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27.-29.09.24 • Classic Computing • Pfedelbach
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31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)


AROS nun wieder vollständig online
Nach Problemen mit der Hardware des Servers ist AROS nun wieder vollständig online. In die User-Mailingliste kann man sich über eintragen.

AROS ist ein weit fortgeschrittenes Open-Source-Projekt, das eine portable Neuimplementierung des AmigaOS erstellt. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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The Phoenix Platform Consortium
Eine Gruppe von namhaften Persönlichkeiten hat sich in diesem Konsortium zusammengefunden, um Hilfe und Vorschläge für die Entwicklung einer Referenzplattform für die Amiga-User zu geben, die ihren Amiga upgraden möchten. Die Gruppe hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Verantwortung für diese Plattform zu übernehmen.

Das Phoenix-Plattform-Konsortium wird damit die Verantwortung dafür übernehmen, Amiga-Anwendern und -Entwicklern, Hilfestellung und Empfehlungen für Referenzplattformen zu geben.

Somit wird es zwar keinen "neuen" Amiga geben, aber es werden die Weichen für eine Plattform gelegt, die dem Amigafeeling Rechnung trägt. Die Liste der Mitglieder ist wirklich beeindruckend und vielversprechend.

Nachtrag (31.07.2011, cg): Originale Pressemitteilung ergänzt.

The Phoenix Platform Consortium
13 September, 1999

We are pleased to announce the acceptance of provisional charter for the Phoenix Platform Consortium.

Phoenix signatories believe it is time to place our destiny back in the hands of folks who understand what the Amiga is all about. You will notice members of the original Jay Miner team within our ranks.

Unlike other new entities we will not field questions from newsgroups, mailing lists, or in email, nor will we be erecting a marketing facade to false hopes. Results and honest direction are our mandate.

The Phoenix Platform Consortium will assume responsibility for aid and recommendation for reference platforms for the Amiga users who wish to upgrade their present Amigas, as we establish an open migration path to a new platform. That platform will in spirit and in feel be a new Amiga experience while incorporating and surpassing the features found on the desktop elsewhere today.

More information will be posted when we have facts to present. Please do NOT email the participants in curiosity. We ask for your patience in this matter. Please respect the wishes of the participants named below. There is much to do and we have just begun.

As information becomes available it will be posted on mailing lists, newsgroups, and at the following website: which will be up shortly. This announcement is freely repostable.

Thanks, from the Phoenix Platform Consortium, currently:

Alan Crandall JMS
Alan Swithenbank Stanford Comp Systems Lab
Albert Bailey Flying Mice
Andy Finkel Met@box
Aron Digulla AROS
Bart G Colbert BG Colbert
Berardino Baratta MetroWerks
Bill Bull QNX
Bill McEwen Amino
Bohdan Lechnowsky REBOL
Bruce Ellsworth AmiTrace/ACSVideo
Carl Sassenrath REBOL
Christian Kemp ANN
Clash Bowley Flying Mice
Dan Dodge QNX
Daryl Low QNX Internship
Dave Cook GuruMeditationError
Dave Haynie Met@box
dinglis QNX
Don Cox Don Cox Computer Productions
Drew S Tarmey IAT Manufacturing
Dr Greg Perry GPSoftware
Ed MacKenty MacKenty Software Services
Eric Herget Ki Networks
Fleecy Moss Amino
Frank Friesacher QNX
Fred Wright The Wright Solution
Gary Peake Team AMIGA/OwlNet
Geert Bevin Thunderstorms/The Leaf
Giorgio Gomelsky JMS
Glenn Davidson Cloud Media
G`o`tz Ohnesorge
greenboy Phoenix
Hal Greenlee HardDrivers
Holger Kruse Nordic Global
Igor Kovalenko Motorola iDEN
Joanne Dow Wizardess Designs
Joe Gulizia SCOLA
Johan Rönnblom
John Shepard
Kevin Lowe BrainDrops
Kevin Tiernan Elfnet
Marc Albrecht A.C.T.
Mario Charest Zinformatic
Mario Saitti Phoenix
Marko Seppänen Visual Engineer
Martin McKenzie CADTech
Matt Sealey U of Leicester
Michael Battilana Cloanto
Mick Tinker Access
Odd H Sandvick
Olaf Barthel logical line GmbH
Paul Lesurf Blittersoft
Paul May Phoenix
Paul Nolan Paul Nolan Ltd
Ray Akey HMetalsoft/ZenMetal
RJ Mical
Robert Krten PARSE/Cisco
Ron Liechty MetroWerks
Rudi Chiarito Magrathea Development
Samuel A Falvo II Dolphin
Shaun Sauve QNX
Stephane Desrosiers
Stephen Jones Siamese Systems
Steve Tomkins QNX
Tobias Abt Picasso 96
Vegard Berget
Wolf Dietrich phase 5

Interested developers may contact greenboy [] with a post titled

Dev Database

and with the following information in the body

1. Name
2. Company
3. Email@
4. Developer Category
A. Hardware
B. Software
C. Beta tester
D. Marketing/Support Functions
E. Internet-oriented development
5. Development Description (ie specialties - video, office suite, etc)
A. Current Projects
B. Past Projects
6. Platforms currently involved (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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UAE - The Amiga Emulator
John Chandler schreibt jeden Monat einen Artikel in Diesen Monat schaut er hinter die Kulissen von UAE - den Amiga-Emulator. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmiDog's Movie Player PPC-Version 1.21 veröffentlicht
Mit dieser Version können erstmals auch QT abgespielt werden, zunächst zwar nur das Video. Das Programm befindet sich noch im Betastadium. Download: AMP121.lha. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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IBrowse 2.1 JavaScript Update
Ein neues Javaskript-Libraries-Set für IBrowse 2.1 ist verfügbar. Download: jslibs.lha. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [News]

Maxime Gambonis Website aktualisiert
Alle drei Programmseiten (picFX, Convertor und Birdie Prefs) wurden aktualisiert. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [News]

MP3 MPEG Hardware
Dirk Conrad hat sich eine Hardware gebastelt, die ihm über die parallele Schnittstelle erlaubt, MP3/MPEG-Audios abzuspielen. Die Anleitung zur Verdrahtung und die nötige Software finden Sie unter dem Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [News]

OS 5 Referenz ebenfalls von AMIGA-Website verschwunden
Nachdem nun schon die Webboards, die amerikanischen Mitarbeiter und auch die Ankündigung des Amiga Advisory Councils nicht mehr auf den AMIGA-Webseiten zu finden sind, ist nun auch die OS 5 Referenz bei den Produkten nicht mehr zu finden. Amiga Web Directory hat eine URL zu einer älteren Version der Seite gefunden. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Guvenc Kaplan per eMail

Amigart: Neues Forum eingerichtet
Amigart hat ein neues WWW-Board eingerichtet, in welchem jeder Worte an Jim Collas richten kann und seine Meinung zu seinem Rücktritt kundtun kann. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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NewsCoaster ein neuer und sehr schneller offline Newsreader. Download: newscoaster.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Apex Designs kündigt ihr erstes kommerzielles Spiel Payback an. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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V³ Voyager SSL library Update
Download: voyager_ssl_83.lzx, entpacken und in das Verzeichnis "Plugin" kopieren. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AHI V4 PowerPC Status vom 12.09.1999
AHI V4 PowerPC Status vom 12.09.1999. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue LAME beta Version 3.26
Download: LAMEbeta.lzx, LAMEdoc.lzx. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aktuelle Infos zum CamX/Camouflage-Projekt: 11.09.99
Die Entwicklung für den Amiga ist momentan aus Eis gelegt - wird aber fortgesetzt, sobald sich einige Dinge geklärt haben. Bitte keine email-Anfragen zu diesem Punkt! (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Volker Mohr per eMail

Neues Projekt: IMP - Amiga als Open Source weiterführen
Volker Mohr schreibt:
Vor einigen Tagen, als Jim Collas gegangen ist (oder wurde), hatte ich vorgeschlagen, dass wir eine Lösung finden sollten, wie die Plattform Amiga als Open Source Lösung gerettet werden kann, auch wenn die Leute bei Gateway entweder gar andere, oder noch schlimmer, keine brauchbaren Vorstellungen haben wie es weitergehen soll.

Mein Vorschlag war ursprünglich, CHRP-Rechner als Hardwarebasis für neue Rechner zu nehmen, aus dem einfachen Grund, nicht mehr auf einen einzigen Anbieter von Hardware angewiesen zu sein. Als OS sollte eine speziell angepasste und erweiterte Version eines Open Source OS (Linux oder ein BSD) eingesetzt werden.

Neben Kritik habe ich noch mehr Zuspruch erfahren, ich bin angesprochen und angemailt worden, ob ich dies ernst meine, und was man wie machen könnte.

Daraus hat sich langsam ein Team entwickelt, welches ein Projekt unter dem vorläufigen Arbeitstitel "Projekt IMP (Independet Multimedia Platform)" gestartet hat. Erste Ideen und Ansätze hatte ich in den letzten Tagen (bis vorhin) zusammengetragen, und unter dem Titellink veröffentlicht.

Wer konstruktiv mitwirken will, bzw. eigene Ideen hat soll sich bitte an mich wenden. Da wir nur eine Chance haben, wenn wir an die Öfentlichkeit gehen, habe ich nach kurzer Rücksprache mit zwei anderen Teilnehmern beschlossen, dies jetzt zu tun. Ich denke, es wird langsam Zeit, dass wir die Zukunft unseres Lieblingscomputers selbst in die Hand nehmen und retten was noch zu retten ist :-( (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Stefan Instinske per eMail

Ende der int. Amiga User-Liste
Stefan Instinske schreibt:
Aufgrund der neuen Situation gebe ich hiermit bekannt, dass ich die internationale Amiga-User Liste einstelle. Selbst wenn die Meldungen nicht stimmen sollten (was ich aber nicht glaube), sehe ich keinen Sinn mehr in einer solchen Liste, wenn täglich mehr Amiga-User abspringen und so schon nach kurzer Zeit die Daten keinen Wert mehr haben. Wenn jemand Lust haben sollte, diese Liste weiterzuführen, so möchte er sich bei mir melden, er bekommt dann alle nötigen Daten. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andre Beer per eMail

GeoWorld News
Andre Beer schreibt:
Nach der Veröffentlichung der Version 1.1 von GeoWorld legen wir nach:
Ab heute ist die neu designte Homepage unter (Titellink) online. Diese bietet neben neuem übersichtlicherem Layout als Neuheiten:
  • die GeoWorld-Anleitung im HTML-Format
  • ein neues Titelbild für GeoWorld zum downloaden
  • Möglichkeit, den GeoWorld-Newsletter (Mailing-Liste) zu abonnieren

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Peter Elzner per eMail

Master Blaster ist jetzt Freeware
Beim dem Spiel handelt es sich um ein Multiplayerspiel ähnlich des Klassikers DynaBlaster. Auch die MS-DOS Version ist jetzt Freeware. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert per eMail

Neue Version akMPEG Player 3.00
It's not only extremely fast now, but also quite compact: the 8 players (4x68k, 4xPPC) have been merged into now only 2 remaining executeables, which brings the archive size down to only ~120 KB. Looping now is possible as well.
There also shouldn't be (m)any bugs left ;) Download: akMPEG2.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Stefan Instinske per eMail

User-Treffen in Hamburg
Stefan Instinske schreibt:

Trotz der ungewissen Situation des Amiga (oder gerade deswegen) wird das User-Treffen in Hamburg am 16. und 17. Oktober, vorrausgesetzt es melden sich genügend Leute an, stattfinden.

Die entgültige und verbindliche Anmeldung befindet sich jetzt ab jetzt auf der Homepage. Auch die Informationen über Ort, Zeit und Programm wurden völlig überarbeitet.

U.a. hat Thomas Raukamp, Chefredakteur der AmigaOS, sein Kommen zugesagt und wird vorraussichtlich einen Vortrag über Zeitschriftenproduktion auf dem Amiga halten. Weiter Workshops und Vorträge von anderen Personen sind in Planung.

Meldet Euch also bitte an unter dem Titellink. Anmeldeschluss ist der 3. Oktober. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Sven Drieling per eMail

SEAL: Interview mit Fleecy Moss
SEAL: Interview mit Fleecy Moss. (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Martin Baute per eMail

Amiga Version Watch... im Moment Offline - für immer...?
Martin Baute (Amiga Version Watch Maintainer) schreibt:

Ich bin frustriert. Ich bin sauer. Ich fühle mich wirklich mies ob der Vorgänge - oder Mangel an selbigen - bei Amiga Inc.

Und ich sehe keinen Sinn darin, zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt erhebliche Mengen Zeit in dieses Amiga-spezifische Projekt zu stecken.

Die Version Watch wird bis auf Weiteres Offline bleiben. Die einzige Amiga-bezogene Aktivität, die ich zur Zeit aufrechterhalten werde, ist meine Arbeit bei

Wenn die Dinge bei Amiga Inc. aufklaren, werde ich die Version Watch wieder in Betrieb nehmen. Wenn nicht, werde ich das hier vielleicht in einen Linux-Service umwandeln. Möglicherweise. Eventuell.

Verdammt, diesmal hat es mich wirklich fertiggemacht. :-( (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Stefan Robl per eMail

Dringend gesucht: Quantum Atlas II 2.1GB UW-SCSI
Stefan Robl schreibt:
Da meine Systemfestplatte, auf der sich alle meine Softwareentwicklungen (auch einige größere, noch nicht veröffentlichte!!) aufgrund eines Hardwareproblems mit einer anderen Festplatte verabschiedet hat (unglücklicherweise ist auch das Streamer-Backup fehlerhaft!!) bitte ich an dieser Stelle um Hilfe.

Ein Datenrettungsexperte teilte mir mit, daß der Tausch der Hauptplatine meiner Festplatte helfen könnte, damit ich wieder an meine Daten gelange. Meine Festplatte ist eine "Quantum Atlas II 2.1GB UW-SCSI".

Falls irgendjemand noch so eine Festplatte (funktionstüchtig!) noch sein eigen nennt und sie an mich verkaufen könnte, der soll sich doch bitte so schnell wie möglich an mich wenden: Telefon: 09634/1539 / eMail: Ich bin bereit, eine Belohnung für gelungende Datenrettung zu bezahlen. Also, wer eine Festplatte diesen Typs besitzt, bitte unbedingt bei mir melden! Vielen Dank!!!

(PS: Auch meine kompletten eMails sind betroffen!! Alle User meiner Programme bitte neu an mich wenden, ich habe ebenfalls sämtliche Kontakte verloren!!) (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Aktuell

Kommt der AmigaNG oder kommt er nicht?
Carsten Schröder schreibt in seinem Amiga Aktuell Special:

Bislang ist die Meldung von Businessweek Online, die seit gestern soviel Aufsehen erregt, von offizieller Seite weder bestätigt noch dementiert worden. Für nächsten Dienstag sei jedoch, wie aus verschiedenen Quellen verlautete, ein offizielles Statement von AMIGA geplant. Unterdessen wird Stuart Walker vom Programmiererteam Digital Images, das bereits Spiele für den Amiga MCC angekündigt hat, von einem Gateway-Mitarbeiter mit folgenden Worten zitiert: "I am going to wait until we hear some news from within Amiga. I was told that the AmigaMCC was definetly going ahead" - "Ich werde warten, bis wir etwas Neues von AMIGA hören. Mir wurde gesagt, dass es mit dem Amiga MCC definitiv weitergeht." Digital Images hatte kurz nach dem Rücktritt von Jim Collas als AMIGA-Präsident und -CEO angekündigt, die Spieleentwicklung für den Amiga MCC vorerst auf Eis zu legen, die Entscheidung kurze Zeit später jedoch wieder revidiert.

Fazit: Die Verwirrung ist perfekt. Wir werden uns wohl bis Dienstag gedulden müssen, um (bestenfalls) Aufschluss über die Zukunft des AmigaNG zu erhalten. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmiDog's Movie Player PPC-Version 1.20 veröffentlicht
Mit dieser Version können erstmals auch andere Formate FLI/FLC/AVI abgespielt werden. QT wird ebenfalls bald möglich sein. Diese Extra-Features sind registrierten Usern vorbehalten. Daneben wurden bekannte Bugs beseitigt. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Eine Welt ohne Patente?
Tobias Hövekamp stellt sich die Frage, wie eine Welt ohne Softwarepatente aussehen würde. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Nation

Test-Usermeeting in Zürich gut gelaufen
Das von Amiga Nation am Samstag, den 04. September 1999, organisierte Test-Usertreffen in Zürich kann als Erfolg verbucht werden. Ca. 15 bis 20 Leute kamen in den Räumlichkeiten der EUnet AG zusammen. Aufgrund des Erfolges wird das nächste Treffen voraussichtlich nach der HEW'99 stattfinden, da es nach der Kölner Messe hoffentlich wieder neuen Diskussionsstoff geben wird. Weitere Einzelheiten über das Treffen finden Sie unter dem Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Kunde kann sich gegen Kreditkartenmissbrauch wehren
Heise schreibt:
"Wer nur seine Kreditkartennummer angibt, ist nicht dafür verantwortlich, wenn durch einen Missbrauch Schäden entstehen." Die herkömmlichen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedigungen der Kreditkartenunternehmen sähen vor, dass die Kunden nicht hafteten, wenn die Zahlung beleglos -- also ohne Unterschrift -- und ohne Geheimzahl erfolgt sei. Ganzer Artikel siehe Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Boxer jetzt zu kaufen!
Blittersoft gibt bekannt, daß die Boxermodelle jetzt zu kaufen sind. Zur Zeit stehen zwei verschiedene Modelle zur Verfügung. Einzelheiten finden Sie unter dem Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Marc Gerlitzki per eMail

Amipoint Website zieht auf einen neuen Server um
Die Amipoint-Website zieht gerade auf einen anderen Server um, und ist daher leider z. Zt. nicht erreichbar. Anfang nächster Woche wird die Seite hoffentlich wieder erreichbar sein. Bis dahin ist Amipoint per eMail unter oder telefonisch unter 0203/476890 erreichbar. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neil Bullock per eMail

Amigas Richtungswechsel
Während die Website von Trogladite Software komplett umgearbeitet wird, wurde auf der Haupt-Webseite ein Platz eingerichtet, der es erlaubt, Eure eMail-Adresse in eine Petition einzutragen, die Gateway überzeugen soll, diesen Richtungswechsel zu stoppen. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Wasted Dreams: Jetzt online-Registrierung möglich
Wasted Dreams und natürlich auch andere Spiele können jetzt online registriert werden. Registrierte User erhalten Nachlässe und haben noch andere Vorteile. User, die die Registrierungskarte per Post bereits geschickt haben, werden per eMail darüber informiert.

Auf der Website gibt es auch neue Screenshot von Diablo's Land. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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BusinessWeek: Seems Gateway Isn't the Friend Amiga Fans Thought It Was
Da ich mit meinen Recherchen noch nicht fertig bin, und mir z.Zt. noch die Worte fehlen, zitiere ich hier schon mal vorab Carsten Schröder, der in seinem Amiga-aktuell-Special folgendes darüber schreibt:

Businessweek Online: Gateway hat Amiga-Pläne geändert (10.09.99)
Soeben erreichten uns sehr schlechte und bislang noch unbestätigte Nachrichten, die jedoch ins momentane Bild passen: Businessweek Online berichtet, dass Gateway seine Amiga-Pläne drastisch geändert hätte. Das Vorhaben, einen neuen Amiga-Computer zu bauen, hätte man fallen gelassen. Statt dessen wolle sich Gateway darauf konzentrieren, ein anwenderfreundliches Interface zur Zusammenschaltung von Internet-Geräten über ein Heimnetzwerk zu entwickeln.

Der ganze Artikel ist auf zu finden. (siehe Titellink).

Fazit: Sollte dieser Artikel der Wahrheit entsprechen, können wir mit Gateway/AMIGA wohl nicht mehr rechnen. :-( Leider deuten gerade die Ereignisse der letzten Tage darauf hin, dass die beschriebene Kursänderung Gateways/AMIGAs tatsächlich stattgefunden hat. Dies würde auch den Rücktritt Jim Collas' erklären, mit dessen Namen die Entwicklung eines 'Amiga-Computers der nächsten Generation' ja eng verbunden war.

Auch auf wird heftig über den Artikel diskutiert.

Es bleibt abzuwarten, was an dem Artikel dran ist. Wir haben den Autor des Artikels Steven V. Brull per eMail gebeten, uns zu sagen, wer ihn mit diesen Informationen versorgt hat, weil uns aufgrund des letzten Absatzes da so eine Idee gekommen ist .... Demnächst mehr in diesem Theater ....

Nachtrag 13.09.1999:
Eine Antwort des Autors haben wir leider noch nicht erhalten, aber lesen Sie sich in Ruhe die Meinung von durch. Eine weitere Meinung finden Sie unter den Kommentaren bei ANN. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Yellow Pages sind wieder da
Die gelben Seiten des Amiga zeigen sich nach einer zweimonatigen Auszeit in einem neuen Layout und bringen neben News auch Kolumnen. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Henning Thielemann per eMail

Neues Soundbearbeitungsprogramm: Assampler
Henning Thielemann schreibt:
Klangbearbeitung kompliziert gemacht: Assampler
Schon wieder eine neue Sample-Bearbeitungssoftware? Leider ja. Aber dieser MUI-Oberfläche und dem hemmungslos durchgezogenen objektorientierten Konzept kann man nur schwer widerstehen. Ein tolles Spielzeug für alle Klangtüftler. Download: Assampler.lha, AssamplerExtra.lha und AssamplerDebug.lha. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga: Seit heute keine Web-Boards mehr vorhanden
Seit heute sind die verschiedenen Diskussions-Foren von der AMIGA-Website verschwunden. Gründe dafür sind leider nicht bekannt.
Auch sämtliche amerikanischen Mitarbeiter wurden von der Seite entfernt. Diesbezügliche Gründe waren ebenfalls nicht in Erfahrung zu bringen.
Nachtrag 13.09.1999:
Auch die Ankündigung des AAC (Amiga Advisory Council) ist von den AMIGA-Seiten gelöscht worden. Es scheint eine regelrechte "Säuberung" oder wie es jemand im Amiga-Club-Forum ausgedrückt hat "Entcollasisierung" stattzufinden. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]

Alicia Silverstone Bootup-Archiv aktualisiert
Leider waren die vorige Woche zum Download angebotenen .lha-Archive beide mit CRC-Fehlern behaftet. Auf der Downloadseite stehen nun zwei neue Alicia Silverstone bootup's zur Verfügung. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]

AmigaAMP 2.7-Beta-5 verfügbar
Es wurden einige Bugs beseitigt und außerdem sind neue Features hinzugekommen. Download: AmigaAMP27b5.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]
Haage & Partner

NoPiracy-Diskussionsforum vorübergehend geschlossen
H&P schreibt:
Zu spät entdeckten wir eine Sicherheitslücke im Skript zu unserem Webboard, die wir zuerst schließen müssen, bevor die Diskussion wieder weitergehen kann. Wir bitten um einige Tage Geduld.

Das Board wurde gehackt und eine hämische Message hinterlassen. Immer wieder, wenn ich solche oder ähnliche Geschehnisse lese, drängt sich mir die Frage auf, was einen Cracker motiviert, sich an derartigen 'Erfolgen' zu ergötzen, könnte er seine Kenntnisse doch soviel positiver einsetzen. Ist es die Intention, einmal auf solchen Liste genannt zu werden? Oder geht es darum, Sicherheitslöcher aufzudecken? Dem kann ich sogar etwas Positives abgewinnen, natürlich nur, wenn sonst kein Schaden angerichtet wird. Wie dem auch sei, es wird mir vermutlich immer ein Rätsel bleiben. (ps) (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]
Andreas R. Kleinert

Neue Version akMPEG Player 2.70
Download: akMPEG2.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]

Amiga Update Newsletter von Brad Webb #990910
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_||   (An Occasional e-mail
         KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING         ||       Newsmagazine)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.

                    E T   T U ,   G A T E W A Y ?
               {See Editor's Thoughts and Introduction}

       S T A T E M E N T   F R O M   N E W   P R E S I D E N T

             P H O N E   C H A N G E S   A T   A M I G A

               D I G I T A L   I M A G E S   Q U I T S

           I W I N   D O E S N ' T   W A N T   C =   N O W

                  N E W S   F R O M   S A K U   9 9

                A M I G A   " F L E A "   M A R K E T

                   T E X A S   A M I G A   S H O W

  M O R E   T H A N   E X P E C T E D   -   F R O M   P H A S E   5

              I B R O W S E 2   I S   A V A I L A B L E

       I M A G I N E   -   N E W   U P D A T E   R E L E A S E

                F X P A I N T   O N   S C H E D U L E

            T H E   B O X E R   I S   A V A I L A B L E !

               B O I N G   C O I N   A V A I L A B L E

               L I L J E D A H L   C D   R E L E A S E

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:


 Visitors to the Amiga web site already know it's not the place it
was. The entire American staff is no longer listed. Most of the
material which refers in any way to the building of Amiga computers in
the future have quietly vanished. The short and mostly meaningless
statement from the new head of the company pointedly refers only to
Internet Appliances. On top of that comes a story in "Business Week
Online" that a change of direction has occurred at Amiga. The company
has no plans to build anything. Instead, it will work on standards and
software for internet appliances and the like. The story, "Seems
Gateway Isn't the Friend Amiga Fans Thought It Was" has this to say:

 "Gateway has dropped plans to build the new machine. Instead, it will
focus on creating a user-friendly interface that will link Internet
appliances over home networks. 'Amiga will be the Internet-appliance
infrastructure company. We don't intend to build anything,' says a
source close to the company. Gateway declines to comment."

 As if that isn't depressing enough, the author (Steven V. Brull) adds

 "Amiga has dropped plans to engage in manufacturing and appears to
have broadened its ambitions by moving into the home-networking
territory targeted by behemoths such as Microsoft, Sun Microsystems,
and Sony. 'There won't be a whole lot that relates to the Amiga name,'
says one insider."

 At the time Jim Collas was forced out as company President, we
wondered if it weren't at least partly over a difference in vision for
the future. From the beginning, Gateway has always said they were
interested in the Amiga patents for use in the upcoming Internet
appliance market. Thoughts of a computer were secondary at best. Jim
Collas and some others saw Amiga computers as part of the mix. It now
looks like their vision of the future was lost in the internal
struggle within Gateway and Amiga.
 In fact, the time is ripe for an alternative to Wintel computers. Sun
Microsystems understands that but their vision - a low priced empty
box which just talks to a server somewhere - won't fly. You'd need to
have a Sun server in your home in order to use it there, or tie up the
phone lines or cable modem every time you wanted to do anything - play
a game, write a note; anything. Sorry, Sun, it's going to die just
like the Java Station did, and for the same reasons.
 Computers companies may be lost but users are showing the way. Linux
isn't growing by chance - it provides the alternative that no one else
is. Now if only someone were visionary enough to market an easy to use
Linux box, maybe one with some real multimedia capabilities, a lot
more people could be brought into the fold ... Unfortunately, Gateway,
once a company with some vision and entrepreneurial spirit, now seems
to have little of either. It's become a corporate conservative. Such a
company will always live and grow, but it will never leave a legacy.
 It bothers me that almost no-one is listening to the users, and
looking ahead based on what's current, but that's actually a common
practice of Information Technology organizations. Gateway is clearly
not able to do better than any other run-of-the-mill IT company. The
most they're likely to accomplish is to offer Linux in the common
 Speaking of patents, which we did a moment ago, it's been a buzz in
the Amiga community for some time now that Gateway has filed for a
whole series of new patents apparently deriving from their Amiga
activities. These patents are without a doubt Intel oriented. Remember
Gateway's talk about "no X86 solutions!"? Sounds like another change
of mind and not one that helps the Amiga.
 So where does that leave us? You certainly shouldn't look to Iwin to
save us. Don't look to Phase 5 or QNX either. None of these efforts is
likely to be strong enough to do anything meaningful, if they do
anything at all. Unless I'm misreading what has happened at Gateway
very badly (oh, how I hope I am!) there is no more future for the
Amiga. The only conceivable "out" now would be if Amiga licensed the
building of computers by others, while retaining control of the
operating system (or environment), something they've talked about
doing in the past. There are no current indications they'll be taking
this approach.
 Assuming the worst is true, the community will hang on for a while,
and "Amiga Update" will be here to report it. We don't have to turn a
profit, so we can stay with this as long as it's appropriate. The
community will dwindle away, probably becoming ever more lunatic
fringe as it dies. Already, it's too small to support many of the
companies that have been with us for a long time. Look at how many
have left to date. Stand by for more defections. As ad expenses for
Amiga products can no longer be covered by product sales, the ads will
end and the publications that carry them will follow. This is already
the trend, and without an Amiga NG, it'll pick up steam rather than
 We've noticed hate posts and calls for Gateway boycotts already
flying thick and fast in the Amiga newsgroups. This isn't likely to
have much affect on Gateway's decisions of course, though it will make
some people feel a bit better. The hate posts and the foul language
don't reflect at all well on the community and should stop now!
 The Amiga community certainly isn't strong enough to make a
meaningful boycott that would hurt Gateway. However, Gateway may in
fact have made a tactical blunder, though it's affects will be
relatively mild. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of
Amigans who work in corporate IT organizations. They can't buy Amigas
for their companies of course, but they can influence whose PCs are
bought. Gateway will have a hard sell in the future in places which
will likely surprise it, if the sales force ever even knows why some
doors are now closed to it. I doubt it'll hurt them badly, but if
there truly will be no Amiga NG, people won't forget why. Gateway
would have done much better to have said nothing about computers. They
did say things about computers, and many (I for one) will never
forgive them if things truly are as bad as they look right now.
 We trust you'll find this issue interesting.

 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

 Where have I seen this before? Ah yes, this seems to be a legacy from
the old Commodore days. Some things never change. Everytime we see a
bright spot on the horizion, it never fails that some way must be
found (or made) to screw it up. This is one piece of Amiga history I
really wish we could leave behind. Makes me wish we could find a way
run a company WITHOUT upper management.


 Tend to agree with you. Actually, there is a way to run a company
without upper management, or at least with upper managment under some
sort of control. It's the cooperative system but it's pretty much out
of favor these days except in the farming community, at least in this
country. Wonder if anyone's ever tried that with a computer company?
 Thanks for the thoughts,

2 Sep 1999


 When is the boat going to stop rocking???? As a Commodore/Amiga owner
since 1983, I began to have a little hope for Amiga. Perhaps Amiga
needs Steve Jobs, or a clone!

 The boat may stop rocking very soon now. Unfortunately, that may not
be a good thing in this case. As we've often said, time will tell.


1 Sep 1999

Hi Brad,

 Sometime ago I wrote you that my A2000 had been in the closet for a
couple years and that shortly after retirement; I dug it out, plugged
it in, bought IBrowse, Miami, YAM, PPaint, a couple of hundred dollars
in new hardware, etc., etc., etc. Also, I spend many hours trying to
get everything to work. Ordered a game which wouldn't work and another
game that they sent in PAL from a USA dealer! Even with all of this I
was still excited. Excited about the pending release of OS3.5, excited
about the new AmigaNG (which I intended to buy), excited about Mr.
Collas and the new and exciting direction that the Company (read
Gateway/Amiga) was taking. I have been a good ambassador for Amiga
these past few months, telling the story over and over again to
friends and acquaintances. Telling them that Amiga is back and to be
on the lookout for a kickass system in the near future. I even bought
a hat, a mug, a shirt, a pen, a mouse pad,  and additional
software at the St. Louis convention.Shame on me!

 With Mr. Collas leaving to pursue other avenues we have just lost a
very intelligent man, a top notch communicator, and someone that we
all put our faith in. Does anyone want to buy 100,000 plus shares of
Gateway? I wish him well, as I'm sure everyone (or most everyone)
does. Mr. Collas - check with Steve Jobs; I'm confident he can use a
good man like you.

 Before I ramble any further I just want to say that I have had it
with Gateway/Amiga and the entire program. Read: I GIVE UP!!!

 I have loved my Amiga for many, many years. I started out with
theC64, then the A1000, then the A2000. Rather than put the A2000 back
in the closet I am shipping same to my grandson so he can play Pacman,
Galaga, etc.

 Now I must make a very tough decision: Do I contact Dell for a 600mhz
system or wait until the new G4 is released. Decisions, Decisions.

Color me gone!


ps: I have loved your newsletters. You do a very outstanding job of
keeping everyone informed. Thank you.
 There's no comfort in it I'm sure, but you're not alone in your
thoughts. While Gateway hasn't given the final word that there will be
no more Amigas, right now it sure looks like that's what they'll be
announcing later this month.
 Thanks for the kind words about "AU". We'll be here for a while at

       S T A T E M E N T   F R O M   N E W   P R E S I D E N T

6 Sep 1999

Dear Amigans:

 I wanted to make sure everyone knew that Jim Collas has chosen to
leave Amiga to pursue other interests and opportunities. I would like
to personally thank Jim for the leadership and vision he brought to
Amiga and the entire Amiga community over the past eight months. We
wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors.

 I have been with Amiga since April of this year as the Chief
Operating Officer and I continue to be extremely excited about the
plans and strategies we have been working very hard on the past
several months. Those plans will continue with a great business and
technology leadership team focused on the emerging Internet Appliance
market space. As we finalize our plans in this area, we will
communicate those to the community.

 I would also like to thank Bill McEwen for his many contributions to
the Amiga community and wish him the best of luck in his future
endeavors. Bill has been a steady and calming voice to the community.


Thomas J. Schmidt

          P H O N E   C H A N G E S   A T   A M I G A

1 Sep 1999

{Found this interesting post on the Net. Combined with the statement
above from Mr. Schmidt - pointedly avoiding mention of computers - and
the fact that the American staff is gone from Amiga's web page, it
certainly makes one pause for thought. Brad}

 Does anyone know if something has changed with the phone system at
Amiga, Inc? Using the 888-676-3638 number, all I get is: "Your call is
being answered by Audix. Extension 12512 is not available. To leave a
message, record at the tone. Record at the tone. *beep*". I left a
message at 9:00 PST, no return call yet (granted, it hasn't been that

 The last time I called, it was after 10:00 AM in San Diego (and San
Jose, I see the number should also go to the Engineering group), so I
assume Amiga should be open for business, yet I got the same message.
I'm just trying to contact Developer Relations and see if I can get
involved with NG development (via NDAs or whatever other hoops), which
Amiga *should* be encouraging. Regardless, it seems to me that Amiga
should be projecting a more professional (and friendly) image. _If_
this is a recent change, it seems that drastic (and none too good)
changes may be taking place at Amiga/Gateway.



              D I G I T A L   I M A G E S   Q U I T S

3 Sep 1999

To Amiga users worldwide,

 Due to recent announcements and problems with Amiga, Digital Images
regrets that we will be suspending all AmigaMCC projects including
Sabrina Offline. Space Station 3000 and Wipeout 2097 will be released
as planned, but we will be suspending all other Amiga developments
until further notice.

 Everyone behind Digital Images has enthusiastically supported the
Amiga through the good times and the bad times. But with the recent
troubles with Amiga, the entire team has unanimously decided to
suspend all Amiga developments (with the exception of Space Station
3000 and Wipeout 2097). We regret to have to take these measures, but
Digital Images cannot afford to spend time, resources and money
developing for a computer which now, as it seems may never appear.

 We hope that everybody reading this understands our position as this
is the last thing that any of us would ever have wanted to do, but
Amiga have made promise after promise that something would appear, but
it has not.

 We deeply regret this decision, but it is a final measure that has to
be taken. We wish that we wouldn't have to go this far, but we now
have no other option - it is the last thing that any of us wanted to
do. We would appreciate it if everybody understood our position and
wouldn't send e-mails of anger and abuse. We have done everything in
our power to avoid this, but it just isn't possible.

 If the Amiga does indeed rise again, which we hope it does, we will

 We hope that you will enjoy our upcoming releases of Space Station
3000 and Wipeout 2097.

 If you do have any questions or queries concerning this announcement,
please e-mail

We thank you all once again for your loyal and devoted support.

Kind Regards,

Stuart Walker
Digital Images

          I W I N   D O E S N ' T   W A N T   C =   N O W


 Iwin Corporation has announced that because of the latest things
happend with Amiga Inc. there is no longer need for the Commodore
brand. Negotiations with Tulip will stop.

                  N E W S   F R O M   S A K U   9 9


Petro Tyschtschenko Spoke To Saku 99 Audience Via Telephone

 ESPOO, FINLAND - September 5, 1999 - The biggest Amiga event in
Finland, Saku 99, was held yesterday and turned out to be success,
even though Petro Tyschtschenko of Amiga had cancelled his visit a
couple of days earlier. The show was visited by approximately 400-600
people during the day.

 Although Mr. Tyschtschenko couldn't attend in person, he spoke
briefly at the show via telephone. He apologized for not coming and
asked the audience not to panic. Mr. Tyschtschenko also said that he
is not going to be fired and that he will meet with the new President
shortly. AmigaOS 3.5 will be released by the end of September and the
MCC is still on track, although it could be delayed a bit. He also
mentioned the up-coming Cologne show and hoped too see some of the
audience there. The speech will soon be available in MP3 format.

 Saku 99 was organized and sponsored by the Finnish Amiga Users Group.
The show was also generously supported by Amiga, who donated two Amiga
A1200's for a raffle and gave away literally dozens of AmiColas, Amiga
Theme CDs, card games, mouses, mouse pads, socks, pens and other
promotional items. Haage & Partner, in co-operation with Amiga,
provided an AmigaOS 3.5 pre release for demonstration.

 Warm thanks also to the Finnish exhibitors Amigator, Gentle Eye Ky,
Elysée Arena and Petsoff LP for making Saku 99 a truly memorable
event. In addition to the companies mentioned above, special thanks to
Broadline Oy, ClickBOOM, Digital Dreams Entertainment, Toysoft and
Tsunami Trading for supporting the user group with prize donations and
product samples, some of which were given away at the Saku 99.

 Above all, the Finnish Amiga Users Group would like to thank the hard
working Amiga users who have volunteered their time, passion, talent
and even financial support for making this spectacular event happen. A
list of these individuals will be published in the next Saku e-zine.
There could never have been an event like Saku 99 without the
tremendeous support of the Finnish Amiga community.

 Please visit or our mirror site, for further information.
E-mail inquiries may be sent to Janne Sirén (

 About Finnish Amiga Users Group

 Finnish Amiga Users Group (Suomen Amiga-käyttäjät ry.) is a
non-profit organization for promoting Amiga computing and helping
Amiga users in Finland. Also known as Saku, after it's disk magazine,
the group is trying to accomplish it's goals by organizing meetings
and by publishing a disk magazine. Since 1993 the Finnish Amiga Users
Group and it's predecessors have released over thirty issues of the
disk magazine and held several public gatherings. Other
accomplishments include the Web site and Sakunet, a national Fidonet
style network of Amiga related bulletin board systems.

                A M I G A   " F L E A "   M A R K E T


MCCC Flea Market Extravaganza '99

Flea Market Extravaganza '99

Where : The Brookside Convention Center, Hurst, Texas

When : Saturday, September 25, 1999

Time : 12:00 to 4:00pm

Admission : Free


 One of the main goals of last year's Extravaganza was to bring user
groups in the region together. We were successful! Members from the
Central Texas Amiga Computing Society (CTACS) in Austin
(, the Tulsa Amiga Group (TAG), and the
X-otic Computer Systems of San Antonio (XCSSA) were present. Amiga
enthusiasts from Houston, College Station and other Texas and Oklahoma
locales were also in attendance. This year we are putting on our
thirteenth annual computer Amiga show with the help and support of
CTACS. So come and join us and show your support for the Amiga.

 Amiga Computer Flea Market

 Hardware and Software for Amiga computers, from members and
non-members, will be for sale. The flea market will be open to members
for a fee of 5% on items sold. A fee of 10% will be charged to
non-members on items sold.


 Items for sale must be turned into a club representative. Prices are
set ahead of time and sales are handled by club representatives.
Arrangements MUST BE MADE IN ADVANCE. Items will NOT be accepted on
the day of the show. There will be no exceptions. Items to be sold at
the flea market may be turned in at one of the chapter meetings or you
may make arrangements with one of these club representatives:

Mark Stodola Cedar Hill (972) 299-6824
Ned Kelly Arlington (817) 277-5825
David Owens Fort Worth (817) 847-5486
Dan Stockelman Dallas (972) 985-8522


 Cash and checks accepted from members. Cash only accepted from

Prices will be reduced at 3:00 pm.

Door Prizes

 Drawings will be held throughout the day. You must be present to win.

MCCC Amiga Library

 The entire MCCC library of Amiga computer disks, over 2,000 disks,
will be available.

Special Membership Offer

 13 months for the price of 12. This offer is good for new or renewed

Amiga Wares Available

 Amiga Wares (shirts, caps and more) from Randomize, Inc.
( will be available at the show.


 A class/demo of the new 3.5 Operating System will be held if it is
released by the show. We are planning a class on AREXX by Don
Kassenbaum, from CTACS. Also demos of Music-X by another CTACS member
and using Amiga and MIDI by an MCCC Member are being arranged.

3.5 Operating System Available for Sale

 Copies of the new 3.5 Operating System will be available for sale by
Exodus Multimedia.

Amiga 1200 Computer Raffle

 A raffle drawing will be held at the close of the show for an Amiga
1200 Magic Pack. The A1200 is a brand new boxed Magic Pack, complete
with software and manuals, and without a hard drive, courtesy of Amiga
International in Germany. Tickets are $1.00 per chance, cash only.
Tickets will be available at the show and at the CTACS and at both
MCCC September meetings. You need not be present to win.

Amiga Computer Dealers

 Exodus Multimedia (, a local dealer/developer,
will be at the show. Exodus will have classic Amiga OS items for sale,
including the new 3.5 Operating System. Currently Exodus is working on
the first Amiga NG powered digital video workstation, Maverick! They
hope to have the Maverick at the show.

 Space is available to rent for dealers, companies or user groups.
Please inquire on rates.


 The Brookside Convention Center is located at 1244 Brookside Drive in
Hurst. To get to the Convention Center get to Highway 183/121 and take
the Precinct Line Road exit and drive south on Precinct Line Road.
After approximately 0.3 miles turn left (east), on Bedford Euless
Road. Drive 0.4 miles to Brookside Drive. The Convention Center is on
the southeast corner. There is plenty of parking space, and parking is


 Amiga has delayed the release of the new 3.5 OS. The new Operating
System might not be released as of September 25th. We will do
everything possible to have 3.5 at the show. Thank you for your

URL  :

                  T E X A S   A M I G A   S H O W

1 Sep 1999
Hi, Gang --

 Just a word to all you *Texas Amigans* and other Southwesterners out
there that the Dallas-Ft. Worth Amiga user group, in cooperation with
the Austin Amiga user group, is hosting this year's annual Flea Market
Extravaganza on Saturday, September 25th, at The Brookside Convention
Center in Hurst, Texas, from 12 to 4 p.m.

 It will be a lot of fun, with a great deal of used *and new Amiga
stuff* (including Randomize's Amiga Wares and OS 3.5) for sale.
Additionally, a raffle for a brand new A1200 (courtesy of Petro and
Amiga, International) will be held.

Have a look at:

for more information.


Steve Folberg
*Central Texas Amiga Computer Society  (CTACS)* Austin, Tx!

  M O R E   T H A N   E X P E C T E D   -   F R O M   P H A S E   5

2 Sep 1999

Dear Amiga friends:

 Without any regrets, I have to inform the Amiga community that we
have cancelled the BLIZZARD and the CYBERSTORM G3 accelerators. I hope
you will understand our reasons for that step, which I will outline

 We don't see a big future for the G3 processors in the Amiga, since
we will be shipping the G4 versions of our next generation BLIZZARD
and CYBERSTORM boards, starting by October 1999. The boards come in
for a similar pricing as the originally announced G3 boards (well,
sorry, you have to pay 10$ more for the 400MHz Altivec unit...)

 You too can now join the gigaflop community now with these exciting
new products:

- PowerPC XPC7400 with Altivec
- Ready for SMP with Dual-XPC7400 configurations
- QNX Neutrino OS included
- Full Amiga 3.x legacy support included
- Ready to run LINUX PPC as well (for those who want it)
- and much more, read the specs in detail at http://www. phase

 For all users who now finally decide to get one of these boards, we
have extended the preorder program one last time until September 15,
1999. Don't miss the deadline!

 If you have placed a G3 order already, you'll of course get the G4
boards at no extra cost too.

Wolf Dietrich, GM phase 5 digital products

In der Au 27    61440 Oberursel     Germany
Phone +49 6171 583787 Fax +49 6171 583789

               I B R O W S E 2   I S   A V A I L A B L E


 It's been a long time coming, but now it's here and we know you are
going to LOVE it! Of course the big new feature in iBrowse 2 is
JavaScript support.

 Most websites these days use Javascript, even if sometimes the
webmaster doesn't realise it. You see, it's all these fancy web page
design packages like GoLive and Dreamweaver. You drop a button here
and a graphic there, next thing you know you've got 50K of Javascript
on top of your HTML and anyone without a JavaScript-savvy web browser
is locked out.

 But that's all in the past when you reward your Amiga with iBrowse 2
and its brand new Javascript interpreter.

 It's not just about JavaScript you know, there's lots more in iBrowse
2, more than enough to ensure that iBrowse 2 remains, as it has always
been, the serious Amiga surfer's browser of choice. And now you can do
it all electronically...

 After you you make your purchase you can immediately download the
30-day evaluation version and we will then email you a keyfile which
will unlock that version and magically transform it into the full

 Alternatively you can buy it in a box, bundled with Net&Web 2, and
have it delivered by normal mail.

Aw, come on, buy it man. It really rocks!

£34.95iBrowse 2 full*
£12.95Upgrade from 1.x*ser # **
£39.95iBrowse 2 with Net&Web 2

 * These products are keyfiles (delivered to you by email) which
unlock the downloadable 30-day evaluation version. ** To buy the
upgrade, you must give us your 1.x serial number.

     I M A G I N E   -   N E W   U P D A T E   R E L E A S E


 A new update release of the Imagine Amiga Constant Upgrade Program
(ACUP) is now available - V5.16. The update can be downloaded by ACUP
subscribers from the usual ACUP download area.

 A brief list of changes are detailed below; Please refer to the
documentation included with the ACUP archive for a more detailed list
of changes.

 Version 5.16:

 o Reworked Detail and Stage editor menus to bring them into line with
 Imagine For Windows.
 o Detail editor: Save object "overwrite requester" improved.
 o Added Lightwave and 3DStudio object export functions.
 o Added three new primitive object types - Hemisphere, Rod and Box.
 o Added new "sharp edges" option to the relevant primitive objects.
 o Added new right mouse button "popup menu" functionality.
 o Added support for double-clicking an object type within the
primitive object window.
 o Added support for double-clicking a render size type within the
 sub-project/render resolution window.
 o Added "path length" option to Detail editor.
 o Added two new "lite" procedural textures - Purplehaze and Caustics.
 o Added three new procedural textures (in 040 and 060 CPU versions) -
 SSFBumps, SSPBumps and SSRBumps.
 o Optimized PPC version of the MPEG video creator; Now utilises the
custom PPC maths routines.
 o Improved GUI; This includes the main editors, and the requesters.
 o Added default X & Y aspect ratios to rendering resolution types.
 o Added an Imagine Splash screen. This uses the OS3.x Datatypes, and
also supports the 24Bit datatype system if available.
 o ...and Miscellaneous other changes/enhancements which are detailed
in the included AmigaGuide documentation.

 Further information and screenshots can be obtained from the Imagine
for Amiga website at:

              F X P A I N T   O N   S C H E D U L E


 Innovative is fully on schedule with the new graphics program

 fxPAINT`s first day on sale will be, as scheduled, at the beginning
of November 1999 at the Cologne Show. That`s what the software company
"Innovative" from Herzogenaurach announced today. In order to document
the progress the project makes, new screenshots and new creates
pictures were added to the homepage. Everything announced in the
original announcement is already finished. So the project now is going
into its final phase before release. Since the announcement of
fxPAINT, many new features have been added:

 o Support for grapic tabletts (tableaus)
 o Full TIFF-support (except for LZW)
 o Full support for AmigaOS 3.5 (printer, icons, workbench, datatypes)
 o Ability to draw fire (with special Pyro Plugin for the fastest
 possible) - you find some examples to that in the fxPAINT-gallery.
 o special Plugins e.g. to render an image on an own screen
 o Support for the "ICS Color Calibration System" by Wolf Faust
 o Histogram-functions
 o fxALBUM-Albums now can be exported as HTML-files
 o Online-Help-System (runs in multitasking)
 o many more features, that are unique for the AMIGA and on all other

 Innovative also underlines, that the preorder-offer will end on 1st
of November 1999. If you want to save 40.- DEM, you should order
fxPAINT now.

Yours sincerly,
Felix Schwarz
c/o Felix Schwarz
Am Gründla 3
D-91074 Herzogenaurach

Phone: +(0)049 (0)9132/3400

            T H E   B O X E R   I S   A V A I L A B L E !


From Blittersoft:

 The BoXeR range of computers offers the next step in Amiga systems.

 Not only is the BoXeR 100% Amiga compatible (utilising all your old
software), but it is equipped to deliver the performance you require
for the future.

 We have addressed the problems of high cost peripherals by
integrating active PCI slots to enable the support of standard PCI
cards such as state of the art Graphics, Ethernet, Sound Cards, Modems
and more.

 The optional Zorro III adaptor board is available if you wish to use
your existing Amiga cards.

 The all-new leading-edge design uses a single chip chip-set with AGA
feature and register compatibility, but has completely new logic to
achieve the highest performance and most flexible design.

 Our Processor connector supports low cost PowerPC upgrades. This
expansion allows the on-board 680x0 to remain in place or be removed
when using appropriate emulation software for a PPC only systems. Both
G3 and G4 accelerators are planned.

 The BoXeR FlashROM allows software and hardware upgrades for future
system enhancements.

£ 680.81 + VAT

BoXeR Tower Computer with 68040/40


 o 100% Amiga compatible.
 o Motorola 68040 or 68060 at 25-75MHz supported in a single processor
 o Integrated chip chip-set, AGA compatible but with performance
 o Most peripherals support high speed DMA transfers, increasing
throughput while reducing processor overhead.
 o No CHIP RAM limits.
 o 2 x 64-bit DIMM sockets (low cost) for combined use as FAST/CHIP.
 o Dual IDE Hard disk interface, supports fast IDE modes, including
 o Flash ROM 2Mb, 32 bit wide. Provides kickstart ROM's and resident
 o High Density floppy disk drive interface, operating as DF0:
 o CD-ROM audio input connector and mixer.
 o Real Time Clock.
 o 4 x Active PCI slots
 o Amiga Video slot
 o Expansion connector to support 2 x Zorro 3 slots
 o Connector for full 64-bit PowerPC expansion card


 o Printer port (buffered with DMA transfers).
 o RGB video.
 o PS/2 Keyboard.
 o PS/2 Mouse
 o Serial port (buffered with DMA transfers)
 o Amiga Joystick port
 o Amiga Mouse port
 o Stereo audio
 o IDE - 40 pin (Dual) header
 o Floppy drive DF0:/DF1: header


 o Choice of colour Tower (call for plain system)
 o 64Mb RAM
 o 6.4Gb UDMA Hard drive
 o Keyboard and Mouse (PS/2)
 o 68040/40 MHz CPU (Upgradable to 68060 or PPC)
 o KickStart 3.1
 o OS 3.5
 o Multimedia Speakers

£ 765.92 + VAT


 o 100% Amiga compatible.
 o Motorola 68040 or 68060 at 25-75MHz supported in a single processor
 o Integrated chip chip-set, AGA compatible but with performance
 o Most peripherals support high speed DMA transfers, increasing
throughput while reducing processor overhead.
 o No CHIP RAM limits.
 o 2 x 64-bit DIMM sockets (low cost) for combined use as FAST/CHIP.
 o Dual IDE Hard disk interface, supports fast IDE modes, including
 o Flash ROM 2Mb, 32 bit wide. Provides kickstart ROM's and resident
 o High Density floppy disk drive interface, operating as DF0:
 o CD-ROM audio input connector and mixer.
 o Real Time Clock.
 o 4 x Active PCI slots
 o Amiga Video slot
 o Expansion connector to support 2 x Zorro 3 slots
 o Connector for full 64-bit PowerPC expansion card


 o Printer port (buffered with DMA transfers).
 o RGB video.
 o PS/2 Keyboard.
 o PS/2 Mouse
 o Serial port (buffered with DMA transfers)
 o Amiga Joystick port
 o Amiga Mouse port
 o Stereo audio
 o IDE - 40 pin (Dual) header
 o Floppy drive DF0:/DF1: header


 o Choice of colour Tower (call for plain system)
 o 64Mb RAM
 o 6.4Gb UDMA Hard drive
 o Keyboard and Mouse (PS/2)
 o 68040/40 MHz CPU (Upgradable to PPC)
 o KickStart 3.1
 o OS 3.5
 o Multimedia Speakers

               B O I N G   C O I N   A V A I L A B L E

The Amiga "BoingCoin"

The front shows
Keep the Momentum Going!
Back for the Future

Back shows

 BoingCoins are BRASS minted and about the thickness of a mouse cable!

 We currently only accept Credit Cards, click below to purchase your

Payment by Credit Card

 For alternate payment methods, please email:

   TOP TEN Reasons to buy an Amiga "BoingCoin":

10. They make great stocking stuffers for Microsoft Employees!
9. Soon to replace the EURO as the currency of Europe!
8. AMIGA! Need I say more?
7. They make excellent User Group gifts.
6. Luckier than a stinky, old rabbit's foot.
5. They have a really neat Boing Ball logo on the front!
4. They make great paper weights!
3. Impress your PC friends! You don't see a PCCoin, do ya!?
2. "BoingCoin" just sounds sooo neat!

    and the number one reason to buy an Amiga "BoingCoin":

1. They're Y2K compliant!

URL  :

$12 Amiga Boing Coin + S&H

               L I L J E D A H L   C D   R E L E A S E

12 August 1999

 Jogeir Liljedahl, perhaps the most famous Amiga MOD musician ever,
has published his first music CD.

 Jogeir Liljedahl was the composer behind such massive Amiga MOD hits
as "Guitar Slinger", "Mystified", "Face Another Day", "Out of
Silence", "G-Comp", "Physical Presence" and too many others to
mention. He has won several awards and prizes at Amiga demo- and
music-conventions and for years been one of the driving forces behind
the entire free MOD music movement that started around 1987 on the
Amiga computer.

 He started the music-production group "Noiseless" in the early 90's
and they produced such music-disks as "Ambrozia", "Dizzy Tunes",
"Dizzy Tunes 2", "Full Moon" and others.

 For years, Jogeir wanted to publish a CD with his music, but he
lacked the money to get the project off the ground. But in early 1999,
Bjorn Lynne, an old friend and also an Amiga musician, stepped in and
offered to release Jogeir's CD on his "LynneMusic Productions" label.

 Bjorn Lynne was known as "Dr.Awesome" and part of the demo-group
"Crusaders" in the Amiga scene back in the late 80's and early 90's.
Bjorn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne has since then set up a small record label
and mailorder business specialising on music CDs by musicians from the
Amiga demo scene. Bjorn also writes music for computer games and has
released several CD albums, too. He decided to help Jogeir get his CD
released, and in August 1999 the CD was published on Bjorn's label
LynneMusic productions. Other artists CDs available through LynneMusic
are Chris Hülsbeck, Allister Brimble, Adam "Scorpik" Skorupa, Gustaf
"Lizardking" Grevberg and others.

 Jogeir Liljedahl's first CD, titled "The Wanderer", costs £12 plus £1
p&p. It is only available to buy online or through mail order. To buy
online, visit To purchase by mail-order,
make cheque payable to BJORN LYNNE and send to Bjorn Lynne / Longlands
House / Wakefield Road / Ossett WF5 9JS / ENGLAND.

 For a free catalogue of professionally produced music CDs by
Amiga-musicians, simply write to the above address, and a free
catalogue will be sent to you.
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive!
Copyright 1999 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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