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27.-29.09.24 • Classic Computing • Pfedelbach
25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
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Erfahrungsbericht: Arcade-Joysticks mit Sanwa-Teilen
Der Shop ArcadeForge bietet seit einigen Wochen Joysticks mit einem Atari-/Commodore-kompatiblen Anschluss an, deren Mechanik aus hochwertigen Teilen des Automaten-Herstellers Sanwa besteht und die offenbar grob einem Competition Pro nachempfunden wurden. Die Gehäuse der 75 Euro teuren Eingabegeräte bestehen aus Holz, Acrylglas und Aluminium.

Im Forum von berichtet nun ein Käufer von seinen Erfahrungen mit Gerät. Auf seinen Fotos sind deutlich nicht nur die teils sehr scharfen Kanten der verwendeten Acrylplatte sondern auch mangelnde Passgenauigkeit der einzelnen Teile zu erkennen. Auch mit den Reaktionen auf seine Reklamation ist der Nutzer sehr unzufrieden. (cg)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2016, 23:21] [Kommentare: 6 - 26. Jul. 2016, 14:34]
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AmigaOne X5000: Kunden können sich bei A-EON als "Interessent" registrieren
Mit einem Formular auf der Webseite von A-EON können sich Kunden als Interessenten an einem X5000-Motherboard oder -Komplettsystem registrieren lassen und sich damit "ein Exemplar für eine zukünftige Bestellung" reservieren lassen.

Informationen zum Lieferumfang oder zum Preis sind auf der Seite nicht zu finden. Im IRC und bei Facebook kursieren derweil Bilder von einem Werbeposter für den X5000 sowie von einer Formular mit dem man scheinbar kurzfristig einen X5000 bestellen konnte:

In beiden Fällen wird der Preis für ein nicht näher definiertes Komplettsystem mit 1415 britischen Pfund angegeben, das sind knapp 1700 Euro (zzgl. Steuern). (cg)

[Meldung: 18. Jul. 2016, 23:02] [Kommentare: 40 - 14. Aug. 2016, 06:47]
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Aminet-Uploads bis 16.07.2016
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 16.07.2016 dem Aminet hinzugefügt:
links-mos.lha            comm/www   9.2M  MOS Links text-only WWW browser w...
CDL_Void-VOD.lha         demo/intro 271K  68k 64k intro by Void & Candle
Amnesia-08_1992-05-31... demo/mag   880K  68k Amiga disk magazine Amnesia 1...
SanityOperationSystem... dev/asm    982K  68k Sanity Operation System (demo...
m68k-amigaos-gcc.tar.gz  dev/gcc    20M   68k GCC based dev toolchain for A...
CoderAid.lha             docs/help  65K       Aid for demo coding in assembler
eurochamp.lha            docs/misc  208K      Statistics: soccer Euro Champ...
WormWars.lha             game/actio 787K  68k Advanced snake game
WormWarsMOS.lha          game/actio 692K  MOS Advanced snake game
WormWars-OS4.lha         game/actio 1.0M  OS4 Advanced snake game
A-Risk_AGA.lha           game/board 1.9M  68k Another Risk game. Needs AGA
arenas.lha               game/data  586K      New Arenas for BurnOut
OutOfTime_Preview.adf    game/demo  880K  68k Out of Time Preview (Flashbac...
Ring_Preview.lha         game/demo  2.5M  68k Ring, Der Preview (Dungeon cl...
sibwing.adf              game/demo  880K  68k Early pre-release version of ...
Vampire-COTN_v1.adf      game/jump  880K  68k Vampire-Curse of the Night (e...   game/jump  207K  68k Vampire-Curse of the Night (e...
Vampire-COTN_v2.adf      game/jump  880K  68k Vampire-Curse of the Night (d...   game/jump  230K  68k Vampire-Curse of the Night (HD)
Vampire-COTN_v2speed.adf game/jump  880K  68k Vampire-Curse of the Night (s...
Vampire-COTN_v2speed_... game/jump  226K  68k Vampire-Curse of the Night (s...
scummvm-1.8.0-rtg.lha    game/misc  26M   68k Amiga RTG port of ScummVM 1.8.0
Team_Gates_Trained.adf   game/misc  880K  68k Team Gates (Trained by Unique)
TunnelsAndTrolls.lha     game/role  11M   68k Implementation of Tunnels &am...
AmigaZine.adf            mags/germa 880K      German PD magazine from Janua...
ProTracker-3.15-AGA.lha  mus/edit   123K  68k Protracker 3.15 (AGA/FIX)
ProTracker-3.15-Sourc... mus/edit   466K      Protracker 3.15 (Source)
IconLib_46.4.lha         util/libs  643K  68k free icon.library in optimize...
Identify.lha             util/shell 8K    MOS Datatype-based file identifier

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2016, 06:57] [Kommentare: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads bis 16.07.2016
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 16.07.2016 dem OS4Depot hinzugefügt:
drawergad.lha            dev/lib 216kb 4.0 A gadget to display directories ...
arabic_console_device... dri/inp 2Mb   4.1 An arabic console device
wormwars.lha             gam/act 1Mb   4.0 Advanced snake game
mapparium.lha            uti/sci 3Mb   4.0 OpenStreetMap Viewer

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2016, 06:57] [Kommentare: 0]
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WHDLoad: Neue Pakete bis 16.07.2016
Mit WHDLoad können Spiele, Szene-Demos und Intros von Cracker-Gruppen, die nur für den Diskettenbetrieb gedacht waren, auf der Festplatte installiert werden. Die folgenden Installationspakete wurden bis zum 16.07.2016 hinzugefügt:
  • 2016-07-16 improved: Flimbos Quest (System 3) adapted to WHDLoad v17, added quitkey for 68000 CPUs (Info)
  • 2016-07-16 improved: Assassin Special Edition (Team 17) added trainer/cheat keys, added fastmem usage, added quitkey for 68000 (Info)
  • 2016-07-16 improved: Manhunter (Sierra) fixed for 68000 (Info, Image)
  • 2016-07-16 improved: Fire Force (ICE) dynamic trainer options, quit key for 68000 machines on floppy version, 68000 address error fixed (Info)
  • 2016-07-16 improved: Beyond Dark Castle (Activision) added quitkey for 68000 cpus, removed registered only limitation, source included (Info)
  • 2016-07-16 improved: Hard'n'Heavy (reLINE) blitter wait added, copperlist problem fixed, WHDLoad v17+ features used, trainer options added, interrupt fixed, default quitkey changed to F10, timing problems fixed, new install script, source code included (Info)
  • 2016-07-13 fixed: F-16 Combat Pilot (Digital Integration) patch is now 68000 compatible, full 68000 quitkey support, manual protection completely disabled, WHDLoad v17+ features used (Info)
  • 2016-07-13 improved: Strip Poker (Artworx) another version supported (Info)
  • 2016-07-13 fixed: Strip Poker 2 / Deluxe Strip Poker (Artworx) quitkey works on 68000 now, BoxIcons added (Info)
  • 2016-07-12 updated: Line of Fire (Sega/U.S.Gold) patch redone and made 68000 compatible, Bplcon0 color bit fixes, DMA wait fixes, trainer options added (Info)
  • 2016-07-10 improved: Rock Challenge (ReadySoft) fixed stack problem which could cause access faults (Info)

[Meldung: 17. Jul. 2016, 06:57] [Kommentare: 1 - 19. Jul. 2016, 22:36]
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Szene-Party: Evoke (Köln, 12.08. bis 14.08.)
Im August findet in den AbenteuerHallenKALK in Köln die diesjährige Auflage der Szene-Party Evoke statt. Wie üblich werden diverse Demo-, Grafik- und Sound-Wettbewerbe veranstaltet. Spezielle Kategorien für Retro-Computer sind nicht geplant, 8- oder 16-Bit-Produktionen können in der Kategorie "Alternative Platforms" eingereicht werden - hier ist dann aber u.U. eigene Hardware mitzubringen. Für Pixelgrafiken und Protracker-Module werden allerdings Wettbewerbe angeboten.

Auf der Veranstaltung wird auch die schwarmfinanzierte Dokumentation 8-Bit Generation: The Commodore Wars vorgeführt. (cg)

[Meldung: 16. Jul. 2016, 22:13] [Kommentare: 0]
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Rupert Hausberger (ANF)

Javascript: Scripted Amiga Emulator 0.9.0
Rupert Hausbergers "Scripted Amiga Emulator" ist in Javascript und HTML5 verfasst. Zu den vielen Änderungen in der Version 0.9.0 zählen die Verwendbarkeit von Amiga-Forever-ROMs, die Emulation eines 68020/68030-Prozessors und des AGA-Chipsatzes sowie die Unterstützung von HDF- bzw. Extended-ADF-Dateien und der Mac-Emulatoren ShapeShifter und A-Max.

  • Models
    • A1000/A1000-Velvet (new)
    • A500/A2000
    • A500+
    • A600 (new)
    • A1200 (new)
    • A3000 (partial, new)
    • A4000/030 (partial, new)
  • CPUs
    • 68000
    • 68010 (new)
    • 68020/68030 (new)
      • 32-bit support.
      • Cache support.
      • Prefetch support.
    • Variable speeds.
  • Chipset
    • Original-Chip-Set (OCS)
      • A1000-Agnus (8361 PAL, 8367 NTSC) emulation. (new)
    • Enhanced-Chip-Set (ECS)
      • Partial (Agnus/Denise only) or full emulation. (new)
    • Advanced Graphics Architecture. (AGA) (new)
    • PAL/NTSC-regions.
    • Sprites-only or full collision-detection.
    • Full blitter support.
    • Full copper support.
    • Full gayle support (A600/A1200) (new)
      • IDE
      • PCMCIA
    • Real-Time-Clock (RTC) types
      • MSM6242B
      • RF5C01A
    • Complex-Interlace-Adapter (CIA):
      • Different Time-Of-Day (TOD) sources. (Vertical Sync/Power Supply) (new)
      • ROM overlay emulation. (maps ROM from e.g. 0xf80000 to 0x000000 at reset) (new)
      • A1000 Velvet prototype CIA (6526) emulation. (new)
  • RAM
    • 256-2048K Chip-ram. (0x000000)
    • Up to 1536K Slow-/Bogo-ram. (0xC00000)
    • Up to 64M onboard Fast-ram for A3000/A4000. (new)
    • Up to 8M Zorro2 expansion Fast-ram. (0x200000)
    • Up to 8M Zorro3 Chip-ram. (new)
    • Up to 1024M (1G) Zorro3 expansion Fast-ram. (new)
    • 512K Chip-/512K Bogo-ram to 1024K Chip-ram aliasing. (new)
    • 24-/32-bit support. (32-bit memory is required for original A3000/4000-roms and emulation) (new)
  • ROM
    • All kinds of standard and extended kickstart roms.
    • Support for encrypted Cloanto-roms. (Amiga Forever) (new)
    • Special A1000 kickstart handling. (new)
    • ROM-patcher, which does remove unneeded resident libraries. (new)
    • ROM-mirroring. (mirrors ROM to 0xA80000 or 0xE00000) (new)
    • ShapeShifter-support. (new)
    • AMAX-support. (Mac emulator) (new)
    • ROM-info from internal database. (new)
  • Floppy
    • Supported diskimage-types
      • Standard ADF, read/write (*.adf)
      • Extended ADF (EXT1/EXT2), read/write (*.adf) (new)
      • PCDOS, read/write (*.img) (new)
      • DMS (DiskMasher), read only (*.dms) (new)
      • SCP (SuperCardPro), read-only (*.scp) (new)
      • EXE, read-only (*.exe) (new)
    • Up to 4 Double-/High-density drives. (DF0-DF3)
    • Variable drive-speeds. (Original-Turbo).
    • Drives are write-protectable. (new)
    • Diskimage creation feature. (new)
  • Mount (new)
    • Supported hardfile-types
      • Standard, read/write (*.hdf)
      • Virtual, read/write (*.vhd)
    • Up to 4 Onboard-IDE units (IDE0-IDE3) with supported ATA-modes
      • ATA 1
      • ATA 2
      • ATA 2 Strict
    • PCMCIA-slots, configurable as
      • SRAM
      • HDD
    • Units are write-protectable.
  • Video
    • HTML5 WegGL- or Canvas2D-rendering.
    • 2/4 bits-per-pixel modes. (new)
    • Lores-/Hires-/Superhires-types.
    • Doublescan-types.
    • Frameskip. (renders every 2nd frame only)
    • Centering. (new)
  • Audio
    • HTML5 WegAudio-processing.
    • Samplerates from 11025-48000 Hz.
    • Mono or Stereo.
    • Lowpass filter for A500/A1200. (A1200 new)
    • Variable Stereo-channel separation. (new)
    • Different interpolation modes (Anti, RH, Crux) (Anti new)
  • Ports
    • HTML5 mouse-position and buttons import.
    • HTML5 keyboard import.
    • Joystick emulation via keyboard.
    • Mapping of some special keys for pinball-games.
    • Serial-port. (output to developer-console)
Changes in version 0.9.0 (15.07.2016)
  • CPU
    • Completely rewrote the core.
    • Added support for the 68010. (5 instructions, 3 registers)
    • Added support for the 68020. (27 instructions, 2 registers)
    • Added support for the 68030. (4 instructions)
    • Exploded each instruction to it's own size-form and sometimes additionally to it's type form.
    • For faster access, each instruction does now have it's customized parameter-object.
    • Effective-address access and decoding are now done via 6+1 highspeed function-tables, each 64 entries long.
      This does save up to 12 (3*2*2) switch statements per instruction.
    • Condition-code checking is now done via a 16 entries long function-table instead of a switch-function with 16 entries.
    • Optimized condition-code calculations.
    • Fixed/removed DIVU-remainder calculation, also new and faster DIVS.
    • New and faster versions of ABCD, NBCD, SBCD, ASL, ASR, LSL, LSR, ROL, ROXL, ROR, ROXR.
    • Fixed MOVEP instruction.
    • Fixed all 68000/68010 execution-time calculations.
    • Program-counter calculations are not hardcoded any more.
    • Ported high-level functions from actual WinUAE.
  • General
    • Re-ported and optimized the following parts from actual WinUAE:
      Audio, Blitter, CIA, Config, Copper, CPU-highlevel, Custom, Disk, Drawing, Events,
      Expansion, Filesys, Gayle, Hardfile, IDE, Memory, Roms, Playfield, RTC and Serial
  • Chipset
    • Custom-chip registers are now accessed via a 256 entries long function-table instead of a switch-function with 256 entries.
    • Added support for the A1000-Agnus.
  • CIA
    • Added support for different TOD sources.
    • Added support for ROM overlay.
    • Added support for A1000 Velvet prototype.
  • Blitter
    • Minterms are now calculated via a 256 entries long function-table instead of a switch-function with 256 entries.
  • RAM
    • Added Zorro3 and 32bit support.
    • Added support for chip-/bogo-ram aliasing.
    • Access is now done via function-tables (banks) instead of area-selecting switch-functions.
  • ROM
    • Added support for encrypted Cloanto-roms. (Amiga Forever)
    • Added special A1000 kickstart handling.
    • Added ROM-patcher, which does remove unneeded resident libraries.
    • Added support for ROM-mirroring.
    • Added ShapeShifter-support.
    • Added a ROM-info page.
    • Updated AROS-ROMs to actual version SVN52764.
  • Floppy
    • Added 3.5" DD ESCOM and 3.5" DD/HD PC only drive-types.
    • Added support for the diskspare-format.
    • Added support for PCDOS-images.
    • Added support for DMS-images. (DiskMasher)
    • Added support for SCP-images. (SuperCardPro)
    • Added support for EXE-images.
    • Disk can now be inserted from the database.
    • Drives are now write-protectable.
    • Added a disk-info page.
  • Mount
    • Added support for hardfiles. (*.hdf/*.vhd)
    • Added support for Onboard-IDE (A600/A1200)
    • Added support for PCMCIA-slots (A600/A1200)
    • Units are write-protectable.
  • Playfield
    • Added AGA-support.
    • Added support for 16 bits-per-pixel (R5G6B5) rendering.
    • Got rid of an internal temp-buffer. So in WebGL-mode, we render to the texture directly now.
    • Added options for video-centering.
  • Video
    • The output-driver is now selectable.
    • Added support and options for brightness, contrast and gamma.
    • Added alpha-channel support.
    • Added line-change indicator. (debug)
  • Audio
    • Added "Anti"-samplehandler.
    • Added A1200 lowpass-filter.
    • Added support for stereo-channel separation.
    • Rewrote handling of WebAudio-stuff.
  • Events
    • If supported by the browser, timing-functions does use instead of,
      which increases the precision by the factor of 1000.
    • Optimized switching between pause/run. Thanks 'majcherek2048'.
  • Input
    • Added distinction between left/right shift/alt keys. The config-entry "Map L/R-Shift to L/R-Arrows" is gone.
  • Config
    • Completely reworked the advanced config page.
    • Changed all SAEV_Config_* to SAEC_Config_* to match the new namespace. Sorry for that :/
    • Many new options. Not listed here, see sae/config.js for details.
  • API
    • Deprecated and removed the old API function "SAE()". We're on javascript, so let's use: (new API)
      "var sae = new ScriptedAmigaEmulator(); [...] var error = sae.start(); [...]" See index.js for details.
    • Reworked error-handling for API-calls. Now an error-code (SAEE_*) is returned on any API-call.
  • Common
    • Introduced global functions, references, variables and constants for more speed. See sae/amiga.js for details.
    • Moved all entries from constants.js to their specific place and renamed them to match the new global name-space.
    • Updated asynchronous file-transfers to latest standards.
    • Added proper GPL-header to the source-files.
    • Moved the "Your game and demo..."-section from the main-site to the readme.
    • Fixed linkage to contributors websites.
    • Added SAE-specific-links to the info-box in the main-page.
    • Added an disassembler tool.
      "var sda = new ScriptedDisAssembler(); [...] var result = sda.disassemble();" See disass.js for details.

[Meldung: 16. Jul. 2016, 05:25] [Kommentare: 5 - 18. Jul. 2016, 13:27]
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