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AudioLabs per eMail

AudioLabs: iRec for AmigaOS, live streaming audio receiver
AudioLabs announces iRec (internet Recording), live streaming MPEG capabilities for AmigaOS! This cool feature comes embedded in any new ProStationAudio version, starting with the forthcoming Millennium edition.

iRec is fully functional (monitoring and direct-to-disk recording) in the new ProStationAudio demo to be available for downloading the first week of March 2000. Every AmigaOS user is encouraged to take advantage of this new free tool.

Thanks to iRec, the ProStationAudio mixing console input (RecBus) can be switched between a local audio board or a remote audio server, accessible via Internet or a LAN.

Once connected (Miami or compatible TCP stack required), iRec lets you record live MPEG streams. During the streaming process, ProStationAudio allows you to monitor the incoming signal and record direct-to-disk, with on-the-fly conversion from MPEG to PCM.

iRec is compatible with a large number of web-stations broadcasting in MPEG, including ShoutCast (TM) audio servers.

Millennium saves your preferred iRec URL's into an external text file so that you can easily edit/process your database or share it with other ProStationAudio users.

The ProStationAudio editing application requires a 68040/16MB system to start with, and is optimized for hi-end configurations including up to two video cards, two monitors and two CPUs.

For more information about ProStationAudio please refer to the official sites: (European server) (US mirror) (US distributor) (ps)

[Meldung: 29. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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