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Aminet-Uploads bis 09.04.2001
SKF13Theme.lha       biz/dopus  7.1M+Theme for DirectoryOpus5 Magellan 2
ListbrowserPch.lha   biz/patch   10K+Fixes AWeb popup problems with OS3.9 BB1
ShogoDemo.lha        biz/titan   36M+Shogo: Mobile Armor Division demo versio
fnews10.lha          comm/misc   50K+Free configurable News Display Tool for 
daytimedemo.lha      comm/tcp     9K+Daytime client/server example + source (
smbfs.lha            comm/tcp   120K+SMB file system client; complements Samb
TaskiSMS.lha         comm/tcp   362K+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI).
mbs-oldskool.lha     demo/ecs   300K+Oldskool Fools by Mandel Bros.
dln-1st.lha          demo/intro 140K+First intro by Deadline SF
dln-dentro.lha       demo/intro 102K+Dentro by Deadline SF
dln-mustro.lha       demo/intro 146K+Mustro (2nd intro) by Deadline SF
Message.lha          demo/intro  88K+An Old-School Demo by HCS 90
upstream1.lha        demo/mag   579K+Upstream 1 diskmag by Balance
upstream10.lha       demo/mag   436K+Upstream 10 diskmag by Balance
upstream8.lha        demo/mag   645K+Upstream 8 diskmag by Balance
dln-notelines.lha    demo/sound 803K+Notelines musicdisk by Deadline SF
deepcore.lha         demo/track 406K+Deepcore trackmo by Balance
JMildred_ScrMd.lha   dev/basic   18K+Example of using Mildred with AGA and RT
devpic.lha           dev/cross   95K+PIC16 development package
FD2Pragma.lha        dev/misc   144K+V2.124 create pragma, inline, ... files
muimaster020.lha     dev/mui     97K+Muimaster.library 020 patch Rel 4
IICopier2.0PL.lha    docs/help    9K+Polish Locale for IconImageCopier2.0
jAnimator1.0PL.lha   docs/help   10K+Polish Locale for jAnimator1.0
MagellanIIPL.lha     docs/help   39K+Polish Locale for MagellanII
Aakt0401GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   89K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0401HTML.lha     docs/mags  267K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
rusfaqs.lha          docs/misc   94K+Amiga FAQs, in Russian
SuddenDeath.lha      game/actio  50K+4 player tron
F1GP_2001.lha        game/data    9K+2001 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (1 April
obvious.lha          game/data  102K+DynAMIte style with obvious colors
MUI_HLed.lha         game/misc   71K+Map editor for HistoryLine 1914-1918
PerOneMine1.lha      game/misc  249K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine2.lha      game/misc  362K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine3.lha      game/misc  363K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine4.lha      game/misc  345K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine5.lha      game/misc  336K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine6.lha      game/misc  372K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
gse1.lha             game/patch  17K+Editor for Gunship2000 roster files
WHD_JWSnooker.lha    game/patch  30K+HD Installer for Jimmy White Snooker
WHD_PDroid90.lha     game/patch  17K+HD Installer for Paradroid90
WHD_RAMHamster.lha   game/patch   8K+HD Installer for Rockstar Ate My Hamster
WHD_UridiumII.lha    game/patch  14K+Uridium II Hard Drive Installer
WHD_Zeewolf.lha      game/patch  25K+HD Installer for Zeewolf
WHD_ZeewolfII.lha    game/patch  24K+HD Installer for Zeewolf II
eyangband.lha        game/role  789K+EyAngband 0.3.0 - Roguelike solo RPG
gumband.lha          game/role  953K+Gumband 2.1.3b - Roguelike solo RPG
kangband.lha         game/role  843K+Kangband 2.9.2r1 - Roguelike solo RPG
oangband.lha         game/role  900K+Oangband 0.5.1 - Roguelike solo RPG
Connect4.lha         game/think  64K+Connect 4 game using MUI (with source)
MagicNumbersDt.lha   game/think   2K+V1.1, German catalog for MagicNumbers v1
MentalBlokz.lha      game/think 405K+Puzzle game that will drive you mental f
Warp3D-4.0.lha       gfx/board  980K+Warp3D V4
SoftCinema.lha       gfx/show   403K+Ultimate Movie Player (PPC) V0.12
FMdriver.lha         hard/drivr 356K+FrameMachine drivers, TV on WB, Videos a
FMdriverVHI.lha      hard/drivr  15K+FMdriverVHI - VHI-FrameMachine drivers
ps2m.lha             hard/hack   23K+Ultimate Amiga PS/2 WheelMouseController
mathdrill.lha        misc/edu    50K+Math Drill Flashcards Program
imdbDiff010330.lha   misc/imdb  2.1M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
vdo_whit.lha         mods/vdo   802K+Valkoinen [xm 14ch]
DelfMPEG.lha         mus/play   161K+MPEG audio player for Delfina DSP
dmdev.lha            mus/play   135K+Mpeg.device for Delfina DSP
MASMPegDevice.lha    mus/play   129K+CBM compat. device for MAS MP3 Player
AMIGirl.lha          pix/misc   321K+Picture of Death - The AMiGA Girl ;) by 
BareED.lha           text/edit  279K+Simple text editor which supports propor
AutoPDF14.lha        text/misc   26K+AutoPDF 1.4 - Convert Postscript to PDF
ltools157_demo.lha   text/misc   70K+Dictionary and Document Translator
CheckX.lha           util/arc    30K+V1.83 Check for Archives/Packers/Viruses
ilbmdtPPC.lha        util/dtype  11K+Ilbmdt for the PPC, running WarpUP (45.3
WarpDTPrefs.lha      util/dtype  27K+WarpDT preferences program V44.3
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype 133K+JFIF-JPEG datatype V44.19 (68k,WarpOS,Mo
WarpPNGdt.lha        util/dtype 140K+PNG image datatype V44.14 (68k,WarpOS,Mo
cookietool.lha       util/misc   67K+Clean up your fortunes database, V2.5
AmiGOD.lha           util/moni  498K+V1.44 - WB graphics benchmark
WheelBusMouse.lha    util/mouse  12K+Bus Mouse wheel support
ScreenShell.lha      util/shell   9K+Opens full size shell on new public scre
VEPatchBrain.lha     util/virus  19K+PatchBrain v1.29 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
aafont.lha           util/wb      4K+Antialiased fonts on wb (1.1)
choowin.lha          util/wb     19K+Start and Window activation utility
classaction.lha      util/wb    190K+AmigaOS multipurpose filemanager
CondenseIcon.lha     util/wb      6K+Os3.5 tool to make .info files smaller (
mainprefs.lha        util/wb     86K+AmigaOS Preferences GUI

[Meldung: 09. Apr. 2001, 19:51] [Kommentare: 4 - 10. Apr. 2001, 00:08]
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