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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 11.04.1999
CutNPaste33.lha      biz/dopus   20K+Adds Cut'n'Paste to DOpus5.5+ (Version 3
BurnIt_Driv113.lha   biz/titan  100K+BurnItMasterdrivers V1.13 (29.03.99)
AmIRC_HU.lha         comm/irc    14K+Unofficial hungarian catalog for AmIRC
life1_1.lha          comm/maxs   23K+Uncrashes Maxs/Paragon BBS Doors
Camedia.lha          comm/misc   36K+Transfers pictures from digital camera (
jl.lha               comm/tcp    26K+JustLinux dyndns server client (MUI)
term48_HU.lha        comm/term   17K+Hungarian translation for term v4.8
icr.lha              comm/www    11K+Restores IBrowse cached WWW pages for lo
Lynx282dev21.lha     comm/www   979K+Fast WWW browser - Fixed -
mapPlugv13.lha       comm/www    71K+HTML client side image map editor v1.3
pEditorv10.lha       comm/www    45K+Free MUI based text editor v1.0
bm-qapmoc.lha        demo/aga    74K+Qapmoc 40K by Black Monks, 3rd place at 
JP7.lha              demo/mag   1.8M+Jurassic Pack#7 - diskmag by Faith, Gods
MUICD_HU.lha         disk/cdrom   6K+Hungarian translation for MUI CD v1.13
OptyCD2_HU.lha       disk/cdrom   3K+Hungarian translation for OptyCD v2.1
agpg.lha             docs/hyper 108K+Amiga Games Patches Guide
agpg_txt.lha         docs/hyper 484K+Amiga Games Patches Guide -AddOn Textes
REDD_Gde.lha         docs/hyper  14K+Red Dwarf Episode Guide (52)
DevGuide.lha         docs/lists  75K+Guide about  303 Amiga Devices   -21-
DTypeGuide.lha       docs/lists  74K+Guide about  240 Amiga datatypes -23-
LibGuide.lha         docs/lists 228K+Guide about 2309 Amiga libraries -37-
ShopsMailbox.lha     docs/lists 307K+New Shops and Mailbox guide 12.04.1999
NintendoMag.lha      docs/mags   76K+New  Nintendo Magazin   12.04.1999
gm_backdrop12.lha    game/data  452K+Replacement Backdrops for F1GP
gm_backdrop13.lha    game/data  501K+Replacement Backdrops for F1GP
GuiCreator.lha       game/misc  162K+A program to make Gui s for commands/pro
civhack.lha          game/patch 196K+Saved game editor for Civilization
jst.lha              game/patch 142K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
jst_dev.lha          game/patch 514K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
Crazy8.lha           game/think 479K+Card game  you vs. computer
Crazy8.samps2.lha    game/think 277K+Another alternate sample set for Crazy 8
Crazy8.samps3.lha    game/think 252K+More samples for Crazy 8's
CrazyUPD.lha         game/think 172K+Update Crazy8 v2.7/v2.8 to v2.9c
CGraphX224u.lha      gfx/board  147K+CyberGraphX Extension Update 
CGraphX225u.lha      gfx/board  147K+CyberGraphX Extension Update 
VE-VCard.lha         gfx/edit     2K+Visual Eng. - Visual Card v1.50
card_prep.lha        gfx/ifx      3K+Prepare Reko or Soliton cardset pics
SvII-1.lha           gfx/misc   261K+SViewII V8.35 (10.4.99) - Part 1/8
SvII-2.lha           gfx/misc   202K+SViewII V8.35 (10.4.99) - Part 2/8
SvII-3a.lha          gfx/misc   135K+SViewII V8.35 (10.4.99) - Part 3a/8
SvII-3b.lha          gfx/misc   213K+SViewII V8.35 (10.4.99) - Part 3b/8
SvII-4.lha           gfx/misc    41K+SViewII V8.35 (10.4.99) - Part 4/8
SvII-5.lha           gfx/misc    51K+SViewII V8.35 (10.4.99) - Part 5/8
SvII-7.lha           gfx/misc   113K+SViewII V8.35 (10.4.99) - Part 7/8 (opti
SvII-8.lha           gfx/misc   211K+SViewII V8.35 (10.4.99) - Part 8/8 (opti
Upgrade40.lha        gfx/misc     2K+Run Photogenics 1.2aSE with OS release 3
TrueReality.lha      misc/emu   121K+Nintendo 64 emulator - Version 990322.2 
uae-app_014.lha      misc/emu    29K+UAE-ADF Mount+Unmount Workbench-Interfac
AmiKanji_beta.lha    misc/misc  4.6M+XJDic1.1 and other utils for japanese
TotoSei.lha          misc/misc   74K+TotoSei v2.0 DEMO (ITALIAN)
dachip.lha           mods/elbie   2K+A nice chiptune by elbie^t13n!
fog.lha              mods/elbie   3K+A nice chiptune by elbie^t13n!
happy.lha            mods/elbie   5K+A nice chiptune by elbie^t13n!
hidden.lha           mods/elbie   4K+A nice chiptune by elbie^t13n!
planet.lha           mods/elbie   1K+A nice chiptune by elbie^t13n!
crs_ast1.lha         mods/techn 2.0M+CRS00043: Atomic Shelter Tunes vol. 1
AmTagEdFR173p.lha    mus/misc     6K+Full french catalogs for AmTagEd V1.73
AmigaAMP.lha         mus/play   331K+MPEG audio player with GUI (68k/PPC)
Amoralplay1.1.lha    mus/play   105K+-*AMOREL*- No fuss multiformat(OSS etc.!
D-Shuttle.jpg        pix/mark   306K+A Shuttlecraft flying away
anc_fatality.lha     pix/misc   154K+[ANCOR] a new pic with Sandra
CatManGED.lha        text/edit    9K+Essential download for all translators
heddley120fr.lha     text/hyper  17K+French catalog for Heddley 1.20
HTML2Guide.lha       text/hyper  19K+HTML to AmigaGuide convertor v2.0
flshlib.lha          util/sys     1K+Flush a library from system (+ source E)
DCF77.lha            util/time  380K+Radio clock receiver, clock, time signal
Gurus99_15O4.lha     util/wb    469K+Shows infos about Gurus (German + Engl.)

[Meldung: 11. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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