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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 26.06.1999
xtm-16stone.lha      biz/dkg     68K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-Eternity.lha     biz/dkg     38K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-GreyMarble.lha   biz/dkg     41K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-tassels.lha      biz/dkg     35K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-TecnoBlue.lha    biz/dkg     34K+Additional texture for Extreme
MMail203.lha         comm/amiex  66K+Email Door for /X *UPDATE*
Camedia.lha          comm/misc   38K+Transfers pictures from digital camera (
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp    56K+SimpleFTP - New and easy to use FTP clie
YGM.lha              comm/tcp    80K+Checks POP3 mailboxes for new mail
aminet+v2.lha        comm/www   101K+Star Trek Interface for the aminet
Ibiza.lha            comm/www    22K+A MUST for every HTML-Designer
Dkg-prices.lha       docs/anno    1K+DarkAge Software pricelist (June)
HowToWriteEmu.lha    docs/help    7K+How to write a Computer Emulator
AtariLynx-FAQ.lha    docs/hyper  29K+Atari Lynx FAQ
GameBoy-FAQ.lha      docs/hyper  13K+GameBoy FAQ  V 2.0
M2-FAQ.lha           docs/hyper   6K+M2 videogame console FAQ (Ver 1.06)
NeoGeo-FAQ.lha       docs/hyper  19K+NeoGeo FAQ (Ver 3.3)
NES-Architectu.lha   docs/hyper   8K+NES system architecture  V 1.4
NES-SysDoc.lha       docs/hyper  20K+NES system documentation V 0.40
rhcp-bssm.lha        docs/hyper  10K+V1.0 Blood Sugar Sex Magik Lyrics Guide
Spectrum-FAQ.lha     docs/hyper  88K+Spectrum FAQ (Ver 3.10)
ascene0F.lha         docs/mags  1.3M+First Austrian Online Amigazine, May.99
WHDBetrayal.lha      game/patch  28K+HD Installer for Betrayal
WHDTrolls.lha        game/patch  30K+HD Installer for Trolls V1.2
SvII-PPC.lha         gfx/misc   637K+Update for SViewII/PPC V23.4 (PPC)
SvII-WOS.lha         gfx/misc   323K+Update for SViewII/PPC V23.4 (WOS)
RiVA.lha             gfx/show    21K+New FAST! MPEG Player for AGA/P96/CGFX
MCControl.lha        hard/hack  149K+V1.15 PSX MemoryCard Reader
flamingo.lha         misc/emu    89K+Commodore Plus/4 emulator V1.05
imdbDiff990604.lha   misc/imdb  1.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff990611.lha   misc/imdb  1.6M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff990618.lha   misc/imdb  1.6M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
SuperToto_New.lha    misc/misc  276K+Program TotoGol & TotoCalcio (only italy
EVO.lha              misc/sci    41K+The evolution of mankind
noiseBreed.lha       mods/techn 118K+A techno PT module by Breed
mindBreed.lha        mods/tranc  52K+A speed trance PT module by Breed
overBreed.lha        mods/tranc  40K+A cool trance PT module by Breed
AmTagEd.lha          mus/misc   250K+1.75 - MPEG audio ID3 tag editor
EP_TFMX.lha          mus/play     6K+EaglePlayer "TFMX" external replayer
FlutterPlugin.lha    mus/play    18K+Graphical effect plugin for AmigaAMP
ParallaxPlugin.lha   mus/play    18K+Graphical effect plugin for AmigaAMP
Megane.lha           pix/vehic   95K+2 JPEG scan of Cabriolet MEGANE RENAULT
img2html0_2.lha      text/hyper   8K+Makes html image tags automatically.
DictSqueeze.lha      text/misc   10K+Squeeze & UnSqueeze wordlist
prtman39.lha         text/print 152K+Printmanager for AmigaOS3 (39.26)              util/arc   141K+LhA / LhX v2.1 archiver, German docs (!)
WDelta.lha           util/cli    21K+Scompare/spatch replacement
TeleWords.lha        util/conv   15K+Converts phonenumbers to words and back
D2G.lha              util/misc   32K+D2G - Directory 2 Guide.
tnm.lha              util/misc   12K+MUI Make ThumbNails and HTML files.
afinch.lha           util/moni   35K+AFinch - Fibonacci benchmark for M68k/PP
aflops.lha           util/moni   86K+AFlops - Floating point benchmark for M6
Sgrab.lha            util/wb     46K+Screen grabber with GUI (1.10a)

[Meldung: 26. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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