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100%AMIGA @ alt.WoA
Das CD-Magazin ´100%AMIGA´ wird sich auf der alt.WoA das erste Mal öffentlich präsentieren. Das Magazin, welches Sie nicht lesen brauchen, sondern hören und sehen können. Lesen Sie hier die Original-Pressemitteilung:

100%AMIGA - The magazine you don't have to read, will be making it's Amiga Event debut at the alt.woa (alternative world of amiga) Show this Saturday 24th February. The new magazine will have it's first presentation to the Amiga public as well as having the March edition available for sale. The new March edition will have all the very latest news and previews as well as containing demos of Payback and Octamed Soundstudio 2 and much much more... (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Feb. 2001, 16:59] [Kommentare: 0]
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