp, Espial Inc.,
Fujitsu Prime Software Technologies Ltd, HI Corporation, Justsystem
Corporation, Lineo Japan, Inc., MathEngine, plc., Mediaglue KK.,
Metrowerks Co., Ltd., Mobile Computing Technologies KK, MontaVista
Software Japan, Inc., Plazmic Inc., Prime Atlas, Inc., Sega
Enterprises, Sybergate KK., SSEYO Ltd., Taito KK., Web Soft
International Inc., Zoom Systems KK.

 Yoshio Mohri, President and CEO of Fujitsu Prime Software
Technologies Limited stated, "We are very pleased with the
announcement of the establishment of the OCPA. The full binary
portability of intent is undoubtedly now recognized as being the most
effective solution to enable the smooth distribution of enhanced
contents and software."
 Kazunori Ukigawa, President and CEO of Justsystem said, "As a member
of the OCPA, I am thrilled to contribute further to the market
development of Tao's open platform for multimedia content. Tao's rich
multimedia technology, based upon its unique virtual processor
technology, gives competitive edges to application and content
 Tao's intent is ideally placed as the core technology on open
platforms. It is independent of underlying hardware, operating system
and language and provides an exceptional high performance and small
footprint, branded multimedia Java(TM) software acceleration
technology authorized by Sun Microsystems. Francis Charig, the Tao
Group Executive Chairman, commented, "The establishment of the OCPA,
utilizing Tao's intent combined with a strong Sun compliant, Java
technology focus, is a response to the need for an open environment
across entire product portfolios. It will succeed in reducing time to
market and cost while enabling high quality, compelling contents on
the current and next generations of devices."

About OCPA

 The OCPA will provide a place for open discussion among content
providers, application service providers and hardware manufacturers,
regardless of their business fields. Members can present proposals for
new specifications, which will then be evaluated by working groups
within the Association, before their acceptance as standards, which
will then be openly published. The OCPA will also support verification
of Open Platform applications and contents, and will perform
promotional activities, such as seminars and exhibitions in order to
promote the OCPA specified platform standard.

About Tao Group Limited

 Tao has developed intent, a binary portable, language independent,
high performance, multimedia platform that is now used by many of the
world's leading OEMs in their client products for home and mobile
networks. The technology allows these companies to have a single
strategy across all of their platforms, irrespective of operating
system, hardware and function. intent is now being used in products
including smart mobile appliances and digital television. Tao's range
of Java(TM) products have been designed from their inception to
combine the Java language with Tao's multimedia to run real-world
content many times faster than any alternative. The Company was
founded in 1992, has offices in the United States, Europe and Japan
and counts both Sony and Motorola amongst its investors. Tao has a
growing and high value, global patent portfolio and is the recipient
of multiple industry awards, both for its technologies and for the
rate of corporate growth. For more information please see

{Note: Tao's Intent is a key element of AmigaDE. Brad}

      N E W ,   F A S T E R   P O W E R   P C   A N N O U N C E D
 AUSTIN, TEXAS - July 18, 2001 - Delivering the highest performing
PowerPCTM processor on the market today, Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT)
today announced the 867MHz MPC7450 processor with AltiVecTM
technology. Continuing to deliver on Motorola's leading PowerPC
roadmap, the MPC7450 is designed to provide powerful and innovative
solutions for the networking, telecommunications, high-end embedded
systems, scientific computing, and desktop computer markets.
 "Our goal is to continually provide our customers with PowerPC
processors that increase levels of real-world performance in both the
embedded and computing markets," said Brian Wilkie, corporate vice
president and general manager of Motorola's Computing Platform
Division. "Motorola's G4 line of PowerPC processors continues to
generate industry excitement, and we're pleased to offer yet another
powerful solution to further enhance our customers' product
 "Apple is thrilled that with the new 867MHz PowerPC processor added
to the Power Mac G4 line, Motorola has delivered a high-performance
component that enabled us to boost overall system performance up to
11.8 gigaflops," said Jon Rubinstein, Apple's senior vice president of
Hardware Engineering. "These continued improvements to the PowerPC
processor further solidify the superfast Power Mac G4 as one of the
most powerful desktop personal computers ever."
 The MPC7450 processor has a deep seven-stage pipeline with eleven
execution units and an enhanced AltiVec engine. The L2 cache is
integrated onto the die for greater speed, with a 256-bit datapath to
the L1 cache. The MPC7450 processor also supports a large backside L3
cache with a 64-bit datapath, and provides multiple SRAM options.
Additionally, the MPC7450 processor implements Motorola's
high-bandwidth MPX system bus, capable of achieving sustained
bandwidth performance of 1064MB/sec., which can provide up to 4 times
the bus performance over earlier G3 generation processors.
 The PowerPC architecture enjoys the broadest third party tool support
of any RISC microprocessor today. Motorola's MPC7450 has extensive
tool support from compiler, debugger and emulator vendors providing
comprehensive sophisticated development environments.
 The MPC7450 PowerPC microprocessor is manufactured in the HiPerMOS 6
(HiP6) 0.18-micron copper fabrication process technology, and features
a low-power design with three power-saving user-programmable modes -
nap, doze (with bus snoop) and sleep - which reduce the power drawn by
the processor.
 Pricing and Availability The advanced 867MHz MPC7450 processors are
available today at a suggested unit list price of $435 in quantities
of 1000. The suggested unit list price (1000 quantity) of the 667, and
733MHz versions are approximately $341, and $374 respectively.
 For more information about Motorola's family of PowerPC processors

    W O R L D   O F   A M I G A   B A C K  -   I N   T H E   U K 

Time to make a comeback!

 On Saturday, 3rd November 2001, Amiga Active magazine - will be sponsoring the World of Amiga South
East Show, to be held in Brentwood, Essex, UK.

Exhibitors already confirmed, are as follows..
* Amiga Active
* Eyetech 
* Fore-matt Home Computing 
* 100% Amiga
* Analogic
* Blittersoft
* Kicksoft 
...with more to follow. 

 We are also very proud to announce that Amiga CTO, Fleecy Moss will
be in attendance to show the latest AmigaOS on the latest hardware.
 If that isn't enough, this could be your first opportunity anywhere
in the world to see and even buy the AmigaOne and OS 4.0.
 Discounted tickets will soon be available via selected Amiga dealers
and via the show's website, which will be launching soon. Further
details on this, including additional exhibitors and guest speakers,
will follow shortly.

 World of Amiga South East, is organised by SEAL, Kickstart, ANT, ASA
and Sponsored by Amiga Active Magazine from
Pinprint publishing.
 This year's planned SEAL-O-RAMA show has evolved into something

       A M I G A F E S T   2 0 0 1   A P P R O A C H I N G 

July 8, 2001 

 The time is rapidly approaching . AmigaFest 2001 - The Show Within a
Show at Dayton's Fall Computerfest®. This will be the third year that
AmiTech-Dayton has sponsored an Amiga section within the fall
Computerfest®. We currently have seven Amiga vendors and exhibitors
already committed and we are still working on increasing that number.

 The current list includes Compuquick, Dan's Deals, FWD Computing, G&G
Publishing Enterprises (The New Amigans Magazine), E. S. Productions,
Amiga Cafe, and AmiTech-DAyton.
 In addition to the Amiga specific exhibitors there will be
approximately 150 other vendors and exhibitors with all kinds of
general equipment and gear you can use on your Amiga at spectacular
prices. If youm live anywhere in the midwest don't miss this show.

 The AmigaFest2001 show is held inconjunction with the Dayton
ComputerFest at the Hara Convention Complex in Dayton, Ohio. It will
be held August 25th through the 26th. Pictures and a review of last
years show can be found at:

          A M I W E S T   I S   S T A R T I N G   . . . 

6 Jul 2001


 This is a tentative schedule and will be updated. Remember to check
out our website (and encourage all your friends to do the same!) at
 NEED A RIDE TO AMIWEST? Then visit if you're
willing to share transportation. Although not a part of our
organization and completely without warranty on our part, it is a
laudable effort to get to the show in the spirit of the Amiga

FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2001

 6:00 PM Vendors to set up in the main exhibition hall
 8:00 PM Bill McEwen speaking on the Amiga One and Amiga DE. Come hear
what Bill has to say about the next step in the new digital
environment world.


0930 AM Purchase/pick up tickets
1000 AM Doors open
1015 AM Welcome to AmiWest 2001


 IN THE EXHIBIT HALL: raffles every hour on the hour by the Raffle
              Jack McCann.

Seminars in the Lindbergh Room: 

    10:30 AM - 12:00 PM:  Image FX (and relatives) 

                  PRESENTER:  Kermit Woodall, Nova Design


    1:00 PM - 3:00 PM:  Amiga DE Developers Conference (DevCon)

               PRESENTER:  Gary Peake et al.

    3:00 PM - 5:OO PM   AMIGAZONE class

                PRESENTER:  Harv Laser


 BANQUET 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Fine buffet served by the Holiday Inn

                SPEAKERS:  Bill McEwen and Dr. Alan Havemose
                "Amiga and Gateway:  What REALLY Happened?"
                and the future of the Amiga.

SUNDAY, JULY 29, 2001

0930 AM Purchase/pick up tickets

1000 AM Doors open


 IN THE EXHIBIT HALL: raffles every hour on the hour by the Raffle
              Jack McCann.

Seminars in the Lindbergh Room: 

    10:30 AM - 12:00 PM: AMIGA ONE Introduction.  


    1:00 PM - 3:00 PM:  PAGESTREAM Desktop Publishing

                PRESENTER:  Todd Gustavson, Extreme Computers
                and Northwest Amiga Group

    3:00 PM - 4:3O PM   Image FX (and relatives) 

                PRESENTER:  Kermit Woodall, Nova Design

    4:30 in the Exhibit Hall:  the big raffle.  Don't miss it!!

    6:00 PM - ???????   Gathering at a local restaurant to wrap up all
               the last-minute impressions.  To be announced
                at the show on Sunday afternoon.

Plus lots of conversation and meeting new people along with those old


 The only all-Amiga show on the U.S. West Coast is gearing up for July
28-29, 2001 in Sacramento California. So make your plans to attend
now. Favorable room rates are available, as always, so contact the
Holiday Inn Northeast at 1-916-338-5800 or, toll-free direct to the
hotel, 1-800-388-9284 to reserve your rooms. And keep checking our
website for all the latest updates at Don't be
left out. This should be the biggest and best AmiWest show yet!


 Part of the attraction of Amiga shows are the people who attend. Our
community includes some of the most creative and interesting people
around. And as most of already know, those people have been the
catalyst for the continuing re-birth of the Amiga platform.
 So who's going to be there? Here's a partial list:
 Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amiga Inc. The ever-positive Bill
will give us the latest insights into the "benevolent dictatorship" of
Amiga Inc. and where our platform is heading.
 Gary Peake of Amiga Inc. will be with us to do an Amiga DE DevCon.
 Kermit Woodall, Nova Design, Inc. Creator of Image FX, Millenium and
all those other fine image-processing software packages.
 Randhir Jesrani, Compuquick Media Center. Since 1987, Randy has
supported the Amiga platform. He'll be here to greet old friends with
lots of Amiga classic hardware and software along with new products.
 Harv Laser, Amigazone legend. SYSOP of the oldest Amiga site in the
US (and maybe the world), Harv has been around since just about "the
beginning." Now affiliated with Merlancia Industries, Harv will be
with us to give us the latest on AmigaZone.
 Ryan E.A. Cerwinski, CEO of Merlancia Industries. Ryan will be
bringing his new computers in their current state of development for
us to see and (hopefully) order. Also lots of classic Amiga
software/hardware for your examination and purchase.
 Joe Torre, Amiga engineer. Joe has just bought his tickets, reserved
his room and in on the way to AmiWest 2001. His email said, in part:
 Hey man!
 I just finnished getting my flight and room booked. Thanx for the
better rate!
 I'm looking forward to chatting about Gateway days with Allan and
doing the Banquet again. . .
 Flights are still cheap this far in advance too!
 All the best!

JoeT. . .  Amiga, BeOS, Linux, QNX, Windoze
So many mice: with so many meanings....  

 And this is just the beginning! We'll be releasing more names in a
few days. Keep checking our website at for more

    A N D   T H E R E ' L L   B E   A   D E V C O N   T H E R E ! 

2 July, 2001

 Amiga Inc. has said to us that they will be presenting an Amiga DE
Developers Conference (DevCon) at AmiWest 2001! Gary Peake is heading
up the effort and will be giving all the latest development
information at the show.
 This DevCon is scheduled for Saturday, July 28 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
We are trying to predict attendance for this event at AmiWest 2001.
Please email your intentions to Please be
advised that only those holding either a full show pass or a Saturday
pass will be admitted to the DevCon. Passes will be checked at the
 So don't be left out! Order your show tickets now! Go to and fill in the ticket order form on our site.
Then print it out and send it in along with your check or money order
to the address on the form. This will ensure your attendance and let
us know how many will be in attendance.

    A L M O S T   H E R E   -   A M I G A   B B Q ,   O T T A W A 

Amiga BBQ
Strathcona Park
Ottawa, Ontario
Sunday, July 29, 2001
12:00pm to 4:00pm

 Join us for's first BBQ! Everyone is welcome. Bring your
familly and friends. The BBQ will give local Amiga users the
opportunity to meet each other. We will have news from the Amiwest
show, discuss the Ottawa Amiga Show, and we'll be throwing around some
Boing balls!
 Soft drinks and hot dogs will be served, but feel free to bring
food/drinks. We also strongly suggest to bring a lawn chair.
 Please RSVP by Friday, July 27 so we know how many hot dogs and soft
drinks to purchase. Send an e-mail to to let
us know that you are coming (and how many will be with you).
 How To Get There?

 1. Take highway 417 (from either direction) to Nicholas Exit.
 2. At the first set of lights, turn right. This will put you onto
Laurier heading East (towards the Royal Oak).
 3. Turn right onto Range Road (about 1 Kilometer from Nicholas).
There is a large fountain at the entrance of the park. If you get to
the end of Laurier (it turns left just after Range Road) you have gone
too far. ;-)
 4. The parking lot is down the hill and to the left.
 5. Look for the Boing Balls and we will be there!


 There is free parking but space is limited. Parking on the street is
also permitted.
 OC Transpo indicated that the #16 Alta Vista passes close by after
leaving from the Rideau Centre. For details, call OC Transpo
information at 741-4390.
 What if it Rains?

 If it rains, we will post that the BBQ is cancelled on by 10:00am (on July 29).

       N E W   I N F O R M A T I O N   O N   S A K U   2 0 0 1 

July 10, 2001

 The tradition of quality guests at the Finnish Amiga Users Group's
Saku events continues as Mr. Fleecy Moss, Vice President of
Development of Amiga Inc., has agreed to attend Saku 2001 and
demonstrate the latest Amiga products such as the AmigaDE and PDA. A
representative of Matay company, the latest co-operative companion of
Amiga Inc., will also be there to present their new PCI bridge for
Zorro III Amigas, the Prometheus.
 The Mediator PCI bridge for the Amiga 1200 will also be demonstrated
with a Voodoo3 graphics card. Nova Design Inc. has offered the latest
versions of their quality graphics programs, ImageFX and Aladdin4D,
for demonstration on the show.
 Saku 2001 will be held on Saturday September 1st 2001 at the Science
Centre Heureka in Vantaa, near Helsinki. The event will open at 12:00
and end at 18:00. Admission will be free of charge.
 Finnish speaking audience can join Saku 2001 discussion on our Web
discussion forum at
 Please stay tuned for more details as the planning progresses. For
further information, visit Finnish Amiga Users Group's Web Site at or E-mail
inquiries may be sent to Terho Henriksson
( Please also contact Terho if you or
your company have products that you would like to demonstrate or
advertise in Saku 2001.

           A M I G A   S E C U R I T Y   W E B P A G E 

26 July, 2001

{The following item appears on Czech Amiga News. Brad}

 "Thx to Aminet admins, the Amiga has now a Security Webpage. You can
find tools for analysing router- & miami logfiles, a fast workaround
for the birc exploit and ofcourse Amiga`s most advanced portscanner in
a new release. In the Firewall Section we develop a firewallsetup and
will show how to protect your amiga and other`s. We just started so it
will take time to increase tools and documents. I work for a NIDS
System based on MiamiDX (hopefully working on other stacks :) If you
wanne be part of it, mail me."
Czech Amiga News is at:

     M E R L A N C I A   I N D U S T R I E S   I S   H I R I N G 

24 July, 2001

 Merlancia Industries is currently looking for individuals with skills
in the following areas: Professional graphic design (must be able to
create metallic images) Hardware and software/firmware engineering
Marketing & PR. If you feel that you would qualify for any of the
above positions, please contact Merlancia Industries and/or send your
resúme to:

Merlancia Industries
3516A West Cactus Road
Phoenix, AZ 85029 USA 

 As a note, we would like to mention that for most immediate
positions, your location is largely unimportant. No relocations will
be needed.

         G E N E T I C   S P E C I E S   F O R   F R E E !

June 28, 2001

{Posted to the net by Mikey C}

 In case you have missed this elsewhere, former Amiga Publishers,
Vulcan Software and former Amiga developers Marble Eyes have uploaded
the entire hit game, Genetic Species to the Aminet
 An excellent review with screenshots is available from Kay Are
Ulvestad Website

 Don't forget, Marble-Eyes released a host of update patches, such us
faster graphics, Picture in Picture, Sound and Extended language
support. The files can be downloaded.
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2001 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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[Meldung: 29. Jul. 2001, 13:49] [Kommentare: 1 - 30. Jul. 2001, 22:11]
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