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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Alfred Sturm

Neue Aminet Uploads
A-Fix_08102000.lha   comm/ambos  77K+AmBoS-Fix Rel. 08102000 (Sunday 08-Oct-0
StrICQSnd1.lha       comm/misc   86K+Sound's for StrICQ in WAV-format
AKTaskiSMS.lha       comm/tcp    10K+V1.2, YAM-like Toolbar for TaskiSMS 2 + 
SMSEngineerMUI.lha   comm/tcp   212K+SMS via Amiga - International V1.0.4 - *
CnS4.lha             demo/mag   290K+CnS#4 - Diskmag with 4 new interviews!
BlitzLstSep00.lha    dev/basic  349K+Blitz mailing list archives for Septembe
wla_dx_020_6.8.lzh   dev/cross  298K+WLA DX v6.8 - GB-Z80/Z80/6502/6510/65816
Python16_Src.lha     dev/lang   2.0M+Python language 1.6 (source)
SATKG2k-inv.lha      docs/anno  920K+Satellite&Kindergarden-2000, invitation.
AmigaPoWeR.lha       docs/hyper  69K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
StarTrekCONN.lha     game/misc  588K+Play in the StarTrek:TNG Universe
Skulpt_doc.lha       gfx/3d     746K+Sculpt3D clone Documentation (68k + Warp
stlist.lha           misc/emu    13K+Lists Atari .ST diskimage content
Obitus.lha           mods/misc   80K+Custom module from "Obitus"
Protector.lha        mods/misc   30K+Custom module from "Protector"
VictoryRoad.lha      mods/misc    6K+Custom module from "Victory Road"
brm_cook.lha         mods/techn 400K+DBM by brm.
brm_prop.lha         mods/techn 758K+DBM by brm.
brm_refu.lha         mods/techn 251K+DBM by brm.
brm_sala.lha         mods/techn 519K+DBM by brm.
VR-family.jpg        pix/art     11K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
AP11Recto.jpg        pix/misc    84K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 11 Cover Recto
Epson_600.lha        text/print  41K+Epson Stylus 600/700 Driver for WB V40.2
AutoRunNG_NO.lha     util/cdity   1K+Norwegian catalog for AutoRunNG
Find.lha             util/cli    30K+Find utility with many options
DirMaid.lha          util/misc   12K+Sort your directories automatically.
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   62K+Report+ 3.5: 9-function utility
AmiGOD.lha           util/moni   55K+V1.21 - Test and identify wb-program
arc2arc28.lha        util/rexx    5K+Convert any archive format easily

[Meldung: 13. Okt. 2000, 05:48] [Kommentare: 0]
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