Halvadjian Georges (ANF)
PerfectPaint V2.6
PerfectPaint, das Mal- und Bildbearbeitungsprogramm ist in Version 2.6
erschienen und steht unter dem Titellink zum Download bereit. Lesen Sie
im Anschluss, was sich geändert hat:
- Improve Bridge tool
you can communicate easily with all programs having an arexx port.
Each program is decribe by an ASCII file (in PerfectPaint:rexx/Bridge/Host).
The available hosts are:
ADPro,ArtEffect,FinalWriter,FxPaint,Image Engineer,ImageFx,MovieShop,PageStream,Photogenics
and TVPaint.
You can exchange pictures, brushes, palettes and animations.
- Sometimes PfPaint crash on exit when you manipulate a lot of buffers, it's fixed.
- pp_Setbuffer, PP_findemptybuffer and pp_FindEmptyBrush works well now.
- Improve pp_SetBrush and pp_SetBuffer
- Add an Arexx shell.(right mouse button on arexx button)
- PfPaint can now load and save AnimTransfer for Aweb, Ibrowse and Voyager.
- Little bug corrected with the compose requester
- Fix a nasty bug when you save a 24 animation with more than 100 frame.
- Improve Animation:
Add a new subitem 'Effects' with:
- Clone Anim
- Join Anim
- Inverse Anim
- Make Ping-Pong
- Fade to
- A new version of Slim Anim
- Movie Factory: Lets you make transitions between two frames in the current animation.
Available Operators are:Displace,Fade,Mosaic,Perspective,Spray, Tunnel, Twirl and Wave.
- Dissolve: Same function than Movie factory, but transitions are made with a mask.
16 Operators are available.
- Motion blur
- Ghost frame
- Shaker
- Fix a bug with the tool 'Box' when it was used on very big picture.
- Fix a bug with the floodfill algo.
- Fix a bug while creating animation
- New Arexx commands:
- PP_StencilOn, pp_StenciOff, pp_Mosaic
- PP_SavePPM, pp_Liquid, pp_InvStencil
- PP_SSave ; Save Stencil
- PP_SLoad ; Load Stencil
- PP_Dissolve, pp_BufferGui, pp_SetPath, pp_GetPath
- Improve Antialiasing line
- New scripts: 3dGrid (box tool), Clock (circle tool)
- Improve Palette requester with Load and Save Gradient
- Right mouse button on the line button and you can change the pattern of your line.
- several small improvements
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 2001, 21:09] [Kommentare: 1 - 23. Mai. 2001, 21:42]
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