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AmigaOS 4: Dateimanager Dir Me Up 3.8.1
Jérôme 'Glames' Senays' kommerzieller Dateimanager "Dir Me Up" (Video) setzt die von modernen Systemen gewohnten Bedienkonzepte auf dem Amiga um und bietet u.a. Datei-Vorschauen. Neuerungen in Version 3.8.1:
  • Software / "Upgrade" item added in the "Project" menu to download the latest version available.
  • GUI / You can now choose to not display the buttons panel.
  • GUI - Buttons Panel / You can now choose buttons you want to display and their sizes.
  • GUI / You can now choose to not display the preview panel.
  • GUI / Spacing between different parts increased .
  • Drawer browsing / If several drawers are selected, the first one is scanned in the current window and the next ones in other "Dir Me Up" windows.
  • Drawer browsing / If the [Ctrl] key is pressed while browsing, the selected drawer is opened in another "Dir Me Up" window.
  • Drawer creation / The drawer(s) created are now automatically selected.
  • Bookmarks / Notification modified if the volume panel is not display.
  • Browsing / If a "path" button that no longer existed was clicked, an error window was displayed over and over: fixed.
  • Browsing / If a Bookmark that no longer existed was clicked, an error window was displayed over and over: fixed.
  • Browsing / Update was always done on the last level of the path, even if an intermediate "path" button was clicked: fixed.
  • Browsing / Volumes Update created a single "path" button with all included levels: fixed.
  • List view / The following informations are now centered: size, date, type and extension.
  • Icon view / Better use of the width of the window.
  • Icon view / If a partially visible element is selected, a repositioning is now performed to see it completely.
  • Icon view / Astride thumbnails of the last visible line were sometimes not displayed: fixed.
  • View without panel volumes / If you clicked on the parent of an assign, "path" buttons click did not work then: fixed.
  • "Workbench" view / If several volumes, assigns or bookmarks are selected, the first one is explored in the current window and the next ones in other "Dir Me Up" windows.
  • "Workbench" view / If the [Ctrl] key is pressed while scanning volumes, assigns or bookmarks, they are opened in other "Dir Me Up" windows.
  • "Workbench" view / If the selected bookmark had a "multi-levels" path , the path buttons were not all drawn: fixed.
  • Script running / If a script "shortcut" button was unchecked, the button was not removed from the buttons pannel: fixed.
  • Script running / When removing the first script, the following script was not selected: fixed.
  • Internal viewer / After deleting an image, the displayed image rank was no longer the correct one: fixed.
  • Internal viewer / When copying several images and then examining under the viewer, only one image was counted in the total indicated: fixed.
  • AmigaOS 4.1 FE specific / If the mouse pointer is over the list of elements without any selection, the "Location" pop-up menu is displayed (previously the main menu) when right-clicking.
  • AmigaOS 4.1 FE specific / The size of menu icons can now be set.
  • AmigaOS 4.1 FE specific / "Wb" menu was displayed at the same time as the "Paste" one: fixed.
  • Localization / Swedish translations added.
  • Localization / Italian and Spanish translations improved.

[Meldung: 07. Aug. 2017, 23:52] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads bis 05.08.2017
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 05.08.2017 dem Aminet hinzugefügt:
Pacific-Bidrag7.lha      demo/euro  68K   68k Bidrag #7           demo/intro 56K   68k Blitter Kas
Nukleus-Cubeleus.lha     demo/intro 23K   68k Cubeleus
SFL-WeLookForSilicon.lha demo/intro 63K   68k We Look For Silicon
SDI_headers.lha          dev/c      28K       A set of C macros and defines
WormWarsMOS.lha          game/actio 722K  MOS Advanced snake game
PaletteEd.lha            gfx/misc   75K   68k Edit IFF-ILBM Palettes
ReportPlus.lha           util/misc  487K  68k Multipurpose utility
ReportPlusMOS.lha        util/misc  544K  MOS Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus-OS4.lha       util/misc  623K  OS4 Multipurpose utility
espeak.lha               util/sys   1.3M  68k amiga-port of espeak speech s...

[Meldung: 06. Aug. 2017, 07:40] [Kommentare: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads bis 05.08.2017
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 05.08.2017 dem OS4Depot hinzugefügt:
libwide.lha              dev/lib 71kb  4.0 some wide-character functions fo...
autoconf.lha             dev/mis 2Mb   4.0 used to generate configure scripts
automake.lha             dev/mis 1Mb   4.0 used to generate fro...
sed.lha                  dev/uti 3Mb   4.0 sed (stream editor)
reportplus.lha           uti/mis 623kb 4.0 Multipurpose utility

[Meldung: 06. Aug. 2017, 07:40] [Kommentare: 0]
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WHDLoad: Neue Pakete bis 05.08.2017
Mit WHDLoad können Spiele, Szene-Demos und Intros von Cracker-Gruppen, die nur für den Diskettenbetrieb gedacht waren, auf der Festplatte installiert werden. Die folgenden Installationspakete wurden bis zum 05.08.2017 hinzugefügt: (snx)

[Meldung: 06. Aug. 2017, 07:40] [Kommentare: 0]
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Hyperion verkauft Merchandising-Artikel über
Costel Mincea von Hyperion kündigt in einem Blog-Eintrag "gute Neuigkeiten" an: Ab sofort seien unter diverse Merchandising-Artikel verfügbar. Die verwendeten "powered by AmigaOS"- und "30 years of emotion"-Logos entsprechen denen, die bereits seit zwei Jahren für Aufkleber, Poster und ähnliches verwendet werden - als neuer Shop-Partner kommt jetzt aber zum Einsatz und die Produktpalette hat sich deutlich vergrößert.

Wer innerhalb der nächsten 14 Tage bestellt und den Gutschein-Code "welcome-100172727" angibt, erhält 15% Nachlass. (cg)

[Meldung: 05. Aug. 2017, 22:39] [Kommentare: 9 - 08. Aug. 2017, 01:12]
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1 350 695 ... <- 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 -> ... 715 1703 2697 [Archiv]
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