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16.Jul.2013 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: HD-Audio-Treiber für AmigaOne X1000 fertiggestellt
Der zunächst noch auf die Wiedergabe beschränkte Treiber für den HD-Audio-Chip 92HD700 des Nemo-Boards ( berichtete) wurde nun um das Aufnehmen sowie die Unterstützung des optischen S/PDIF-Ausgangs ergänzt. Über die Online-Aktualisierung AmiUpdate steht er registrierten Kunden zur Verfügung. (snx)

[Meldung: 16. Jul. 2013, 07:06] [Kommentare: 4 - 17. Jul. 2013, 14:24]
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15.Jul.2013 (Forum)

AmigaOS 4: Interview mit Massimiliano Scarano (Update)
Nach Guillaume Boesel hat die italienische Nachrichtenseite "Amiga News.IT" ein Interview mit Massimiliano Scarano geführt, dem Entwickler von unter anderem BigSister und NetSpeedometer. Das Gespräch liegt unter dem Titellink lediglich auf italienisch vor, die automatische Übersetzung (deutsch, englisch) ist jedoch relativ verständlich.

Update: (09:59, 19.07.13, snx)
Inzwischen liegt auch eine englische Übersetzung vor. (snx)

[Meldung: 15. Jul. 2013, 13:07] [Kommentare: 1 - 19. Jul. 2013, 09:39]
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Aminet-Uploads bis 13.07.2013
Die nachfolgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 13.07.2013 dem Aminet hinzugefügt:
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[Meldung: 15. Jul. 2013, 12:28] [Kommentare: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads bis 13.07.2013
Die nachfolgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 13.07.2013 dem OS4Depot hinzugefügt:
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[Meldung: 15. Jul. 2013, 12:27] [Kommentare: 0]
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MorphOS-Files-Uploads bis 13.07.2013
Die nachfolgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 13.07.2013 den MorphOS-Files hinzugefügt:
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[Meldung: 15. Jul. 2013, 12:27] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

MorphOS: Nintendo-Emulator FCEU 1.3c
Kelly Samel stellt eine neue Version seiner MorphOS-Portierung von FCE Ultra, einem Emulator des Nintendo-Entertainment-Systems (NES), zur Verfügung. FCE Ultra zeichnet sich durch hohe Kompatibilität, Tonausgabe sowie Save-RAM- und Save-State-Unterstützung aus. Die Version 1.3c beinhaltet kleinere Korrekturen für G5-Rechner- und Laptop-Bildschirmmodi. (snx)

[Meldung: 14. Jul. 2013, 07:23] [Kommentare: 1 - 15. Jul. 2013, 08:22]
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14.Jul.2013 (Forum)

PC OpenSystems LLC: Vertriebsabkommen mit Cloanto für Amiga Forever (Update)
Wie PC OpenSystems LLC - welches Unternehmen mit der Umbenennungsankündigung seiner Linux-Distribution als "Amiga OpenLinux" Aufmerksamkeit erregte - unter dem Titellink mitteilt, habe man die entsprechenden Lizenzen erworben, den Emulator FS-UAE sowie Cloantos AmigaOS-Paket Amiga Forever zusammen mit dem eigenen Betriebssystem zu vertreiben.

Dementsprechend kann beides nun zum Aufpreis von 55 US-Dollar zusätzlich zu OS4 OpenLinux bestellt werden, die Auslieferung erfolge ab Dienstag.

Update: (15.07.2013, 21:45, cg)

Wie uns Michael Battilana von Cloanto mitteilt, habe es mit Roberto Dohnert von PC OpenSystems zwar einen "ersten Kontakt" gegeben, ein Vertrag zwischen beiden Parteien sei jedoch nicht zustande gekommen. Er vermutet, dass PC OpenSystems die Amiga Forever-Lizenzen online bei einem der Vertriebspartner kauft und dann an die eigenen Kunden weiter veräußert. Dass würde laut Battilana auch die höheren Preise erklären. (snx)

[Meldung: 14. Jul. 2013, 07:09] [Kommentare: 30 - 19. Jul. 2013, 16:07]
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12.Jul.2013 (Webseite)

Emulator: Ausblick auf WinUAE 2.7.0
Wie üblich geben die Entwickler des bekannten Amiga-Emulators WinUAE wieder einen kurzen Ausblick auf die für die nächste Version geplanten Änderungen. WinUAE 2.7.0 soll im Herbst 2013 erscheinen und neben kleiner Änderungen und Fehlerbereinigungen folgende Neuerungen enthalten: Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 12. Jul. 2013, 22:18] [Kommentare: 15 - 15. Jul. 2013, 23:16]
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12.Jul.2013 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Huenison erhältlich
Huenison ist ein Arcade-Spiel im Retro-Look für AmigaOS 4 und Windows, das nach Angaben des Entwicklers Elemente von Arkanoid, Decathlon, Dynablaster, Impossible Mission, Oil's Well, Pac-Man, Pang, Qix, Slam Tilt, Space Invaders, Tetris und Vital Light vereint.

Nach der kostenlosen Demoversion kann wie angekündigt nun auch das fertige Spiel erworben werden, der AmigaOS-4-Fassung liegt die Windows-Variante bei. (snx)

[Meldung: 12. Jul. 2013, 07:44] [Kommentare: 4 - 14. Jul. 2013, 15:28]
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Michael Rupp (ANF)

Javascript: TAWS - The Amiga Workbench Simulation 0.22
TAWS ("The Amiga Workbench Simulation") ist eine reine Javascript-Simulation der Amiga-Workbench 1.x - 4.x für den Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera und Apple-WebKit-Browser. Feedback jeglicher Art ist dem Autor jederzeit willkommen.
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[Meldung: 12. Jul. 2013, 07:34] [Kommentare: 1 - 12. Jul. 2013, 09:25]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: AmigaAMP 3.9
Thomas Wenzel hat sein Musikwiedergabeprogramm AmigaAMP aktualisiert. Neben Fehlerbereinigungen werden in der Version 3.9 Dateien beim Laden von Verzeichnissen automatisch alphabetisch sortiert. Zudem wurden die Handhabung von WSZ-Skins überarbeitet und ein neuer Skin sowie zusätzliche Piktogrammsätze von DjNick, TommySammy und Samo79 ergänzt. (snx)

[Meldung: 11. Jul. 2013, 21:52] [Kommentare: 0]
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Pegasosforum (Forum)

MorphOS: OpenXcom 0.9
Im Zuge des entsprechenden Bounty-Projekts hat Paweł 'Stefkos' Stefański OpenXcom an MorphOS angepasst. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen quelloffenen Klon des Microprose-Spiels UFO: Enemy Unknown auf SDL-Basis. Zusätzlich benötigt werden die Originaldateien von X-COM: UFO Defense.

Download: openxcom.lha (7 MB) (snx)

[Meldung: 11. Jul. 2013, 21:45] [Kommentare: 2 - 19. Jul. 2013, 02:45]
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11.Jul.2013 (Forum)

Windows: Kickstarter-Projekt für das Bone and Sprite Integration System
BASIS, das Bone and Sprite Integration System, ist ein Windows-Programm zur Erstellung von Sprites für 2D-Animationen. Hierbei werden keine Einzelgrafiken für jegliche Ansicht der Spielfigur erstellt, sondern nur die Körperteile gezeichnet, während die Zwischensequenzen der Bewegungen berechnet werden.

Unter dem Titellink wurde nun ein Kickstarter-Projekt eingerichtet, um die Entwicklung der Software, deren Fortsetzung auf jeden Fall geplant sei, ggf. zu beschleunigen. Für Amiga-Anwender interessant: auch wenn das eigentliche Programm nur für Windows vorliegt und eine Portierung bestenfalls für Linux und Mac OS X in Betracht gezogen wird, so existiert doch ein Hollywood-Plugin, d.h. einmal angefertigte Sprites können auch für Amiga-Spiele genutzt werden. (snx)

[Meldung: 11. Jul. 2013, 09:08] [Kommentare: 9 - 15. Jul. 2013, 09:42]
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11.Jul.2013 (Forum)

Hyperion Entertainment: Aufnahme von EntwicklerX in das Betriebssystem-Team
Über Hyperions Blog teilen Thomas 'imagodespira' Claus und Frank 'Goos McGuile' Menzel unter dem Titellink ihre Aufnahme ins Team der AmigaOS-4-Entwickler mit. Als EntwicklerX haben sie zuvor bereits mehrere Spiele veröffentlicht, darunter Swamp Defense und Tap Jewels ( berichtete). (snx)

[Meldung: 11. Jul. 2013, 06:11] [Kommentare: 74 - 17. Jul. 2013, 14:40]
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Edgar Schwan (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: XSane 0.999 für AmiCygnix
Edgar Schwan hat für seine X11-Umgebung AmiCygnix die Scanner-Software XSane aktualisiert. Enthalten sind die Versionen 0.999 von XSane und 1.0.23 der Sane-Backends. Bitte beachten Sie, dass zur Zeit nur Scanner mit USB-Anschluss oder Netzwerk-Interface genutzt werden können.

Die wichtigste Neuerung der vorliegenden Version ist ein jetzt funktionierendes Genesys-Backend, wodurch viele Canon-LiDE- und weitere Scanner unterstützt werden. Aber auch andere Backends wurden verbessert.
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[Meldung: 11. Jul. 2013, 05:49] [Kommentare: 2 - 11. Jul. 2013, 11:40]
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10.Jul.2013 (Webseite)

AROS: AEROS-Betaversion 3 für Raspberry Pi
Registrierten Kunden bzw. Käufern via eBay steht nun die dritte Betaversion von Pascal Paparas Debian-Linux-gehosteter AROS-Distribution AEROS für den Minicomputer Raspberry Pi zur Verfügung (Video). Aufgrund des Zwei-Versionen-Abstandes zur kostenlosen Version bleibt es für alle anderen Anwender zunächst bei der Betaversion 1.

Nach Angaben des Anbieters kommt AEROS mit 40 MB RAM aus: Debian und AROS benötigen zusammen 68 MB, wovon 32 für AROS reserviert sind, jedoch nur vier im Grundzustand tatsächlich genutzt werden.
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[Meldung: 10. Jul. 2013, 19:18] [Kommentare: 3 - 11. Jul. 2013, 02:02]
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10.Jul.2013 (Webseite)

MorphOS: TeX Live 2012
TeX Live, die umfangreichste verfügbare TeX-Distribution, wurde von Oliver Urbann für MorphOS portiert und kann als Torrent-Datei unter dem Titellink heruntergeladen werden.

Einige Komponenten des Textsatzsystems fehlen zwar noch, beispielsweise einige Unicode-Werkzeuge, Xetex und Luatex, aber die wichtigsten Teile laufen, so etwa PDFLatex, Bibtex und alle TeX/LaTeX-Pakete. (snx)

[Meldung: 10. Jul. 2013, 08:30] [Kommentare: 11 - 13. Jul. 2013, 13:09]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

DigiBoosterPro 2.21 als Download-Version erhältlich
Nach CygnusEd bietet APC&TCP nun auch vom Tracker-Programm Digibooster zusätzlich zur Distribution auf CD auch eine Download-Version an. Es handelt sich hierbei um die 14 Jahre alte Version 2.21, an Digibooster 3 wird noch gearbeitet. (cg)

[Meldung: 08. Jul. 2013, 21:14] [Kommentare: 13 - 13. Jul. 2013, 13:11]
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08.Jul.2013 (ANF)

Printmagazin: aMiGa=PoWeR 51
Das französische Printmagazin aMiGa=PoWer wird seit 1998 von der Association Française du Libre Essai (AFLE) herausgegeben und weltweit vertrieben. Die Themen der 51. Ausgabe, die komplett in Farbe auf Laserdruckern gedruckt wird, lauten unter anderem: Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 08. Jul. 2013, 21:01] [Kommentare: 0]
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08.Jul.2013 (Webseite)

Rechte-Poker: Bill McEwen gründet und verkauft "Amiga Games Inc."
Am 20. Juni dieses Jahres wurde eine von Bill McEwen gegründete Firma namens "Amiga Games Inc." ins Firmenregister eingetragen. Sitz des Unternehmens ist Maple Valley im Bundesstaat Washington. Man verfügt auch über eine Webseite, auf der bisher allerdings nur eine HTML-Implementation des BoingBall-Demos zu sehen ist. Weiterlesen ... (cg)

[Meldung: 08. Jul. 2013, 20:56] [Kommentare: 25 - 11. Jul. 2013, 15:04]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Unterstützung der Delock-PCI-Express-Soundkarte 7.1
Wie ein Anwender über Hyperions Blog unter dem Titellink mitteilt, läuft auch die PCI-Express-Soundkarte 7.1 von Delock mit dem kürzlich veröffentlichten Envy24HT-Audiotreiber. (snx)

[Meldung: 08. Jul. 2013, 08:05] [Kommentare: 7 - 09. Jul. 2013, 15:11]
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IRC-Mittschnitt: Gespräch mit Steven Solie, Teamleiter AmigaOS 4
Als Ausgleich für das Gespräch mit Roberto Dohnert (Linux-Distribution "OS4") hatte das Team des englischsprachigen IRC-Kanals "Ashachat" diese Woche Steven Solie vom AmigaOS 4-Team zu Gast. Solie erläutert dass A-EON hoffe, vom gerade angekündigten Cyrus-Motherboard bis Oktober einige Exemplare an Betatester ausgeliefert zu haben. Um abzuschätzen, welche Funktionen Bestandteil von AmigaOS 4.2 sein werden, sei es "noch zu früh". Das Netbook-Projekt liege vorerst auf Eis, da der Hersteller der Hardware seine Forderungen und Angaben ständig geändert habe.

Der komplette Mittschnitt:
(08.07.2013, 00:00 Uhr, #Team*AMIGA auf

<Kelli217> Okay, welcome to the second in a hopefully two-episode series of Q&As with people of note to the Amiga community.
<Kelli217> With us today is Steven Solie. ssolie, give a little opening spiel, then we'll get to questions.
<ssolie> A speech? ok.. ok...
<Kelli217> nothing big, a paragraph or two
<ssolie> I call myself the AmigaOS Development Team Lead
<ssolie> that means I herd cats.. I mean try to organize all the professionals working on AmigaOS
<ssolie> I usually converse with everyone associated with AmigaOS in one way or another.
<ssolie> My hope is that I can answer some questions which the Amiga community at large have.
<ssolie> so, fire away...
<Kelli217> <CDeth> have you been in contact with the developers of ultimateppc, on getting it to work with os4x?
<ssolie> I remember those guys. They emailed me a while back asking if 4.x would run on their hardware.
<ssolie> We have not really chatted since. Perhaps they are waiting on me or I am waiting on them?
<ssolie> In any case, I haven't seen any hardware yet.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <alef> Hi, Steven. I guess I am off topic; NAF ( sent 2 emails to both Amiga Inc. and Hyperion about licensing Amiga name for promo products like this: ...but no answer...Can we get an official license? We want to build a promo product series for sale, but want to do it legally
<ssolie> yeah, that can be tricky I know
<ssolie> both Amiga Inc. and Hyperion have lawyers that must approve things and they are a tad shy sometimes
<ssolie> for Amiga Inc, you should use their contact form on their web site... hopefully that is enough to get their attention
<ssolie> for Hyperion you could try emailing me and I'll forward on the request to Ben Hermans
<ssolie> I know Hyperion have granted license but I'm not so sure about Amiga Inc.
<ssolie> licenses that is
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <eliyahu> can you comment on which of the major features mentioned back at amiwest 2010 -- and recently on the hyperion blog -- will make it into AmigaOS 4.2? multi-core support? an openGL stack? the long awaited, A-EON-funded, W3D drivers for radeonHD cards, etc.?
<ssolie> If I knew myself I would tell you. :-)
<ssolie> Basically, we work hard on all the features and at some point Hyperion says "ship it" and we figure out which pieces are high enough quality to include.
<Ken> hold up for a few min guys :-)
<ssolie> So I could take a guess at which ones are going to make it but really it is early.
<ssolie> I was just talking to Timothy (a Hyperion director) and they are getting anxious to ship something so that's good news I suppose
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <broadblues> Do you consider yourself an amiga god or merely a saint?
<Kelli217> ;)
<ssolie> lol... I seem to remember asking this of myself today. :-)
<ssolie> It's a joke guys. Calm down moo bunny crowd. :-)
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <eliyahu> can you comment as to 1) why hyperion has ceased open communication regarding planned features and development milestones reached, and 2) will hyperion reconsider?
<ssolie> There was some discussion about this recently.
<ssolie> Hyperion was posting on about all sorts of things.
<ssolie> As many know, it didn't work out very well... ;-)
<ssolie> So it seems the mode of operation will be shut up until it ships again. Sorry, but that is the current policy.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> The next 423 questions come from eliyahu. Wait just a moment while I try to get them ready.
<Kelli217> <eliyahu> can you comment on if updated printer drivers via gutenprint, CUPS, or the like will be integrated into AOS4 at some point? in the OS4.2 release?
<ssolie> It is certainly on my radar now.
<ssolie> I would like to see some more investment in printing.
<ssolie> However, we don't really have the devs to handle printing at the moment. It is not a job most devs want to be honest.
<ssolie> Once Gutenprint is up to snuff we will of course want to see that included.
<ssolie> I haven't seen much discussion about CUPS recently.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <eliyahu> can you discuss just how far along development of AOS got to support the netbook project before it was cancelled? when and why was it cancelled?
<ssolie> It boots up to Workbench.
<ssolie> The project has not been cancelled to my knowledge.
<ssolie> It is officially "on hold" last time we chatted about it.
<ssolie> I know A-Eon did some work to try and revive that project and that didn't work out.
<ssolie> The main problem seems to be that the manufacturer keeps changing their story (and pricing).
<ssolie> So, if (big if) they come back to Earth we still might see that go forward is my understanding.
<ssolie> It is a real shame the rules were changed after the announcement at AmiWest... I guess that is why Hyperion doesn't like to say things.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <eliyahu> are there any SDK updates planned in the near future? what would be included/updated?
<ssolie> I plan to release an updated SDK before the AmiWest show in October to support the programming classes being offered.
<ssolie> I was going to do the work myself so I can say that.
<ssolie> I just have to finish up a couple of other things first.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <eliyahu> how many developers are still actively contributing to AOS4 development? how many active beta testers do you currently have?
<ssolie> I don't believe I am allowed to divulge figures on anything.
<ssolie> However, I can point out we have had 44 updates since Update 6 and I just added two new developers to the team this week.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <eliyahu> will there be any look-and-feel changes in the GUI for OS4.2? what is planned?
<ssolie> Yes, our artist friends just love to change that look every major release.
<ssolie> I'm not sure myself what they have planned but I'm sure it will look great.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> Okay, wow, those 423 questions went by fast. Next one up is... <alef> who is the correct source to contact regarding Amiga license? Amiga Inc or Hyperion?
<ssolie> That is difficult to answer because it depends on which mark you want to license.
<ssolie> If you are talking the Amiga mark then Amiga Inc. is the place to go shopping.
<ssolie> If you are looking for AmigaOne or the Boing Ball then Hyperion can help you out.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <ddni> do betatesters have warp3d on their x1000?
<ssolie> I suppose that is a sneaky way of asking when A-Eon's Warp3D driver will be ready.
<ssolie> That would be A-Eon's question to answer.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <vapor> Now that AmigaOS has sudo open hardware why aren't more drivers being developed for varoius cards etc..? From this user...The NG hardware is not an A500.
<ssolie> Hmmm... not sure about the question there.
<ssolie> Maybe you mean 3rd party PCI cards and such.
<ssolie> Well, don't depend on Hyperion to do all the work. If there is some PCI card out there you like try posting the forums and see if you can get the attention of 3rd party devs.
<ssolie> What I can do is help the 3rd party devs.
<ssolie> We can provide access to details and even do special fixes if they need them.
<ssolie> I am also working on an updated Amiga device example for the wiki all in C.
<ssolie> This will help out 3rd party devs as well.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <TheKorn> Are you currently using an Amiga for this Q&A session? If so which model?
<ssolie> I'm using an iPad at the moment.
<ssolie> My Amigas are busy compiling OS code and I have one driving another.
<ssolie> I figured if they crashed and burned you would no appreciate the in/out messages.
<ssolie> not
<ssolie> I have an AmigaOne 500 and an AmigaOne X1000 working together at the moment.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <ddni> we all assume 4.2 will come as a package. is this still the case or will auto update deliver it iteratively?
<ssolie> The plan is to deliver 4.2 as a package again (e.g. ISO, instruction booklet, etc.)
<ssolie> I would also like to see a "download only" option to save a few bucks.
<ssolie> I don't know if Hyperion will go for that but I try. :-)
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <Derfs> can you tell us anything about a workbench replacement?
<ssolie> I'm not keen on scrapping code. You lose many man-years of work when you toss code.
<ssolie> I'm hoping we can enhance the current Workbench to the point it is more modern.
<ssolie> There is a bit of disagreement in the dev team on this but such are these things.
<ssolie> At least some work is being done in that direction now.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <^ktadd> I've made good use of the programming modules at AmiWest. Any chance of doing a debug module this year?
<ssolie> That is actually the focus this year at AmiWest.
<ssolie> at in the Tutorials section you'll see a quick synopsis of what is planned
<ssolie> look under the "AmiWest 2013 Programming Conference Synopsis"
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <alef> I guess I am off topic; I put myself on the AmigaOne X1000 order list. Any news about delivery and/or production run?
<ssolie> That is an A-Eon question but I think I can elaborate a little without being shot. :)
<ssolie> The demand for the X1000 continues to be strong.
<ssolie> They will keep making more as long as demand is there... I think you have a good chance of getting one.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <duga> Will you drop support for any of the hardware supported in 4.1 when you release 4.2?
<ssolie> I had the question when I talked to Timothy today...
<ssolie> A decision is still pending on what platforms will still be supported.
<ssolie> The big question is classic.
Sales are still strong so it is difficult to just say "No more platform X" when they give you money. :)
<ssolie> So as of right now, everything is still supported. We certainly didn't branch the code base or anything.
<ssolie> However, management could decide otherwise. The code will be ready either way.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <noXLar> will ahi audio system be updated?
<ssolie> I have heard some rumbling from a certain developer regarding AHI recently myself.
<ssolie> There is no current focus on replacing/repairing AHI but I suspect that could change.
<ssolie> We have been updating the driver recently.
<ssolie> drivers even
<ssolie> The Envy24HT and HDAudio drivers for example.
<ssolie> As long as AHI isn't "in the way" we will keep it as is.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <broadblues> What can you tell us about Cyrus?
<ssolie> He is some Greek architect.
<ssolie> long dead
<ssolie> or do you mean the new boards?
<ssolie> :)
<ssolie> Again, an A-Eon question but I can speak a little to it.
<ssolie> We have a Freescale P5020 on those guys.
<ssolie> The hope is to have beta systems running by AmiWest timeframe.
<ssolie> but you never know with brand new hardware... it takes a little while to hammer out the issues
<ssolie> The cost should be between a Sam460ex and an X1000 I believe but A-Eon needs to confirm that one.
<ssolie> I am really excited about Cyrus myself. that is one great board..
<ssolie> A-Eon will be blogging/new releasing about it soon I expect.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <ddni> any comments on Hollywood being made available for sale again? Is its approach to coding valued by core devs?<ddni> any comments on Hollywood being made available for sale again? Is its approach to coding valued by core devs?
<Kelli217> OOps, double paste...
<ssolie> I just found about Hollywood this morning.
<ssolie> I certainly value Hollywood and I have a copy.
<ssolie> I also know some really hate Hollywood for some reason.
<ssolie> I suppose it is the whole idea of a layer on top of the OS or something.
<ssolie> I'm not sure what the other core developers think about Hollywood but I've never heard anything negative from them.
<ssolie> It is great product overall. Highly recommended.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <ddni> Current support for hyperions game back catalogue is patchy in os4. Will this improve? shogo heretic2 etc
<ssolie> This may be surprising but I don't really speak for Hyperion directly.
<ssolie> So I don't know what they have planned for their catalog really.
<ssolie> I keep focused on AmigaOS as much as possible.
<ssolie> We will keep adding better support for their games of course as necessary.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <Derfs> do you see contribs for AmigaOS 4.2 using Qt? what do you think of alfkil's work?
<ssolie> I fully support the Qt effort.
<ssolie> Hyperion have said as much as well.
<ssolie> It is really great work and I have worked with Alfkil directly to help him out.
<ssolie> Alfkil tends to find bugs in the deepest places in the OS... he's good.
<ssolie> At one point we discussed using Qt as a GUI replacement even.
<ssolie> That may or may not happen but shows you the importance of that effort.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <tekmage> the P5020 is the e5500 core, will the e500MC or e6500 be supported as well?
<ssolie> Hmm... that's a lot of number and letter combinations there.
<ssolie> In other words, I don't really know the details and can't answer at this time.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <vapor> Should the AmigaOS community align itself with any particular Linux distro in a co-operative manner? Your opinion?
<ssolie> I suspect this has something to do with last week's special guest.
<ssolie> I think the AmigaOS community can do whatever it wants to do.
<ssolie> I can only help to try and build the best AmigaOS we can and give the users something to use and enjoy.
<ssolie> If you guys want to go cooperate with the "OS4" Linux distribution that is your business
<ssolie> Personally, I don't have time to be distracted.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> ALL: No more question submissions, please... we want to wrap things up soon.
<Kelli217> <noXLar> will Dockies be updated with the upcoming AOS 4.2?
<ssolie> I haven't looked into Dockies in a while to be honest.
<ssolie> Yes, we should at least fix some more bugs in that area.
<ssolie> Thanks for the reminder. :)
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <ddni> amicygnix. manna from heaven or devil spawn?
<ssolie> I have personally donated to AmiCygnix several times. The value of X-Windows should not be overlooked.
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> <duga> Any news on Spotify support in OS 4.1 (own client or the web player that's relying on Flash support)?
<ssolie> I have not had a status report from the Spotify guys in a while.
<ssolie> I suspect they are busy with other platforms but I don't know.
<ssolie> next questino
<ssolie> question
<Kelli217> Actually, I cleared my question queue a tiny bit early. Any final comments or summaries?
<ssolie> I tried to type fast. :)
<Kelli217> :)
<ssolie> Sorry I don't have all the direct answers...
<Kelli217> Well, instead of answers, any heartfelt pleas for understanding and compassion? ;)
<ssolie> well... could you guys please stop fighting on ?
<ssolie> it is really getting out of hand... come on.
<Kelli217> Ah, one last question and a thank you
<ssolie> I couldn't believe the amount of bickering in the Silicon Dreams/VCF topic
<JimS> If Amigans didn't fight, they wouldn't be Amigans. ;-D
<Kelli217> <noXLar> would the network stack be updated to modern standard?
<ssolie> Depends what you consider to be modern of course... I assume IPv6
<ssolie> I don't see much point in updating the stack to just support IPv4
<ssolie> I do want to add better wireless support.
<ssolie> beyond that, we need a new IPv6 stack and that project is a ways off
<ssolie> next question
<Kelli217> And finally, this thank you: <alef> I gotta say I think we all appreciate the work of Steven Solie and all the rest of the coders. We wish you all luck in your hard work towards a better future for the NG Amiga.
<ssolie> back to asha chat?
<Kelli217> yep.
<Valiant> Agreed, thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to update us
<ssolie> thanks Kelli217 !!!
<Ken> thanks ssolie :-D
<JimS> Yep, thanks for visiting us
<Kelli217> We now return you to your reagularly scheduled craziness. (cg)

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