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27.-29.09.24 • Classic Computing • Pfedelbach
25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)


Outlook Viruswarnung von MSNBC
Dass Outlook ein unsicheres Mailprogramm ist, haben diverse Virus-Meldungen eindeutig gezeigt, da oft das Öffnen eines Anhanges reichte, um Crackern Tür und Tor zu öffnen.

Ein Bug in Outlook und auch Outlook Express, der auftritt wenn das Programm versucht, fehlerhaft formatierte Datumfelder zu lesen, bei denen auch noch ein langer String vor GMT steht (Malformed eMail Header Vulnerability) führt zu einem Überlauffehler (Buffer Overflow), was wiederum das Programm zum Absturz bringen kann oder, und das ist weitaus gefährlicher, es kann von Crackern zur Ausführung von beliebigen Programmcodes missbraucht werden, indem dieser einfach eine entsprechend präparierte Mail schickt. Das Empfangen dieser Mail reicht!

Microsoft stellt einen Patch für dieses Problem zur Verfügung. Vorab ist aber die Installation des Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1 nötig. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Tom Neidhardt im ANF

EASys! Registrierungen während meines Urlaubs
Hallo angehende Easyaner, während meines Urlaubs, der noch bis 25.7.2000 andauert, bin ich (mit dieser Ausnahme) nicht online. Registrierungscodes zur Installation der Software EASys! sind während dieser Zeit bitte bei folgender Adresse anzufordern:

Software-Support wird soweit möglich in der EASys! Mailingliste erhältlich sein. Dort finden Sie bestimmt auch Antworten zu Ihren Fragen. Vielen Dank! (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Magerl per eMail

SeaSide Demo
Seit heute ist eine Demversion von SeaSide auf der Homepage von APC&TCP und im Aminet erhältlich. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer per eMail

VWP News
Audio-Effekte für Casablanca
In Zusammenarbeit mit MotionStudios hat VWP für das Videoschnittsystem Casablanca zwei Softwarepakete mit Audioeffekten entwickelt. Das Paket "SoundFX" enthält diverse Effekte zur Bearbeitung, Verfremdung, Verbesserung und Veränderung des Videotones. Das SurroundFX Paket besitzt verschiedene Funktionen zur Surround-Codierung des Tones. Neben der freien Positionierung im Hörraum erlauben diese Effekte auch editierbare und vorgegebene Bewegungen des Tones, sofern ein Surrounddecoder (kompatibel mit Circle- oder Dolby-Surround) an die Casablanca angeschlossen ist. Weitere Informationen finden sich hier.

BeOS Developer Forum
Eher ein kleines Experiment ist das neu eingerichtete Forum für Softwareentwickler, die BeOS nutzen. Zu finden ist es unter - mal sehen wie viele "BeVeloper" es schon gibt. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga, Inc.

Amiga Inc. und KDH geben strategische Vertriebsübereinkunft bekannt
Pressemitteilung: Snoqualmie, Wa. USA - Amiga Inc. ist erfreut, ihre Partnerschaft zum Vertrieb der neuen d'AMIGA Entwicklermaschine, der Amiga-Produktline der nächsten Generation, sowie der AMIGA-CLASSIC-Produkte mit KDH Datentechnik aus Horb/Stuttgart bekannt geben zu dürfen.

"Wir sind glücklich für unsere kürzlich bekannt gegebene d'AMIGA Developer Machine (Entwicklermaschine) in Europa hohe Standards sicher stellen zu können. Günter ist seit vielen Jahren ein bekannter und respektierter Händler und hat große Anstrengungen unternommen, um eine Verfügbarkeit der d'AMIGA Developer Machine für Entwickler und andere Händler in Europa sicher zu stellen. Wir freuen uns, unserer Gemeinde eine wirtschaftliche Lösung anbieten und zusätzliche Unterstützung von Amiga für unsere Entwickler bündeln zu können. Die d'AMIGA Developer Machine ist für jedes Mitglied unserer Gemeinde von großem Wert. Wie wir bereits in der Vergangenheit erklärten, haben wir weitere wertvolle Dinge zur d'AMIGA Developer Machine hinzugefügt, die sonst nirgendwo verfügbar sein werden. Wenn Ihre Machine nicht über die d'AMIGA Developer Machine Plakette verfügt, wird sie nicht auf die gleiche Weise unterstützt werden. Wir ermutigen die Gemeinde in die d'AMIGA Developer Machine zu investieren, die nur über KDH, Deutschland vertrieben werden wird. Ebenso ermutigen wir andere Händler mit KDH Kontakt aufzunehmen, zwecks Verfügbarkeit für unsere Kunden.", sagte Randy Hughes, Vize Präsident für Verkauf und strategische Allianzen bei Amiga Inc.

KDH Datentechnik, ein sehr geachteter Name in der AMIGA Gemeinde, ist hoch erfreut, Teil der Zukunftspläne von Amiga Inc. zu sein. Sie sind glücklich, als exklusiver Lieferant der d'Amiga Developer Machine in Europa benannt worden zu sein und rechnen damit, dass der Verkauf des SDK und der Entwicklermachine sich einem steigenden Wachstum erfreuen werden. Günter Horbach, Präsident von KDH Datentechnik, fügt hinzu, "Wir sind stolz, Teil der neuen Amiga-Zukunft und in der Lage zu sein, die aktuelle Amiga-Classic Line und die Produkte der nächsten Generation für die Amiga-Gemeinde in Europa bereitstellen zu können. Eine enge und faire Geschäftsbeziehung mit unseren Amiga Kunden und Amiga Händlern ist der Schlüssel in unsere Zukunft. Unser zufriedener Kundenstamm macht uns zu einem der grössten Amiga Versandhändler in Europa. Wir möchten diese Gelegenheit nutzen, unseren Kunden weltweit dafür zu danken, dass wir sie betreuen durften und für die Unterstützung der derzeitigen Angebote von Amiga. Wir ermutigen die Anwender- Gemeinde sowie die anderen Händler den großartigen Wert der d'AMIGA Developer Machine zu erforschen und beantworten gerne Ihre Fragen. Unsere Kunden ermutigten uns über die Jahre die Amiga-Plattform zu unterstützen und tun dies auch im Falle des Next Generation Amiga. Die Zufriedenheit der Kunden, freundlicher und unkomplizierter Service, zusammen mit den besten, technischen Fachkenntnissen kennzeichnen KDH. Diese Qualitäten sowie die Vision von Amiga Inc. sichern uns Allen eine strahlende Zukunft."

Es ist Amigas Misson DIE Plattform zu liefern, Architekur und Tools für das kommende Universum der digitalen Inhalte. Dabei werden wir auf einzigartige Weise unsere Partner in die Lage versetzen, Produkte zu erzeugen, die die Versprechen des digitalen Zeitalters näher bringen werden. Das Erscheinen unseres ersten Produktes, das Amiga Software Development Kit (SDK) und jetzt die d'AMIGA Developer Machine, aktiviert tausende von Entwicklern, die der alten Plattformen - geschaffen für Dienste von Gestern - müde sind, sich den zehntausenden von extistierenden Amiga-Entwicklern jetzt anzuschließen, die bereits mit Amiga an den Inhalten von heute und morgen arbeiten. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte

Für weitere Informationen zu KDH Datentechnik nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt auf mit:

Randall P. Hughes
Vice President Sales and Strategic Alliances
Amiga Inc.

Günter Horbach
KDH Datentechnik (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Tester für MAC Emulator gesucht
Wir suchen einen versierten Amiga Kenner, der für uns einen MAC Emulator testet. Erfahrungen mit anderen MAC Emulatoren und Englisch Kenntnisse sind eine Voraussetzung. Meldungen bitte an eine unserer bekannten email Adressen. Neben Ruhm und Ehre gibt es auch eine kleine Aufwandsentschädigung als Entlohnung. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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KatoDev im ANF

Melody1200pro komplett an Händler verkauft
In den nächsten Tagen geht die komplette aktuelle Produktion nach und nach an Händler in Europa (im Wesentlichen Deutschland). Leider hat der Bestücker einen Lieferverzug von über vier Wochen verursacht, was u.a. auf den globalen Mangel an bestimmten Bauteilen zurückzuführen ist. KatoDev dankt für die Geduld!

Die Homepage von KatoDev wird erst in den nächsten Tagen etwas angepasst werden, da der Manpower derzeit mit Test, Versand und Entwicklung beschäftigt ist. KatoDev hält dies derzeit für wichtiger. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Oliver Gantert im ANF

Orbit 0.7a (PPC) erschienen
Auf meiner Homepage ist jetzt eine neue PPC-Version von Orbit zum Download verfügbar. Leider ist (im Gegensatz zur 060-Version) noch kein Netzwerk-Support drin, aber das wird sich in den nächsten Wochen ändern. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmiCamedia für Digitalkameras
Mit AmiCamedia übertragen Sie Ihre Bilder aus Olympus Digitalkameras unkompliziert und schnell auf Ihren Amiga. Einfach Kamera seriell anschließen, Software starten und los gehts. Features sind: Vorschaufunktion, Übertragen einzelner oder aller Bilder, Datenübertragung bis zu 230400 Baud. Details. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Hyperactive: Interview mit Martyn Brown von Team 17
In dem weltexklusiven Interview hat Hyperactive Martyn Brown Informationen entlockt, die absolut neu sind. Erfahren Sie alles über Worms 3D, Alien Breed 3D, Hogs of War, Stunt GP, WormNet Probleme, Team 17 Strategien, die X-Box, den Amiga, den Dreamcast Piratenring, PS2 Programmierung, den Lamborghini in der Garage von Team 17, die Herkunft des Namens "Team 17", Fussball-Rowdytum und vieles, vieles mehr ... (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Brad Webb per eMail

Amiga Update Newsletter 000718
From:     Brad Webb
Date:     Tue, 18 Jul 2000 20:38:28 -0500
Subject:  Newsletter

   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_||   (An Occasional e-mail
         "SO THE WORLD MAY KNOW"         ||        News Source)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

                D ' A M I G A   I S   D ' T H I N G

                 U P D A T E   F R O M   A M I G A

        M A T H E N G I N E   T O   T A O   P L A T F O R M 

   A M I G A   I N C .   &   S O F T W A R E   H U T   A G A I N

                 . . . A N D   C O M P U Q U I C K

           A M I G A F E S T   M O V E S   F O R W A R D 

                    A M I W E S T   U P D A T E

       A M I W E S T   D E V E L O P E R S '   M E E T I N G

              A M I G A Z O N E   A T   A M I W E S T

         S E A L O R A M A   S O M E W H E R E   I N   U K 

             O P E N   L E T T E R   F R O M   C S & E 

         N O ,   N O T   _ T H A T _   D I G I T A   . . . 

          D O C D A T A T Y P E S   U P D A T E   N E W S 

                     D E V E L O P E R   N E E D E D ! 

          A M I G A   J O B S   S T A T U S   R E P O R T

                        G A U H P I L   U P D A T E 

              A M I G A   S U R V I O R   -   D O E S 

      A N D   A M I G A   F U T U R E   H A S   E N G L I S H

          M A S T H E A D   F O R   N E W   A M I G A N S 

            D R Y   I C E   I N   D E V E L O P M E N T 

            N O T E   F R O M   H O L G E R   K R U S E
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 Fun things this time around. Lots of Amiga shows coming up and a
bewildering blizzard of annoucements and strategic aliances from
Amiga. Hope the items below help to make it all clear.
 First, some AU business. The contest for the Amiga 2000 is over. All
entrants should have received a notice from us by now. In case some
got lost in the mail, here's the note we sent to everyone who DIDN'T

"Hello from 'Amiga Update'

 "I hate suspense, so here it is - the winner of the Amiga 2000
drawing is:

"Gerald B. Gibbons

 "Congratulations Gerald!! You should have already received a separate
note with information on contacting Pat Hammond, the generous donator
of the computer.
 "I'm sending this note to everyone who expressed interest, but will
do so without revealing individual e-mail addresses.
 "We received nine requests from readers who wanted to be included in
the drawing. All names were written on same sized slips of paper, and
placed in an old "AmiEXPO" hat (you have to have been around a while
to remember those shows). The winner was drawn by Mrs. Webb. We held
the drawing at "Amiga Update" World Headquarters on the 4th of July,
allowing a few days from the end of the month in case some late
entries might have been caught in the Internet mail flow.

 "We hope Gerald enjoys the Amiga 2000 for quite a while, and thanks
to everyone who participated.
"Brad Webb,
'Amiga Update'"

 We'd like to give another big "thank you!" to Pat Hammond for making
the computer available!
 And while we're dealing in fun things, we've picked up on a
persistent rumor, which seems to have been repeated word for word in
several places, including supposedly the UK's entertainment industry
publication "MCV". Here are some quotes:

 "The long forgotten Amiga system is to make a comeback.
 "Amigas have been destined to the dustbin of time after the advent of
consoles, and after the ill-fated Amiga CD-32, it was thought that
Amiga would not be resurfacing.
 "However, a new Amiga games machine is on its way - and it's likely to
be some kind of handheld games unit. The machine will use the Amiga OS
but is unlikely to be manufactured by Amiga Inc themselves. Third
party manufacturers such as Dell, Gateway and IBM have expressed
interests in the minature Amiga handheld, while Amiga will supply the
badge and operating system.
 "A new Amiga desktop machine called Amiga One will also be launched in
November this year, and will be targeted at home users. We welcome
back the Amiga with open arms."

 We suggest you don't put too much faith in that "story" but it
certainly is interesting.
 Finally, word has reached us that Sun has announced today the source
for its "StarOffice" product will be made available for others to
port. "StarOffice is an office suite of productivity software much
beloved in the Linux environment and provides the closest thing there
is to Microsoft competition. Anyone out there interested in porting it
to the Amiga?
 We hope you enjoy this issue,
 Brad Webb,

E-mail to the E-ditor:

Dear Friends,

 I think, yours is a very good idea, please keep on and sign me on
 The Amiga used to be my joy, a great machine, especially the A1200
which I bought after my first computer, the A2000.
 Great machines, super interface, the best.
 I left Europe in 1996 to do a 3-year contract on the island of Aruba
and because of my work, (I am an architect working with autocad on
pc`s) and the fact that nobody does the Amiga on that Island, I lost
some track of the Amiga.
 I hope to see a new generation Amiga on the market soon and I like to
keep in touch with some news on these developments. I will be joining
for sure.

Thanks for being Amigans. John  
 Thanks for writing and welcome! There's a lot going on in at Amiga
Inc. as this issue shows. We hope to bring the highlights to you and
the rest of the Community.


              D ' A M I G A   I S   D ' T H I N G

 July 13, 2000 - Amiga Inc., Snoqualmie, WA, today announced
manufacturing and distribution agreements with Wonder Computers
International Inc. in Ottawa, Canada and Software Hut, Inc. in West
Chester, PA. These agreements will allow the manufacture of d'Amiga
Authorized Developer Workstations in North America.
 Both Software Hut and Wonder Computers are well known and well
regarded figures in the Amiga community. Their involvement dates back
well over a decade.
 Amiga, Software Hut and Wonder Computers share the same vision and
strategy to establish the Next Generation Amiga as the preeminent
media platform and operating environment for the future.
 ``It gives us great pleasure to have released the Software
Development Kit (SDK) on schedule and to follow up with such excellent
value to the community with the d'Amiga Developer Workstation. It
gives us equal pleasure to have the support of Software Hut and Wonder
Computers behind this release. Through this developer machine, we
achieve our goal of providing excellent value in superior hardware to
realize our cross platform binary compatibility promise for
developers. This will no doubt come as great news to those in the
community seeking value of their dollar as they develop for the great
number of target platforms that Amiga supports," said Randall Hughes,
Vice President, Sales and Strategic Alliances at Amiga Inc.
 "We at Software Hut are extremely excited to have been selected as
the official US Distributor for the authorized d'Amiga Developer
Workstation. Many of our customers and dealer partners have been
looking for a machine with all the specifications to run the Amiga SDK
in one bundled package. Our combined efforts, along with Amiga Inc.'s
and Wonder Computers', will ensure that all developers will have easy
and affordable access to the tools needed to develop software that
will revolutionize computing as we now know it," said Joseph Muoio,
President of Software Hut, Inc.
 "We are proud to be a part of this quantum leap forward in computing
technology, and look forward to working closely with Amiga and
Software Hut on this project in the weeks and months to come. The
developer machine is more than just a tool. It represents the first
significant opportunity for Amigans and former Amigans everywhere, to
join forces and help bring about a real change in the way computers
work. The developers machine can also be configured to run Amiga
Classic software through emulation, adding further to its potential
value for anyone considering a purchase," extolled Mark Habinski,
President of Wonder Computers International Inc.

 The developer machine represents unparalleled value, uses brand name
parts of the highest quality, and is bundled with a comprehensive
warranty on hardware and an enhanced level of support from Amiga Inc.
The workstation also includes the Amiga SDK. "We at Amiga are proud to
have our name on the d'Amiga Authorized Developer Workstation," said
Mr. Hughes, in reference to its significant value and competitive
price. Such a price/performance achievement is not possible using
clone hardware. If it does not have the official Amiga Boing insignia,
it is not an authorized Amiga Developer Workstation. Please see for full details.

 Other d'Amiga information:

 The d'AMIGA represents outstanding value to our community in its
functionality and support. Feature for feature, it represents the most
affordable performance and comprehensive support available on a
standardized platform to Amigans and other Amiverse developers.
 The d'AMIGA developer workstation is available through your preferred
dealer via distribution of the following, in their respective

   o USA - Software Hut Inc.
   o Canada - Wonder Computers International Inc
   o UK - Eyetech Group Ltd.
   o Europe - KDH Datentechnik
   o Australia - Unitech Electronics

 Please contact your preferred dealer or the above mentioned
distributors to arrange for delivery and regional pricing of your
d'AMIGA Developer Workstation today!

Following are the system specifications:


   o Motherboard Gigabyte GA-5AX
   o CPU AMD K6-11 3D 500Mhz
   o Memory 128 Mbyte SDRAM DIMM PC100
   o Hard Drive 10 Gbyte IDE
   o CDROM 40X
   o Floppy 1.44 Mbyte
   o Sound Creative Sound blaster Live PCI-16
   o Video Matrox G400 Dual Head
   o Speakers 160 W
   o Network Linksys NC100 v2.0
   o Warranty 2 year 'Sealed Case' P&L


   o Redhat Linux 6.1 PreInstalled
   o AMIGA Software Development Tool Kit
   o Amiga Inc ADN Support Package Trailblazer Level. A $1000 value
      o 24 Hour turnaround on issues, requests, information, tools, 
        documents and beta builds from point of availability versus 
        7 days to community at large
      o Beta software accessible from the ADN
      o Faq-O-Matic
      o Developer conference discounts 15%
      o Discount on Printed and Softbound documents 15%
      o Searchable database of bugs, beta testers and developers
      o Full listing of issues, status of issues taken from Bugzilla 
        and Faq-O-Matic, all maintained in a prioritized online 
      o Bugzilla
      o Code Samples
      o All developer materials, the online Developer Mall and other 
        Web Accessible tools
      o Message Boards
      o Online developer docs
      o Mailing Lists
      o Internet Messaging
   o IRC with internal Amiga Inc. programmers and senior management
   o Monthly CEO feedback to developers- No more surprises!

                U P D A T E   F R O M   A M I G A

{Note: yes this story carries a date of the 19th - tomorrow where we
are - but we really did obtain it on the 18th. We just bring you the
news really, really fast! Slightly edited for easier reading in the AU
format. Brad}

Update From Amiga Inc on AmiOpen
(19 July, 2000) - Gary Peake

 I would like to announce that Douglas McLaughlin will be writing his
own version of ICQ for the new AmiVerse.
 License Fees: Contrary to what the SDK says, there will be NO license
fees on any applications, tools, or ports in the year 2000. We are
reviewing this policy for 2001 and beyond and as soon as I have the
info I will post it here. Also, there is and never will be license
fees on open source apps or tools.
 Developer Web Site: Sorry about the delay with the web site. Part of
the delay was waiting to see which ways we would go with certain web
based applications and another part of the delay has been getting my
family situation worked out and all of my family up here to the great
Northwest. That accomplished, the web site updates will begin in
earnest now. Stay tuned for more developments there.

Thanks for your patience

Gary Peake
Director - Support
Amiga Inc.

        M A T H E N G I N E   T O   T A O   P L A T F O R M 

 Oxford and Reading, England - July 4th 2000, MathEngine PLC, the
leader in real time dynamics software - which allows complex,
physics-based interactive simulation - today announced it will make
its technology available on Tao Group's intentTM media platform.
 The intentTM platform is a lightweight, high performance media
platform for running systems and content across a broad range of
digital networked appliances from PCs and game consoles to set top
boxes and mobile phones. This means that developers can write code
that can be easily ported to run on many different current and future
hardware platforms. Example areas of use for MathEngine's libraries
include the creation of realistic physics behavior for next generation
consoles and PC games. By including MathEngine technology in the
intentTM platform, MathEngine is able to make its technology available
in a highly optimised form on this broad range of hardware platforms.
 "MathEngine is contributing a very important suite of high value
technologies to the intentTM environment," said Francis Charig,
Chairman of Tao. "Our recent range of announcements involving
multimedia partners is now further complemented by the immediacy and
reality brought by MathEngine's software. It is increasingly
recognized that only Tao can combine the enabling of true multimedia
content, across many different Internet appliances, with conformance
to global standards. Our partnership with MathEngine will make that
content both different and even more exciting."
 The new Tao environment, including MathEngine technology, will be
available on general release later this year but will be available to
selected partners in advance.
 MathEngine has found Tao to be an ideal partner in the Internet
appliance space. With MathEngine already running its software on games
platforms such as PCs and video game consoles, the relationship with
Tao is one way in which MathEngine can branch out to new markets such
as digital television, set top boxes and smart phones.
 Lincoln Wallen, Chief Technology Officer of MathEngine said,
"Integrating our technology into Tao's intentTM media platform allows
developers already working with our products on PC and game consoles
to make their titles available more easily on other emerging
platforms. The partnership will enable MathEngine to branch out into
new markets and design specific solutions for new consumer devices."

   A M I G A   I N C .   &   S O F T W A R E   H U T   A G A I N 

 Snoqualmie, Wa. USA - On June 17, 2000, Amiga announced a partnership
with Software Hut, Inc. of West Chester, Pa. USA for distribution of
the new Amiga SDK and Classic Amiga products. Software Hut, Inc., the
leading distributor in North America of Classic Amiga products, will
now make available existing Classic Amiga products as well as the next
generation SDK to all Amiga dealers, end users, and developers.
 "We are pleased offer easy access to all our products, both Classic
and Next Generation, through Software Hut. They have been a strong
supporter of the Amiga Community for the past 12 years and have the
widest selection of Amiga products in stock in North America," said
Randy Hughes, Vice President Sales and Strategic Alliances at Amiga
Inc. "Their enthusiasm and expertise will be of great help in
supplying our existing Classic market with products for years to come
as well as developing and expanding our ability to distribute our Next
Generation Products. We join the community in welcoming Software Hut
to our future."
 Gary Peake, Director of Support at Amiga Inc. said, "I am very
pleased to have Software Hut on board as one of our Regional
Distributors for North America! Joe and Trish have devoted the last
eleven years of their life to supporting the Amiga community with
friendly and knowledgeable service, good pricing, and ethical
standards that make doing business with them a pleasure."
 Software Hut, Inc., a well-known name in the current global Amiga
community, is excited about distributing the new Amiga line. Joseph
Muoio, President of Software Hut, commented, "We are extremely excited
to be able to offer Amiga products to the entire community. We have a
great relationship with our dealers and end-users worldwide, and we
hope to further our relationship with them. We thank everyone who has
supported our efforts to remain Amiga-specific in the past and ask for
your continued support as we unite with Amiga Inc. to distribute a
successful, revolutionary new Amiga that will take the by storm."
 Software Hut, Inc. began as a small, family-owned business in 1982,
specializing in Apple products. After the release of the AMIGA 1000,
Software Hut, Inc. realized the market potential of this superior
graphics system and has spent the last 12 years devoting all of its
efforts into promoting and selling the Amiga line of products. The
Amiga's popularity and incredible graphics applications has
transformed Software Hut from its humble beginnings to one of the
largest Amiga distributors in the world.

                . . . A N D   C O M P U Q U I C K

June 28, 2000
 Snoqualmie, Wa. USA - Amiga Inc. is pleased to announce their
partnership with Compuquick Media Center, of Columbus, Ohio, USA, to
distribute the new AMIGA SDK (Software Development Kit), as well as
the AMIGA CLASSIC products.
 "We are happy to ensure high availability of our Classic and Next
Generation products through Compuquick. Mr. Jesrani has been both a
familiar and a highly regarded member of the community since 1987. It
is both our honor and privilege to be associated with Compuquick. We
aniticipate their continued commitment and expertise, knowing that the
community will be well served. We join you in welcoming Compuquick to
the future of Amiga," said Randy Hughes, Vice President Sales and
Strategic Alliances at Amiga Inc.
 Compuquick Media Center, a well-known name in the AMIGA community, is
excited to be a part of Amiga Inc.'s plans for the future. They look
forward to continued success in distributing the new AMIGA SDK as well
as any other products that may be contemplated by Amiga. Randhir
Jesrani, President of Compuquick Media Center added, "We are very
pleased to be able to offer Amiga products to the community and look
forward to helping the community grow. We have an excellent
relationship with our Amiga friends throughout the world and are keen
to hear from our many friends who have come back to Amiga. Once an
Amigan, always an Amigan."
 Compuquick Media Center has a 10 year legacy of satisfied clients and
is a constant fixture at all Amiga trade shows. Compuquick has devoted
their focus to the sale and service of Amiga systems, software and
peripherals and is the leading supplier of Video Toaster and Flyer
systems. Compuquick has demonstrated their expertise and is a leader
in the sales of Amiga products to the educational and to the graphic
artist communities and count animators at Disney and the suppliers to
the Armed Forces as just a few of their many customers.

          A M I G A F E S T   M O V E S   F O R W A R D 

03 July, 2000

 AmigaFest 2000, the show within a show at Dayton's Fall Computerfest®
is a go!

 AmigaFest will have its own area within Computerfest® and we will
have more control over the layout than last year. Last year we had
about 15 exhibitors and we hope to have many more this year.
 The Fall Computerfest® is Sat. & Sun. August 26 & 27 at Hara Arena on
the northwest side of Dayton, Ohio.
 This show has a big advantage for the Amiga Community because it will
give you access to several vendors who are Amiga specialists and also
well over a hundred vendors selling the general equipment you need,
drives, printers, memory, storage media, etc. at really great prices.
In effect, everything you need and want in one place.
 For Amiga vendors and exhibitors it give you access to a croud of
over 30,000 attendees, and, while most are PC people, an amazing
number of Amiga people will be there. Many are Amiga users who do not
buy the magazines and are not in user groups and are there for the
cheap goodies and will be really happy to have access to Amiga gear.
This also gives you access to a tremendous crowd most of who know
nothing about Amiga and many who once owned one and it will surprise
you how much interest having AmigaFest 2000 within the show will
generate. This is also an excellent forum to let the non-Amiga world
know what is happening. Most important, it is an inexpensive show to
participate in. The cost is $60 per 8 ft. table. This is really a
bargain for a show of this magnitude.
 Amiga, Inc. is providing two A1200s and a selection of other items to
be raffled at the show. We are also planning to have a get together on
the Saturday evening of the show at a restaurant so we can all relax
eat, maybe drink a little, socialize a lot, and generally have a good
 If you are interested in more information on the show, directions, or
being an exhibitor, email me at or phone/fax at
 Ron Schwartz AmigaFest Coordinator/AmiTech-Dayton

                      A M I W E S T   U P D A T E

05 July, 2000

 On June 6, Amiga Inc. and Eyetech Group Ltd entered into a strategic
relationship for Eyetech to manufacture the first release of the Next
Generation Amiga Development Machine. Eyetech will be coming to
Sacramento, California for AmiWest 2000 and will be showing off the
Next Generation Amiga Development Machine coupled with a Classic A1200
at the show.
 Eyetech is the leading UK developers and Worldwide mail order
retailers of Amiga technology products for the home and for industry.
They are the manufacturers and distributors of the EZDev-Plus and
EZDev-Tower Dev Boxes in the UK and Ireland under a partnership
agreement with Amiga Inc. and parent company of the Eye-Play
( games publishing and distribution for the Classic
and Amiga OE platforms.
 Products at the show will include: EZRack 2U x 380mm 19" rack system
containing a full EZDev and Classic A1200 platform networked in the
same case; EZBoot silicon floppy disk allowing direct booting from
CDROM on all WB3+ Amigas; the AMON low distortion automatic monitor
switcher for the Cybervision64-3D and scandoubled AGA outputs; the
EZLink AREXX-controlled infrared controller 'learning'
receiver/transmitter for all WB2+ Amigas; the EZ-Net 5-click
Linux-Amiga, Win-Amiga & Amiga-Amiga networking software and
installer; the EZ-VGA range of scan doublers and flickerfixers and
much more.
 A rolling presentation under SCALA MM400 will show some of the
products that we physically couldn't bring with us, but regularly send
to the US by mail order. These include: the full range of EZDev
configuration options, the EZTower-Z4 A1200 tower system with Z4
expansion board (3 x Z2, 2 x hi-speed Z2, 2 x 19MB/s Z4, 4 x clock
port slots) and many more products.
 Special dealer and User Group pricing will be available at the show.
Eyetech can be reached on the web at
 Remember, AmiWest 2000 is being held on Friday through Sunday, July
29-30, 2000 at the Holiday Inn, Sacramento NorthEast, in Sacramento,
CA. Classes and seminars will be held throughout the day on both
Saturday and Sunday with the exhibit hall being open on Saturday, July
29th from 10 A.M. - 5 P.M and Sunday, July 30th 10 A.M. - 4 P.M.
 Specially priced tickets for AmiWest 2000 are available in advance by
mail. Prices are: two day admission tickets, $12 and one day admission
ticket, $8. If you elect to purchase tickets at the door, the prices
are: two day ticket at the door, $15 and One day ticket at the door,
$10. If you are ordering a one day ticket by mail, please specify
which day (Saturday or Sunday) you are attending.
 There will be a buffet banquet on Saturday evening, July 29th, with
Bill McEwen, President of Amiga Inc., as the guest speaker discussing
the progress made to date on the new Amigas. Price is $35 per plate.
Banquet tickets must be purchased in advance. They will NOT be sold on
Friday nor Saturday due to the hotel needing attendance figures for
planning the banquet.
 You can mail your requests for advanced admission and banquet tickets

 AmiWest 2000
 c/o John Zacharias
 10004 Vanguard Drive
 Sacramento, CA 95827

 Make checks payable to "AmiWest".

 A form for ordering tickets can be found on the AmiWest web page at where you can learn more about AmiWest
 Petro Tyschtschenko, Managing Director, Amiga Deutschland Inc., will
be joining Mr McEwen in attendance at AmiWest 2000. Special hotel room
rates are available at the Holiday Inn for those attending AmiWest
2000. Room rates are $ 79 (Single) and $ 89 (double) if reservations
are made by July 7. You must mention that you are attending AmiWest to
get the special rate. You can phone the Holiday Inn at 1-916-338-5800
or 1-800-388-9284 (Tool Free - Hotel directly) to make hotel
 You will also be able to purchase the recently announced Software
Development Kit (SDK) for the new Amigas at AmiWest 2000. The SDK is
being sold by several of the exhibitors at the show. This weekend
event will again showcase the progress that IS the Amiga Community.
 Hope to see you at AmiWest 2000 on July 29-30, 2000.

 John Zacharias,
chairperson AmiWest 2000

       A M I W E S T   D E V E L O P E R S '   M E E T I N G

17 Jul 2000 


Developer's Meeting at AmiWest 2000!

 Kermit Woodall of Nova Design will be conducting an informal
developers meeting at AmiWest 2000 to discuss future development
trends on the Amiga. The meeting will be held during the vendor setup
period between 8 pm and 9 pm on Friday evening, July 28, 2000 on the
Terrace in front of the main AmiWest exhibit hall. Questions
concerning the new Amiga SDK will be entertained and hopefully
answered during this meeting.
 A special reception for vendors and developers with food and drink
and sponsored by AmiWest will also be held during the vendor setup on
Friday evening.

            A M I G A Z O N E   A T   A M I W E S T

(17 July, 2000) -

 For the third year in a row, AmigaZone will be exhibiting at the
AmiWest show. (Show location and hotel details and all the other
relevant poop about AmiWest is at ).
 Sign up for AmigaZone in person at the show with me and you will be
given a free AmigaZone logo baseball cap!.
 There is a glorious, no-expenses-spared, super 3D rotating
confetti-spewing Playmate-filled *multimedia presentation of the hat
at *or maybe it's just a lame
picture ;)
 As a special "instant rebate" --> flashing neon --> BONUS <--
flashing neon <-- and while supplies last, to those who join AmigaZone
at AmiWest in person, along with your hat you will be handed a brand
spankin' new, freshly-minted, brilliant uncirculated year 2000 dated
United States "Golden Dollar." (Actual cash value of the dollar is one
dollar :) (For more info on what the new Golden Dollar is, visit ).
 You'll be able to demo AmigaZone for your own self, live, online, at
my booth, on my 060 machine in glorious Cybergrafx, on a big monitor
with live modem connection, ask me all the questions you want to
(excet the ones I can't answer, like 'bout birthin' babies..) and just
have a damn good time at the show.
 Please, no pushing and shoving, stand on the throbbing blue line, and
keep your hands to yourself. Thank you! If you are already an
AmigaZone member and joined before I started this whole hat thang, you
may purchase a hat at my booth for $7.50. Non-members may purchase one
for $12.00 unless they ask really really nicely and then maybe they
can have one for $10.00. (See for the fine print).
 See you at AmiWest, Sacramento, July 29-30, 2000!
 Harv -- Founder of AmigaZone. Supporting Amiga owners since 1985!
Go here for info or to join:

       S E A L O R A M A   S O M E W H E R E   I N   U K 

 {The story we got didn't say where in the UK. We'll bring you that
information when we get it. Brad}

It's Here!!

 On Sunday September the 10th 2000, SEAL (possibly the most active
Amiga User Group in the known universe), is holding the first ever

   o Buy Bargains!
   o Win Prizes!
   o Play Games!
   o See Demonstrations!
   o Meet Fellow Amigans!
   o Watch Exhibitions!
   o And So Much More!

 Amiga have donated two Amiga 1200s and loads of other branded goodies
for you to win!

Analogic Computers

 Analogic will be donating some great prizes for the competitions
running during the show. They are also offering free gifts and special
discounts to anyone who subscribes to Clubbed magazine at the show!

 Have a look at the exhibitors attending, and the funky stuff they are
hoping to show off to you. Some of it to be seen for the very first


 The show will open at 12:00 midday and will close at 17:00.


 Entry to the show will cost £1 per person, which includes entry to
win one of the A1200 Magic Packs.

See you there!

            O P E N   L E T T E R   F R O M   C S & E 

7 July, 2000

Dear friends,

 It won't come as a shock to most within the community that advance
sales of our forthcoming Amiga titles have been disappointing. On the
classic Amiga we are fighting with hands tied behind our backs due to
the lack of new hardware sales and in addition we are being hit below
the belt by piracy. It is with deep regret that I announce CS&E has
cancelled all future games development for this system. This was a
difficult decision for me to make but financially impossible for me to
 More positively, remember we arrived on the Amiga scene in
anticipation of a new machine - hence we will develop for the new
Amiga and I have great pleasure in announcing that CS&E will be giving
away development kits free to all Amiga developers who pledge to
release their forthcoming titles through our network. In addition our
£1,000 competition will be carried over to the new Amiga so that
£1,000 will definitely be given away in advance to the developer of
what CS&E judges to be the best software offering, now extended to the
end of 2,000. By taking these steps CS&E is making development for the
Amiga pay and ensuring the best quality in gameplay and service for
our customers. Nothing has changed since we entered the Amiga market
on the back of successful PC releases last year, our quality,
originality and commitment to Amiga speaks for itself.
 Amiga Survivor will play a key role in being one of the most
respected sources of information for the Amiga community through the
launch of the new Amiga. AS has recently been put in the hands of an
independent team of budding journalists from all over Europe and is
the premier independent magazine for Amiga news and reviews. Issue 10
will be the first release in the new format on August 10th, after
which you will get regular bi-monthly release dates.
 Look out for more news at coming soon!
 Kind Regards,

 David Connolly
 Managing Director
 Crystal Software and Electronics Ltd

         N O ,   N O T   _ T H A T _   D I G I T A   . . . 

27 Jun 2000

Innovative brings Digita(TM)-power to your AMIGA!

 Innovative has developed a driver for DigiCams running the Digita(TM)
Operating Environment. Digita(TM)-enabled DigiCams offer much more
flexibility and abilities than everything else currently on the
market. Digita(TM) is used in high-end-cameras of different companies,
runs on PowerPC- and Coldfire-CPUs and allows you to run scripts,
applications and games (incl. MAME!!) on your camera. The developers
of Digita(TM), Flashpoint(TM) ( wants to
make Digita(TM) the standard for DigiCams and specified a standardized
communication-protocol between computer and camera. With the now
available VHI-driver, AMIGA-users finally get access to these amazing
cameras and can download and rework pictures from these cameras.
Currently available Digita(TM)-enabled DigiCams are

        · Kodak DC 220, DC 260, DC 265, DC 290
        · Minolta Dimage 1500 EX, Dimage 1500 3D
        · HP PhotoSmart C500, C619, C912,
        · Pentax EI-200, EI-2000

P.S.: In this case, Digita(TM) has nothing to do with the developers 
      of Wordsworth but is the name of a product by Flashpoint(TM).

          D O C D A T A T Y P E S   U P D A T E   N E W S 

12 July, 2000

 The latest version of DocDatatypes, v39.40, is now available. The
main changes from version 39.30 are that the RTF datatype and filetype
descriptor have been updated to support most if not all RTF file
types. A new datatype for First Word(plus) documents is now included
as is full support for WordPerfect 4, including file type descriptors.
A DocDatatypes mailing list also has been created. A working 68000
version of Orbit 0.7 (you'll need a 060) is available. You can also
download a version with networking enabled! The PPC version will get
network support soon.


                   D E V E L O P E R   N E E D E D ! 

13 Jul 2000 

 APC&TCP search a c++ developer for work with our team on the game
Phönix. please write to:


Andreas Magerl


            A M I G A   J O B S   S T A T U S   R E P O R T

28 Jun 2000 

"Free Amiga Jobs" - Status Report, June 2000

 Cologne/Germany, 28-June-2000 - The Amiga market is moving. Just a
look at Free Amiga Jobs, the free employment agency service for the
Amiga, shows how many projects are planned or running right now by
established and startup-companies. You can make a contribution to the
development: work for the Amiga!
 Here are the known changes since the last status report:

new jobs (since last update): 18
filled jobs (since last update): 15
filled jobs (overall): 28
open jobs (currently): 36
open jobs (overall): 62

"Free Amiga Jobs" is hosted by Amiga plus and at "".


Nico Barbat, Amiga plus

                     G A U H P I L   U P D A T E 

16 Jun 2000 

Hi Amigans!

 This is just to let you know about some changes on the Geographical
Amiga Users Home Pages Internet List (GAUHPIL). Most pages are now
bilingual (English & German) and the navigation links have therefore
changed on most pages:

 I will be on holidays for the next three weeks. Please go on sending
me your updates and hints. I will check them all when I'm back home.
Thanks for your attention and support!

                                                    Dietmar Knoll

             A M I G A   S U R V I O R   -   D O E S 

 The magazine is now under new ownership and has a whole new team of
writers as well as an experienced Graphics designer and Webmaster.
   Issue 1 should be on sale from the 10th of August, priced at
£3.99.  To order your copy, e-mail, putting "AS
Issue 1  Order" in the Subject line.
  In the meantime, we need readers letters for our "Letters to the
Editor" pages - send them to:  We
also welcome all comments and suggestions for improvements to the
 PREVIEW OF ISSUE 10 - Our "first" issue will introduce the team and
hopefully give you some idea of what to expect from future issues.
 We'll also have plenty of news, reviews of ArtEffect and Pagestream
(and possibly an Amiga Writer Exclusive!), interviews and plenty 

      A N D   A M I G A   F U T U R E   H A S   E N G L I S H

24 Jun 2000 

Now in english.

 The german homepage from the print magazine Amiga Future now includes
a translation tool. The users can now read all our news, interviews
(every week 1-2 interviews) votes, and so on.

         M A S T H E A D   F O R   N E W   A M I G A N S 

16 Jul 2000 

 The magazine, "the NEW AMIGANS" will soon be announcing the winning
of their "Masthead" contest. The contest (for subscribers only) is to
find a unique "Masthead" for the magazine and the winner will be
announced at the AmiWest show in Sacramento, California on July 30. To
find out more about the magazine see our website at
 Sorry, I forgot to put the initial contest announcement out through
all the channels. I've been trying to get things caught up to the
point where the magazine makes it out before the first of the month
each month.

Bill Griffin,

G&G Publishing Enterprises

Home of "the NEW AMIGANS" magazine
Ask about our new, US-based, Amiga Magazine
Or check out our website at ..

          D R Y   I C E   I N   D E V E L O P M E N T 

{Information for this product is taken from its web site. You can
download "Dry Ice" from the site, but the author points out it's
really to buggy to be used at this stage. Brad}

18 July, 2000

About Dry Ice

 Dry Ice is a graphical web browser for the Amiga. It is being written
especially for the Amiga, there is no bloated code ported from another
platform. The intended features of Dry Ice is to offer full HTML 4.0
support, and full scripting support of whatever is the current
scripting language.

Progress and Current Features

(as of 17 July 2000)

Extensive Feature List

Browser features

 + URL parser (complies with URI's in the HTTP/1.1 standard), can
distinguish between an URL and a local filename without the need for
"http://" or "localhost://..." etc.
 + Automatically caches all visited pages in memory, currently there
is no way to purge the memory cache, and no limits on the memory cache
 + When the browser window is resized the page is refreshed from its
cache, this operation is very quick
 + "Back" and "Forward" menu items, the items are disabled when
 + "Refresh" menu item, will reload the document from its source
Browser window using BOOPSI gadgets allow for a complete
font-sensitive, resizable user-interface

 + Other windows use a font-sensitive GadTools interface
 + "About" window, displays free memory, and public screen, and TCP
 + Public screen settings, the user can set gadget font, screen font,
any public screen to open on, or Dry Ice's own public screen -
settings are saved automatically on exit
 + The browser window position and size is remembered on exit
 + HTML Font settings, the user can set fonts for Normal, H1-H6, Font
size 1-7
 + Multi-browser windows, achieved through re-entrant code, and a
manager process, can open new browser windows, close them, when the
last is closed the browser quits
 + Multi-threaded HTML Parser, the parser and the layouter run
 + Large pages (ones that are higher than the screen height) are
stored representationally in fast ram, this eliminates eating lots of
chip ram when it came to large pages (this doesn't work yet!)

HTML Support

+ Bold (B)
+ Italic (I)
+ Underlined (U)
+ Headings (H1-H6)
+ Paragraph (P)
+ Break (BR)
+ Variable (VAR)
+ Emphasis (EM)
+ Strong Emphasis (STRONG)

Formatting, font styles
- size, color, face
- size, color, face
- bgcolor, text, link, alink, vlink
+ Horizontal Rule (HR) (this is broken)
- width, height, noshade, align

+ Unordered lists (UL)
- type
+ Ordered lists (OL)
- start, type
+ List item (LI) (this is broken)
- value
+ Definition lists (DL) (these 3 are very broken)
+ Definition Title (DT)
+ Definition Data (DD)

 Images + IMG (does not support any image formats - will only lay out
the space) - width, height, align

HTML Attribute Values

+ HTML 4.0 Multilengths

+ HTML 4.0 Colors

Known Bugs

 + The first time you choose "Select..." from the open file window,
Dry Ice will access location 0 and display 4 bytes in the ASL file
 + Block tags usually start on a new line, Dry Ice's block tags start
on a newline and throw a newline after it's done rendering, this tends
to leave a big gap when such tags are used straight after each other,
it looks particularly bad when nesting lists
 + The list item number on ordered lists is not displayed

 + Using Color values in a text format ("red", "fuchsia", etc..) only
works _sometimes_
 + There are a thousand other bugs

            N O T E   F R O M   H O L G E R   K R U S E

Ukiah, July 15th, 2000

 Some of you may have noticed that I have been rather unresponsive to
email recently. Besides by new job at REBOL, which is keeping me busy
around 60 hours per week, sometimes on weekends, there is also a
technical reason for this:
 In mid-June one of my network-grade uninterruptable power supplies
severely malfunctioned in a manner I still have not figured out, and
as a result three of my computers were damaged: my A4000T (main
development box) and two PCs, including my main Linux server which
runs DNS, email, mailing lists, registration etc. for Nordic Global.
So far the damage seems to extend "only" to the three power supplies,
one of the PC mother boards, two harddisks, and the contents of some
harddisk partitions.
 The good news is: at the moment it seems that no essential data (CVS
repository of Miami(Dx) sources, email database, registration
database) was lost or damaged, but I have yet to do exhaustive
integrity checks on all data.
 Over the last few weeks I have spent many nights and weekends
replacing defective equipment and swapping harddisks between
computers, testing/reconfiguring/restoring/reinstalling/backing up
many things etc., to at least keep the automated systems (DNS, email
reception, mailing lists, registration server, cgi backend of the web
site etc.) going as well as possible and prevent further damage or
loss of data. There have been some outages, but so far they have been
less than two days at a time each.
 This process is still not quite finished. Some of the past changes
were only stopgap solutions, and there will be several additional,
more permanent, hardware changes and reconfigurations over the next
week or two, as the ordered replacement parts arrive and are
integrated. As in the last few weeks, most of the changes will not
affect users, except for temporary outages of my servers, for up to
two days at a time.
 If you see warnings such as "could not send email for four hours" in
response to emails you sent, do not worry. I do not expect outages to
be long enough at a time for email to bounce, i.e. those warnings are
only temporary. Same thing if you get errors "connection timed out" or
"connection refused" trying to access servers: those outages are
temporary, so just try again later.
 On the up side, after the changes are completed performance should
improve significantly, in particular the turnaround time for mailing
lists. As part of the changes the main Linux server for mailing lists
etc. is moving from my old now-defunct Cyrix P-150/48MB box to a
Celeron-333/64MB box.

 For the time being I am afraid incoming email just keeps piling up. I
neither have the time to sort and respond to the over 800 emails that
have queued up, nor do I have enough access to my systems yet to
answer most questions, in particular questions related to
registrations or bugs/features in Miami or MiamiDx, dealer requests
etc. Most of my databases, scripts, etc. are still not operational
again yet.
 I WILL respond to your emails, but it will take some time. Please...
 - ... do NOT send emails repeatedly. This only gives me more work
later. I don't even get to start seeing emails again until (hopefully)
the weekend of July 22th. By then all repairs and upgrades should be
 - ... do NOT send emails to REBOL. Not only did some of you get my
email address there wrong (and thus unknowingly annoyed our sysadmin
with non-REBOL-related requests), but without access to my systems I
cannot respond to those mails anyway. They only get forwarded to my
main email account and added to the normal mail queue.
 - ... do NOT call me at home or at REBOL. My voice mail is already on
the verge of bursting, mostly with questions that I could not give
much information over the phone on anyway, without access to my
Thank you for your cooperation.

Holger Kruse

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2000 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]
Martin Kluge per eMail

Es gibt eine neue Version des Free-Pascal-Compilers für verschiedene Plattformen, unter anderem auch für den Amiga (hier allerdings nicht in der allerneuesten Version). Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter dem Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]
Gary Peake in AmiOpen-ML

Gary Peake zum Thema Lizenzgebühren
In der Mailingliste "AmiOpen" äußert sich Gary Peake u.a. zu Lizenzgebühren und betont, dass entgegen dem, was im SDK gesagt wird, für das Jahr 2000 keine Lizenzgeführen gezahlt werden müssen. Die Lizenzpolitik für 2001 wird neu ausgearbeitet und dann bekannt gegeben. Fest steht jedenfalls schon, dass auch in der Zukunkt für Open-Source Anwendungen keine Lizenzgebühren fällig werden.

Peakes Mail im Wortlaut:

Sorry for the delay in posting any updates here. I have just returned from a 2500 plus mile trip in a Rental truck (24 footer) dragging my family and a 3 bedroom house full of furniture to Snoqualmie from Texas.

If I missed any posts, please feel free to send them my way.

If possible, can anyone currently porting an app or utility or whatever please send me an email? I would like to establish an online database for registered developers so these apps can be listed and thus avoid any duplications that may take place.

I would also like to announce that Douglas McLaughlin will be writing his own version of ICQ for the new AmiVerse.

License Fees: Contrary to what the SDK says, there will be NO license fees on any applications, tools, or ports in the year 2000. We are reviewing this policy for 2001 and beyond and as soon as I have the info I will post it here. Also, there is and never will be license fees on open source apps or tools.

Developer Web Site: Sorry about the delay with the web site. Part of the delay was waiting to see which ways we would go with certain web based applications and another part of the delay has been getting my family situation worked out and all of my family up here to the great Northwest. That accomplished, the web site updates will begin in earnest now. Stay tuned for more developments there.

Thanks for your patience

Gary Peake
Director - Support
Amiga Inc. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]
Dry Ice

Dry Ice Progress-Report
Lange haben wir nichts mehr von dem neuen Browser "Dry Ice" von Andrew Markwell gehört; jetzt gibt es auf der Dry Ice Homepage einen Statusbericht über den derzeitigen Entwicklungsstand und eine Alphaversion zum Download, die aber noch sehr unstabil läuft. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden]  [Druck-Version]  [ASCII-Version]

DelfInit Version 2.0 erschienen
Das Initialisations-Utility für die Delfina Soundkarte wurde aktualisiert und ist jetzt in Version 2.0 erschienen. Neu in dieser Version sind u.a. drei verschiedene Patch-Modi: kein Patch, Patch der delfina.library bzgl. der Initialisation-Prozedur (default) oder Patch aller library-Funktionen.

Download: DelfInit.lha - 29 KB (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet Recent

Neue Aminet Uploads
MicroBase405.lha     biz/dbase  817K+German database supports dBASE, HTML
iris.lha             comm/mail  307K+Email client (SMTP/POP3) V2.1
T-Rexx.lha           comm/tcp    83K+Shows current TV-programs in Finland
obligement19.lha     demo/mag   817K+Obligement #19 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
obligement20.lha     demo/mag   607K+Obligement #20 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
obligement21.lha     demo/mag   811K+Obligement #21 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
UP-EP001.lha         demo/sound 975K+UP ROUGH "Tropical Fish EP" feat. RONNY
GFA_CLI.lha          dev/basic    2K+CLI support for GFA-Basic
ExtrasLib.lha        dev/c      319K+Link library
Progr_Langs_v5.lha   dev/misc    69K+Comparison of progr. langs
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data   10K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (16 July
WHDPegasus.lha       game/patch  27K+HD Installer for Pegasus
WBPerplexity16.lha   game/wb    646K+The ultimate workbench puzzle game!
MicroPaint207.lha    gfx/edit   492K+Paint program w. effects / BMP support
BetaScanMustek.lha   hard/drivr  65K+Mustek/Trust Scanner Driver For BetaScan
SolarProbe.lha       misc/sci    48K+Shows planetary positions and info V1.5
amigaspeech.lha      mods/blkha 127K+Amiga voice Protracker mod by blakkhar
newsatinavmix.lha    mods/blkha  55K+Neverending Protracker mod by blakkhar
delirium_main.lha    mods/delor 151K+Main tune from and old Complex trackmo
housebrk.lha         mods/house 164K+Piano house by SD
quickmat.lha         mods/house  50K+Piano house by SD
berga.lha            mods/misc    2K+Bergakungens sal by SD
boko.lha             mods/misc   89K+Bo Ko by SD
linderosgris.lha     mods/misc  177K+Vocal tune by SD
nordman.lha          mods/misc  247K+Nordman vs. disktrasa by SD
paket.lha            mods/misc  264K+Fina paket - wicked tune by SD & Philip
sjuk.lha             mods/misc  196K+Old techno by SD - feat. my sister 
whiskas.lha          mods/misc   11K+Whiskas theme by SD
sd-hus.mpg           mods/mpg   2.3M+Old amiga house
sd-mappyland.mpg     mods/mpg   6.2M+Happy happy hardcore
sd-unreal.mpg        mods/mpg   6.6M+Dark drum and bass
tard.mpg             mods/mpg   432K+Mormor lambada
musli.lha            mods/sets  2.2M+Musli - 3 pieces of slow beats by SD
easter.lha           mods/techn  26K+Easter techno by SD
lionking.lha         mods/techn 250K+Sick tune by SD
PlayGUI.lha          mus/play   492K+Nice player-GUI using skins&themes V2.9
disiderata.jpg       pix/misc   136K+Desiderata (a text taken from a 14th Cen
SIL51_Wb2000-2.jpg   pix/wb     173K+Workbench Screen grab 4 on my PicassoIV.
WordCount-CED.lha    text/edit    1K+Fast line/word/character counting ARexx 
lucyplay.lha         util/libs   13K+AHI Audio Player + Joystick Functions
cookietool.lha       util/misc   48K+Clean up your fortunes database, V2.3
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   55K+Report+ 3.21: Multi-function utility
ReqAttackUpd.lha     util/misc  128K+Rel4: RAPrefsMUI 1.63, ReqOFF 1.0, ReqAt
ViNCEd.lha           util/shell 717K+ViNCEd, the final CON: solution. ^Z, TAB
xvslibrary.lha       util/virus  51K+V33.22 External Virus Support Library

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Ingo Schmitz im ANF

Amiga-Forum vorübergehend offline
Durch einen Provider-Wechsel ist das Amiga Forum ( vorübergehend offline. Wir arbeiten daran, die Website so schnell wie möglich wieder ans Netz zu bekommen, natürlich werden auch etliche Verbesserungen mit eingebracht. In ein paar Tagen geht's weiter. Stay tuned :-) (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Volker Grabbe im ANF

Heise: Sun macht StarOffice offiziell zur Open Source unter GPL
«In den letzten Tagen kursierten bereits Gerüchte, Sun wolle den Quelltext seines Office-Pakets unter der GNU General Public License (GPL) freigeben. Selbst firmenintern wurde die Nachricht zum Teil als Unfug bezeichnet. Heute wird Sun die Offenlegung der Quelltexte aber offiziell ankündigen.

Die Freigabe des Quelltextes will Sun auf der O'Reilly Open Source Convention im kalifornischen Monterey verkünden. Als Koordinator für die Weiterentwicklung des Office-Pakets soll die Organisation gegründet werden, an der sich unter anderem Tim O'Reilly, Miguel de Icaza vom Gnome-Porjekt, Brian Behlendorf von der Apache Software Foundation und Andy Hertzfeld beteiligen. Weitere Mitglieder will Sun im Laufe des Tages nennen, darunter auch namhafte Firmen. Neben der Koordination der Sourcen soll OpenOffice auch für die Definition von Dateiformaten auf XML-Basis sowie für die sprachenunabhängigen Programmierschnittstellen zuständig sein.»
Kompletter Artikel siehe Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Allexander Wachau im ANF

#AmigaQuake ist ins QuakeNet umgezogen
Da Quake auf dem Amiga Dank der guten Ports immer beliebter wird, möchten wir alle AmigaQuake Spieler auf den Umzug unseres Channels aufmerksam machen. Unseren kleinen Channel gibt es schon sein ClickBooms Quake, aber bisher nur im IrcNet. Diesen Kanal haben wir nun wegen laufender NetSplits, Lags und User restrictions verlassen. Seit über einer Woche könnt Ihr uns nun im QuakeNet finden.

Serveradressen findet ihr unter Also interessierte AmigaQuaker sollten sich schnell dort einfinden. Neulinge sind herzlich willkommen, wir versuchen jedem zu helfen, solange wir nicht gerade mit Zocken beschäftigt sind... ;) Auserdem gibt es noch drei grössere TeamFortress Quake Clans, die einen Grossteil von Amiga Usern haben, wobei einer sogar von mir gegründet wurde! :) Ok das wars dann erstmal und ich hoffe, euch bald im neuen #AmigaQuake zu sehen! (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Fore-Matt Home Computing per eMail

FORE-MATT Home Computing mit neuer Website
Der englische Händler FMHC hat seine Homepage, die bisher lediglich ein Firmenprofil enthielt, komplett überarbeitet und präsentiert nun eine komplette Website mit allen vorrätigen Software Angeboten. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Volker Mohr per eMail

Classic-Computing 2000 News
Wie bereits berichtet, findet am Samstag, den 2. September 2000 in Neukirchen-Vluyn am Niederrhein in der Tennishalle Wegmann, von 10.00 bis 16.00 eine Börse und Usertreffen für alle Freunde von Amiga, Atari, anderen 68k-Computern, sowie allen 8-Bit Computern statt.

Heute hat der Geschäftsführer von Amiga Deutschland Petro Tyschtschenko sein Kommen zugesichert. Ab Nachmittags wird er allen interessierten Usern Rede und Antwort stehen. Weitere Informationen zur Classic-Computing finden Sie unter dem Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Fabio Trotta im ANF

Hyperion Interview und komplett neues Gewand auf NoRiscNoFun
Auf der No Risc No Fun Homepage finden Sie seit heute ein brandaktuelles Interview mit Steffen Häuser und Thomas Frieden von Hyperion Software.

Das Layout der Homepage wurde komplett überarbeitet. Eine erste Version der AMIGA Linkliste ist online. Die Linkliste soll ein sehr detailliertes AMIGA Verzeichnis werden. Weiter wurde ein Spielideen-Forum eingerichtet, in welchem Sie eigene Spielideen veröffentlichen können, damit sich vielleicht ein Entwickler an die Arbeit macht, Ihre Idee zu verwirklichen. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn per eMail

Sechs neue Rainboot Konfigurationen
Auf der Airsoft Softwair wurden soeben sechs neue Bootkonfigurationen für Rainboot veröffentlicht. So gibt es jetzt zum Beispiel ein zweite Britney Spears Bootup von Pixel Art, ein Shadow of the Beast Bootup oder auch die coolen Workbench 85 und AmigaOS 3.5 Bootups von Teknique. Alles steht mit Screenshots zum Download bereit.

Bei häufiger Rainboot Nutzung sollte jeder aber auch mal über eine Registration (nur 10,- DM) nachdenken. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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ZDTV: The New Amiga

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Nordic Global

Holger Kruse nimmt Stellung
Wer in letzter Zeit versucht hat, per eMail mit Holger Kruse in Kontakt zu treten und keine Antwort erhalten hat, sollte den Titellink anklicken. Holger erklärt dort, warum er zeitweise auf eMails nicht antworten konnte. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Mick Tinker

InsideOut/Siamese PCI in Warteschleife
Weil momentan ausschließlich am BoXeR gearbeitet wird, ist der InsideOut/Siamese PCI aktuell auf Eis gelegt. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Amiga Fresh Interviews mit Bill und Fleecy
Gary Storm hat für AmigaFresh ein Interview mit Bill McEwen geführt, welches im Clubbed Magazine #5 erschien. Interessant auch der kurze Überblick über einen typischen Arbeitstag im HQ in Washington von Fleecy. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga, Inc.

d´Amiga Vertrieb weltweit vergeben
Der neue Amiga Entwicklerrechner "d´Amiga" wird weltweit von folgenden autorisierten Händlern exklusiv vertrieben:
  • USA - Software Hut Inc.
  • Canada - Wonder Computers International Inc
  • UK - Eyetech Group Ltd.
  • Europe - KDH Datentechnik
  • Australia - Unitech Electronics
Für weitere Information ist ein Blick in die technische Spezifikation des d´Amigas sehr interessant. Hier beschreibt Amiga genauestens, wie der Entwicklerrechner hard- und softwareseitig ausgestattet sein wird. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Sylvio K. im ANF

DeepSilence-Hompage - Neue URL
Die Homepage des Manga Action Rollenspiels "Deepsilence-The Secret of my Soul" ist ab sofort unter (Titellink) zu erreichen! Bitte ändern Sie Ihre Bookmarks! Die Manga@Amiga Page ist zurzeit wegen Serverproblemem offline. Wir hoffen, dass sie bald wieder online ist! (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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John Zacharias per eMail

AmiWest 2000 Press Release #8
Auf der am 29. und 30. Juli in Sacramento stattfindenden AmiWest 2000 wird es auch ein Entwickler-Meeting geben. Kermit Woodall von Nova Design wird das Meeting leiten und über die zukünftigen Entwicklungen und Trends diskutieren. Die komplette Presseerklärung:

From: John Zacharias
To: "Press Release List"
Subject: AmiWest 2000 Press Release #8
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 16:11:45 -0700 (PDT)


Developer's Meeting at AmiWest 2000!

Kermit Woodall of Nova Design will be conducting an informal developers
meeting at AmiWest 2000 to discuss future development trends on the Amiga.
The meeting will be held during the vendor setup period between 8 pm and 9
pm on Friday evening, July 28, 2000 on the Terrace in front of the main
AmiWest exhibit hall.  Questions concerning the new Amiga SDK will be
entertained and hopefully answered during this meeting.

A special reception for vendors and developers with food and drink and 
sponsored by AmiWest will also be held during the vendor setup on Friday

Remember, AmiWest 2000 is being held on Saturday through Sunday, July
29-30, 2000 at the Holiday Inn, Sacramento NorthEast, in Sacramento, CA.
Classes and seminars will be held throughout the day on both Saturday and
Sunday with the exhibit hall being open on Saturday, July 29th from 10 A.M.
- 5 P.M and Sunday, July 30th 10 A.M.  - 4 P.M.

Specially priced tickets for AmiWest 2000 are available in advance by mail.
Prices are:  two day admission tickets, $12 and one day admission ticket,
$8.  If you elect to purchase tickets at the door, the prices are:  two day
ticket at the door, $15 and One day ticket at the door, $10.  If you are
ordering a one day ticket by mail, please specify which day (Saturday or
Sunday) you are attending.

There will be a buffet banquet on Saturday evening, July 29th, with Bill
McEwen, President of Amiga Inc., as the guest speaker discussing the
progress made to date on the new Amigas.  Price is $35 per plate.  Banquet
tickets must be purchased in advance.  They will NOT be sold on Friday nor
Saturday due to the hotel needing attendance figures for planning the

You can mail your requests for advanced admission and banquet tickets to:

      AmiWest 2000
      c/o John Zacharias
      10004 Vanguard Drive
      Sacramento, CA 95827

Make checks payable to "AmiWest".

A form for ordering tickets can be found on the AmiWest web page at

where you can learn more about AmiWest 2000.

You will also be able to purchase the recently announced Software
Development Kit (SDK) for the new Amigas at AmiWest 2000.  The SDK is being
sold by several of the exhibitors at the show.  Eyetech Group Ltd.  will
also be present at the show demonstrating the their Next Generation Amiga
Development Machine coupled with a Classic A1200

This weekend event will again showcase the progress that IS the Amiga

Hope to see you at AmiWest 2000 on July 29-30, 2000.

John Zacharias, chairperson
AmiWest 2000

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Markus Schmidt per eMail

Die lästigen PopUp-Fenster aus der ICQ-Userliste wurden gegen vereinzelte Werbebanner ausgetauscht. Nun kann man wieder in der Liste stöbern, ohne ständig weitere Fenster schließen oder wegklicken zu müssen :).

Aktuell befinden sich 120 Einträge in der Liste, die nach Postleitzahlen sortiert ist, um User in der Nähe ausfindig machen zu können. Neue Einträge werden gerne entgegen genommen und können über ein dafür eingerichtetes Formular online gemacht werden. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Ben Yoris per eMail

Multiplayer-Addon "The Siege" für Heretic II
Von dem Multiplayer-Addon "The Siege" für Heretic II von "The ShadowLord" wird es bald auch eine Amiga-Version geben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Siege Homepage. Demnach werden Amiga-User schon bald an den Wettkämpfen teilnehmen können. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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18.Jul.2000 per eMail

Überblick: Clusterlösungen unter Linux
Im Berichtebereich des freien Linux Informationsservices ist seit heute ein Artikel über Clusterlösungen unter Linux verfügbar. Der Artikel zeigt die Möglichkeiten Linuxsysteme auf grosse Last abzustimmen und hochverfügbar zu machen. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn per eMail

Verlorene eMails
Durch einen Zwischenfall letzte Woche bei GMX wurden aus meinem Postfach sämtliche Mails etwa zwischen dem 9.7. und 15.7. gelöscht. In dieser Zeit war ich im Urlaub und konnte deshalb nicht abrufen. Wer etwas geschickt hat und keine Antwort von mir bekommen hat, den bitte ich, mir nochmals zu schreiben. Danke. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Fabio Trotta im ANF

Diskutiert in der No Risc No Fun Mailingliste
Der AMIGA Club No Risc No Fun bietet euch die Möglichkeit über AMIGA Themen und anderes auf seiner Mailingliste zu diskutieren. Zum Eintragen eine leere email an Um euch an den Unterhaltungen zu beteiligen, müsst ihr an schreiben. Und jetzt viel Spaß beim Diskutieren. P.S. Wir haben wieder viele Überraschungen für euch geplant. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Steffen Leistner im ANF

APUS, LinuxPPC und GeekGadgets - Mirror online
Unter bzw. habe ich in München einen eigenen Mirrorserver für LinuxPPC, LinuxAPUS und GeekGadgets/Amiga in Betrieb genommen. Da ich immer noch Anfragen zu HiSoftBasic unter AmigaOS bekomme, sind außerdem auch die von mir im Aminet veröffentlichten Includes hier zu finden. Der Server verfügt über eine 100Mbit-Anbindung an das Internet. Die Aktualisierung der Daten erfolgt mindestens einmal wöchentlich. Zur Zeit umfaßt der Downloadbereich rund 6,4 GB Daten. Eine einfache Suchfunktion hilft beim Finden bestimmter Dateien. Viel Spaß damit! (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue RC5-Amiga-Clients bittet um öffentlichen Betatest des neuen RC5-Amiga-Clients. Aktuell stehen folgende neue Betaversionen zur Verfügung:
  • AmigaOS [m68k] v2.8010.463 2000-07-16
  • AmigaOS [PPC/PowerUp] v2.8010.463 2000-07-16
  • AmigaOS [PPC/WarpOS] v2.8010.463 2000-07-16
Die neuen Clients können im Beta-Download Bereich geladen werden. Der Autor bittet um Bugreports. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Das allgegenwärtige Internet - Flatrates verändern das Nutzerve
«Die Einführung von Pauschalpreisen für Online-Zugänge, so genannte Flatrates, öffnet den Weg für eine neue Lässigkeit im Umgang mit den Angeboten des Internet. Schon bald wird der Pauschaltarif eine grundsätzliche Änderung im Benutzerverhalten bewirken. Auf ein paar Stunden oder Megabyte mehr oder weniger kommt es bei einer Flatrate nicht an. So kann man das Öffnen und Beenden der Internetverbindung getrost dem Rechner überlassen. Besonders mit einem ISDN-Anschluss, bei dem der Verbindungsaufbau in Sekundenschnelle erfolgt, verschwimmen dann die Grenzen zwischen On- und Offline zusehends.»
Ganzer Artikel siehe Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Exotica: Neue Bilder in Galerie
Die Galerie und Amiga Demo Scene Reference Manual der Exotica-Website wurden aktualisiert. Insgesamt wurden 30 neue Scans in die Galerie integriert. Zu allen Bildern gibt es komplette Autoren-Informationen und einen Link zu der evtl. vorhandenen Musik. Insgesamt sind jetzt 1016 Scans in der Galerie vorhanden. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jan Andersen per eMail

Virus Help Denmark: Neue xvs.library
Name: xvs.library
Archivename: xvslibrary.lha
Archivegröße: 52.521 Bytes
Releasedatum: 17. Juli 2000
Programmierer: Alex van Niel
Programme: VirusChecker II, VirusZ, VirusExecutor, Safe, CheckX u.a.

Wichtig: Die o.g. Programme benötigen die xvs.library, um Viren zu finden. Es ist daher unbedingt nötig, dass Sie diese Library updaten, um vor Viren sicher zu sein! (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Magerl per eMail

Interview mit Jeppe Nieson
Im Aktionsbereich der Amiga Future finden Sie ein aktuelles Interview mit Jeppe Nielson (Homeland). Leider war er nicht gerade gesprächig, aber ein paar Infos kann man trotzdem erfahren :)

Außerdem finden Sie im AKTIONS-Bereich das Ergebnis der Amiga-NG Umfrage. Auf der Startseite der Amiga Future befindet sich bereits eine neue Umfrage zum Thema PPC. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Magerl per eMail

APC&TCP: Neuer Newsletter
APC&TCP hat einen neuen Newsletter als Ersatz des alten eingerichtet. Dieser läuft nun über egroups und der User erhält hier aktuelle Informationen über Neuerscheinungen, Updates und vieles mehr von APC&TCP-Produkten. Eintragen in APC&TCP Newsletter (deutsch) (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst per eMail

Kleines Listing
Patrick Beerhorst hat ein kleines Listing gescannt, welches er durch Zufall in einem alten Computermagazin entdeckt hatte. Es zeigt, dass Ali Goukassian (jetzt Verlagsleiter vom Falke-Verlag) schon vor 12 Jahren was mit Commodore zu tun hatte :-) (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Michael Ulbrich im ANF

Computer-Shop Ulbrich
Nach doch etwas aufwendigeren organisatorischen und räumlichen Umbauten gibt es den Computer-Shop auch weiterhin. Die neue Adresse ist jetzt in der Bornholmer Straße 81 in 10439 Berlin, Telefon 030-445 11 70 und Fax 030-44 650 726 (beide wie bisher). Die Webseite ist noch im Aufbau, ich stehe allen meinen bisherigen Kunden auch innerhalb der neuen Angebots-Palette wie bisher zu Verfügung.

Für Verzögerungen und andere Umstände durch diese Veränderung bitte ich hierdurch um Verständnis. Meine private Homepage ist zurzeit hier zu finden. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jörg Thomas im ANF

Umfrage zum Thema PPC/G3-Karten und OS für PPC
Wir von A4EP haben auf unserer Amiga-Society-Page (Titellink) eine Umfrage zum Thema PPC gestartet. Wir möchten herausfinden, wie groß überhaupt das Interesse an PPC-Karten und Betriebssystemen ist. Und vor allem was diese leisten und kosten sollen.

Gerade für ein mögliches Amiga-PPC-OS wäre es interessant zu erfahren, welche Anforderungen dafür bestehen. Wir hoffen auf eine möglichst große Beteiligung. Zwischenergebnisse werden ebenfalls regelmäßig auf unsere Page veröffentlicht. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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1 1235 2465 ... <- 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 -> ... 2485 2585 2691 [Archiv]
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Amiga-Emulator für macOS: vAmiga V3.0b1 (15. Sep.)
Bildeditor: PyDPainter 2.0.0 für Windows, Linux und macOS (03. Sep.)
AROS: Vollversion der Textverarbeitung Final Writer 7.1 (26. Aug.)
AROS: Demoversion der Textverarbeitung Final Writer 7.1 (25. Aug.)
Schwarmfinanziertes Buch: Retro Gaming Library - Amiga Edition (englisch) (18. Aug.)
Betriebssystem für den Amiga: Zweite Alphaversion von "Serena OS" (13. Aug.)
MorphOS: Fortgesetzte GMail-Unterstützung durch Iris fraglich (11. Aug.)
Printmagazin: Passione Amiga, Ausgabe 18 (09. Aug.)
Amiga Kit: A600GS erhältlich / Paolo-Cattani-Spiele vorinstalliert (04. Aug.)
Debbie-Harry-Portrait von Andy Warhol und Bilddateien wiederaufgetaucht (01. Aug.)
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