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36 Messages found

New cartoon: "IBM and Linux", cartoon gallery added (02. Feb. 2002)
Since June we have to get by without the wonderful and accurate cartoons by Torsten Dudai, as he's suffering from a lack of time aswell as a lack of motivation for further cartoons. The more we're pleased that Torsten found two nice pieces while se...

New cartoon: Metatrash (23. May. 2001)
"Metabox AG, Hildesheim" applies for a insolvency proceedings after a turbulent year (suspicion of deception and manipulation of market value, invented profits, decline of the share). ...

New cartoon: Partners (06. May. 2001)
A bit late (due to A-level examination), but topical: the graphical comment on Amiga/SHARP partnership. ...

New Cartoon: Low Tide (08. Jan. 2001)

New cartoon: Petracell (08. Dec. 2000)

New cartoon: Who's next? (07. Oct. 2000)

New cartoon: Bill and the judge (06. Sep. 2000)

New cartoon: dream or reality? (04. Sep. 2000)
The new cartoon was made by Sylvio Kurze :-). ...

New cartoon: Sweet dreams (02. Aug. 2000)
Bill McEwens's announcement of Amiga going public next year gave Torsten the inspiration for this new caricature. By the way, our opinion poll concerning the cartoons is still going on because we want to recognize your wishes in a better way. ...

New cartoon: Fleecy! (27. Jul. 2000)
Torsten Dudai: I'd like to thank all the people who wrote to me. Although I didn't reply to each email, I was pleased about them.Your reactions to the caricatures help me to improve the quality. Now I invite you to vote for your favorite caricature ...

New cartoon: loony bin (21. Jul. 2000)
Torsten takes an aim at the prophets of doom who cannot stop themselves from flooding all forums with anti-Amiga propaganda... ...

New cartoon: wide load (03. Jul. 2000)
Like always torsten caricatures the present situation very accurate. ...

New cartoon: "At Mount Sinai" (22. Jun. 2000)

New cartoon: Amiga Airlines II (17. Jun. 2000)

New cartoon: Happy Easter! (23. Apr. 2000)
Happy Easter! ...

New Cartoon: a new Challenge(r)? (18. Apr. 2000)
Amiga users in Europe and the US seem to have very different expectations of Amiga Inc.'s new strategy. ...

New cartoon: The mighty magician (27. Mar. 2000)
Please use this occasion to visit the homepage of cartoonist Torsten Dudai. Torsten has redesigned and completely reworked his site recently. You can read how caricatures are created for example. ...

New cartoon: "Dried up" (13. Feb. 2000)

New cartoon: In the nick of time (05. Jan. 2000)

New cartoon: Once Upon a Time, part 2 (30. Dec. 1999)

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