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Davy Wentzler per eMail

Mit Version 2.0517 bekommt PlayHD neuen Namen (Audio Evolution) + neue Features
Audio hd-recording program PlayHD gets new name 'Audio Evolution' and new features!

It's my pleasure to announce that an update of the audio harddisk recording program PlayHD is available now on my homepage. The name has changed now from PlayHD to 'Audio Evolution' and besides this change, a whole lot of new features have been added since my last demo from January.

For the people who have never heard of PlayHD or Audio Evolution:
Audio Evolution is an audio harddisk recording system primarily aimed at musicians who want an easy-to-use multitrack recorder for home-studio applications. It's based on the AHI system by Martin Blom, which makes it possible to run Audio Evolution on every modern soundcard designed for Amiga computers. Because of the efficient mixing routines of AHI, it's possible to play up to 30 tracks at the same time on expanded systems, even without PowerPC technology. But that's not what makes it a good harddisk recording system: Audio Evolution also offers a versatile mixing desk including individual channel and master level display, mute, solo, panning, subgroups and realtime effects. Besides that, full mixer automation gives you mixing possibilities only limited by your imagination. Also take a look at the timeline display with its marker system for fast positioning in the song, locators and punch in/out features which saves you precious time in your recording session.

New features since January:
  • Completely new GUI for the mixer window
  • Volume display per channel with PPM meters
  • Resizable timeline
  • Subgroups
  • Realtime FX (no PPC yet :-( )
  • Bars&Pipes start synchronisation
  • CAMD start synchronisation
  • New Record window with record level display

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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