Halvadjian Georges im ANF
PerfectPaint V2.2
Unter dem Titellink steht das Update zu PerfectPaint V2.2 bereit.
Mit PerfectPaint können Sie malen und Ihre Bilder (1 - 24 bit) und
Animationen bearbeiten und verändern.
Neu in dieser Version:
- Works well with VisualPrefs and MagicMenu
- Improve ToolBox with Fast color selection and Fast brush selection.
- Little bug corrected with the arexx command: pp_Plot
- Bug corrected when sending picture to TurboPrint
- pp_StencilStat
- pp_StencilOn
- pp_StencilOff
- New Box Arexx Scripts: MotionBlur,RotateBlur,ZoomBlur,Puzzle
- Improve Box Arexx Script: Neon, Ectachrome and Fresco.
- Effect Under/Spare works well with CMAP picture
- Fixed a bug whith perspective when (rotx or roty)=90 or -90
- New function: Fix Brush
- Fixed a small bug with FloodFill
- CMAP Deep Brush is load correctly
- Bug fixed when you use brush+Effect in CMAP mode
- Load and Save: Raw 24bits, Sculpt 24bits or Grey
- Better window detection (more system friendly)
- Improve cloud effect: Range color can be use to create clouds
- New effect: Liquid
- New tools: Rubber stamp, finger, RealTime paint, Sponge, Burn.
[Meldung: 13. Sep. 2000, 10:27] [Kommentare: 0]
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