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Aminet Recents

Neue Aminet Uploads
MTRIIIsrc_1_08.lha   biz/dbase  410K+MT-RechnungIII sourcecode V1.08
TAdesivi.lha         biz/demo    40K+V1.0 Ticket editor for TurboGest (ITALIA
DCPatch.lha          biz/patch   14K+Bugfix for DosControl
amirsay.lha          comm/irc    20K+Uses 'Say' to speak on AmIRC (extra sett
iris.lha             comm/mail  303K+Email client (SMTP/POP3) V2.0
IrisUpdate.lha       comm/mail   63K+Update Iris V1.10 to V2.0
iSpell_YAM.lha       comm/mail  117K+Integrates the power of iSpell into YAM
Netlink.lha          comm/tcp    80K+Control Miami GUI with ISP+Cost prefs
nntpsend.lha         comm/tcp    12K+YAM-Newsextention: Sends E-Mails to give
TCPScanner.lha       comm/tcp    17K+TCP-UDP-PortScanner with nmap servicetab
MassDL.lha           comm/www    28K+Less work on WWW Leching. (AWeb) v1.2
Rogobox.lha          comm/www    45K+Javascript rollover generator - EASY!
simplehtml.lha       comm/www    27K+V0.5 of the simple HTML Offline Browser
TimeConnect.lha      comm/www     7K+French costs for Time Connect
upd8.lha             comm/www    19K+V. 1.3 The original web update detector!
Upd8.lha             comm/www    19K+V. 1.3 The original web update detector!
beats.lha            demo/aga   3.0M+Beats demo by Loveboat - Rank#1 at Assem
wpz-frozen26.lha     demo/aga   1.3M+Frozen#26 - Special February Edition
AvengerHD.lha        demo/euro   16K+HD Installer for Avenger Megademo
clockita.lha         dev/basic   49K+Italian clock with alarm + source code
RoboticsDP.lha       dev/c      753K+Robotics Developer Pack
Simplecalc.lha       dev/c       54K+A Simple Calculator
wla_020_3.0.lha      dev/cross   50K+WLA - Game Boy Macro Assembler v3.0 (020
wosdb_src.lha        dev/debug   25K+Source text of wosdb debugger
kyz.lha              dev/e       34K+Set of useful E modules
shk-rwdisk.lha       dev/e        7K+Procedures for Read/Write floppy/hard di
pmdev.lha            dev/gui    204K+PopupMenu.library V9.03
LittelComp.lha       dev/lang    74K+LITTEL development R5
AutoCat.lha          dev/misc    17K+AutoCat V 1.1 An easy way to make descri
FD2Pragma.lha        dev/misc   121K+V2.100 creates pragma, inline, ... files
ksc_SetCop.lha       dev/misc     2K+Programming tool - run copperlist
CDCat-A1-35.lha      disk/cdrom 1.9M+CDCat Index Of AmiNet 01-35
JPC_kat.lha          disk/cdrom  68K+Access the JPC music catalog, V1.65
FreDS-Zip250.lha     disk/misc   10K+FreD'S Iomega Zip 250 on AMIGAs
PurgeDELDIR.lha      disk/misc   11K+Purge PFS .DELDIR of useful file referen
sfsmui.lha           disk/misc   22K+An MUI GUI For ALL SFS Cli Functions
OS35FAQ_de.txt       docs/help   22K+Unofficial AmigaOS 3.5 FAQ (german)
AmigaInfo.lha        docs/hyper 246K+ITALIAN ONLY Amiga Mags Febbraio 2000
STCCG.lha            docs/hyper 1.5M+AmigaGuide to Star Trek CCG from Deciphe
Aminet-CD-35.lha     docs/lists  29K+Aminet CD 35 index and description
AaktInt0200.lha      docs/mags  269K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0200GFX.lha   docs/mags  766K+International infotainment magazine (gra
AmZ10-HT.lha         docs/mags  389K+German Online-Magazine for AMIGA. HTML-E
AFD-Files1-14.lha    docs/misc  129K+Standard Copyright Note in 14 languages
freeciv.lha          game/2play 818K+Amiga Version 1.8 => Freeciv 1.10.0
TextElite.lha        game/text   46K+Text version of space trading game Elite
doggy.lha            gfx/3d      42K+A LightWave Viewer for StormMesaPPC(WOs)
CGXMode_SI.lha       gfx/board    2K+Slovenian catalog for CGXMode v2.9
jpg-com.lha          gfx/conv     2K+Mass comment directory of JFIF JPG files
Scene-Handler.lha    gfx/conv   111K+(V1.0.0) Direct access to a MovieShop Pa
picFXdat.lha         gfx/edit   218K+Tutorial+Example pics for picFX. Update!
picFXtut.lha         gfx/edit   208K+Html Tutorial for picFX.
AMP.lha              gfx/show   215K+MPEG1/2,MP2/3,AVI,QT,FLI/FLC player for 
adfm_v2.lha          misc/emu     5K+[2.10] it's for ADF files from UAE.
cp4.lha              misc/emu   670K+C= Plus4 Emulator - V0.79
cp4_update.lha       misc/emu   127K+C= Plus4 Emulator - V0.78 > V0.79
imdbDiff000218.lha   misc/imdb  1.6M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
baby.lha             mods/chip    0K+Baby olympics
bamse97.lha          mods/chip    4K+Bamse 97
Strecken.lha         mods/funk  185K+Funky, unique mod by R.KAPP
sandam.lha           mods/house 403K+SD and phillips masterpiece
semla.lha            mods/house   1K+Semlahouse sthlm by SD
jazz_tip.lha         mods/jungl 1.1M+Jump up by SD
mappy.lha            mods/jungl 1.2M+'95 style happy hardcore by SD
ozone.lha            mods/jungl 891K+Happy breakbeats by SD
summer.lha           mods/jungl 506K+Jazzy dnb by SD
zebesxm.lha          mods/jungl 228K+Amnient jungle by SD
twig_bana.lha        mods/med   223K+Bananas, a tune by DJTwiglet
twig_temp.lha        mods/med   213K+TemporaryFlux, a tune by DJTwiglet
divert12.lha         mods/midi   37K+Divertimento12, GM song by Stefano Regat
divert3.lha          mods/midi   59K+Divertimento3, GM song by Stefano Regatt
felicida.lha         mods/midi   35K+Felicidad, GM song by Stefano Regattin
grisrmx.lha          mods/misc  252K+Grisen har kommit till staan! (SD remix)
Seitig.lha           mods/misc  833K+Very SPECIAL xm by R.KAPP
Sonnen.lha           mods/misc  240K+Liljedahl influenced mod by R.KAPP
XTM-Push_mus.lha     mods/misc  122K+Music taken from "Push" by Extreme
lnsM20_CaEp1.mpg     mods/mpg   2.9M+Beyond Repair - Casual music Ep (part 1/
lnsM21_CaEp2.mpg     mods/mpg   3.0M+Life through goggles - Casual music Ep (
berlin.lha           mods/techn 709K+Berlin (rmx) by SD and Troken in '97
rudolf.lha           mods/xm     46K+Xmas choon by SD
cha_bassdrum.lha     mus/edit    27K+OctaMED nsm plugin - bassdrum sample gen
cha_echo.lha         mus/edit    26K+OctaMED nsm plugin - better echo effect
cha_filter.lha       mus/edit    62K+OctaMED nsm plugin - better filter effec
GMP-G.lha            mus/midi   122K+GUI for GMPlay V1.3(a)
SecondSpin_Ins.lha   mus/misc   1.5M+Easily encode audio cds <-> mp1/mp2/mp3 
pgskins4.lha         mus/play    58K+2 Stephen King Skins for PlayGui v2.x
XFSkin.lha           mus/play    49K+X-Files Skin for PlayGUI 2.x
Agony-l1.lha         pix/anim   328K+Remember to Psygnosys-Game >> Agony <<
GIFanim4HTML01.lha   pix/anim   844K+GIF Anims for creation on HTML-Pages.
SanSalvador.lha      pix/anim   1.2M+IFF-Animation to a short-story
Pursuit.lha          pix/art     29K+Aerial duel F-14 vs AH-64 pic
QNXbench-previ.lha   pix/illu    53K+Workbench in QNX Neutrino style
FriendOrFoe.jpg      pix/mark   250K+6 Bajoran Fighters intercept Romulan War
BiIcons.lha          pix/nicon   29K+Three "Bi" Icons in GlowIcon format
Edelweiss.lha        pix/wb     226K+Edelweiss Snapshot 1.0
SIL51_WBGrab.jpg     pix/wb     195K+Workbench Screen grab on my PicassoIV.
WBGrab.jpg           pix/wb     298K+Screen grab of my BVision-WB
Change.lha           text/misc   41K+V2.38 change text/data in all files
wplatex.lha          text/misc   57K+Convert Amiga WordPerfect to LaTeX (1.0)
IconImgCopier.lha    util/app    27K+Icon image copier for OS2.0-3.5
CheckX.lha           util/arc    28K+V1.73 Check for Archives/Packers/Viruses
Packmaster127.lha    util/arc   152K+GUI for ADF,D64,LHA,RUN,LZX,DMS,ZIP,MIME
xadmaster.lha        util/arc   315K+V5.0 Powerful unarchiving system
ksc_FullName.lha     util/batch   3K+Get the 'full name' of a file
MiniMen.lha          util/batch  95K+A GUI menu program with many application
alba.lha             util/boot   55K+Lock your Amiga with a password ITA-ENG
ksc_ffm.lha          util/boot    3K+If you have no fastmemory
ShowAmiga96.lha      util/boot  505K+Picasso96 bootpic viewer v2.3c
ShowAmiga96_Up.lha   util/boot  344K+Picasso96 bootpic viewer update 2.3c
ksc_Beep.lha         util/cli     1K+Flashes the screen
ksc_BrdrBlnk.lha     util/cli     2K+Turn screen borders black
ksc_Colors.lha       util/cli     2K+Popup palette on front screen
ksc_CursOff.lha      util/cli     1K+Remove cli-window cursor
ksc_Cut.lha          util/cli     3K+Cut parts out of files
ksc_ExpLoad.lha      util/cli     1K+Preload explode.library
ksc_Flush.lha        util/cli     1K+Purge unused stuff from memory
ksc_GrepMem.lha      util/cli     4K+Search memory for text
ksc_In.lha           util/cli     2K+In DIRECTORY do COMMAND
ksc_NoBorder.lha     util/cli     2K+Remove borders on CLI window
ksc_Requesters.lha   util/cli     3K+Disk Requesters on/off
ksc_Reset.lha        util/cli     2K+Eeek! Reset-button!
ksc_ResetCop.lha     util/cli     1K+Restore WB screen
ksc_scrsh.lha        util/cli     4K+Open public screen with shell
ksc_TotalReset.lha   util/cli     1K+Wipe out memory contents & reboot
ksc_Uptime.lha       util/cli     2K+Show time elapsed since boot
ksc_WhatIs.lha       util/cli     3K+List files with FileID.library
ksc_Wildstar.lha     util/cli     2K+Turn on '*' file patternmatching
SRename.lha          util/cli   100K+Advanced rename/renumber CLI program.
stinfo.lha           util/cli     2K+Simple Cli device info utility
VersCheckV2.lha      util/cli   849K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
simplefind3.lha      util/dir   279K+V1.2 of the renewed File Finder
aiffdt41.lha         util/dtype  19K+Datatype for aiff sounds (41.3)
akJFIF-dt.lha        util/dtype 192K+AkJFIF-dt V44.77 (JPEG, 68000-060, PPC/W
akPNG-dt.lha         util/dtype 200K+AkPNG-dt V44.77 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/WOS
mauddt41.lha         util/dtype   4K+Datatype for maud sounds (41.2)
SoundDT41.lha        util/dtype  38K+Sounddt 41.9, svxdt 41.7
wavdt41.lha          util/dtype   8K+Datatype for wave sounds (41.5)
pmuser.lha           util/libs   46K+PopupMenu.library V9.03
AmiSearch11Dt.lha    util/misc    5K+German catalog for AmiSearch 1.1
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   39K+Runs Amiga qualifications tests, etc.
Convert35Icon.lha    util/sys    28K+Convert35Icon: Convert OS35 icons into N
RAWBInfo.lha         util/sys    48K+ReAction based icon information (1.9a)
ABeat.lha            util/time   12K+Simple Swatch-Beat clock.
CClock_Digits2.lha   util/time   22K+CyberClock extra digits images pack 2
simpleclock.lha      util/time   16K+Version 1.3 of the analog clock (OS3.5)
trackdisplaycl.lha   util/time   36K+V1.00 Use hardware track display as cloc
Safe.lha             util/virus  23K+Safe v12.8 - virus dicovering system
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 151K+VirusExecutor v2.01
clipper.lha          util/wb     40K+VERY Handy Listview tool to set the Clip
DirScanner.lha       util/wb     39K+Small and nice filefinder. V2.0
Gurus2000_1702.lha   util/wb    803K+Shows infos about Gurus (German + Engl.)
ksc_OldIcons.lha     util/wb      3K+Remove border from around WB icons.
Picticon14_HU.lha    util/wb      1K+Hungarian (magyar) catalog for Picticon 

[Meldung: 28. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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