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Torsten Dudai (email)

New cartoon: "IBM and Linux", cartoon gallery added

Since June we have to get by without the wonderful and accurate cartoons by Torsten Dudai, as he's suffering from a lack of time aswell as a lack of motivation for further cartoons.

The more we're pleased that Torsten found two nice pieces while searching through old backups that he wants to share with us. First there's a PDF version of the old Amiga park cartoon, perfectly suited for printing as a poster (to be found under the title link), and then there's a previously unreleased cartoon about IBM and Linux done about six months ago.

Additionally, we created a gallery that contains all of Torsten Dudai's released cartoons, and we're inviting you to take a nostalgic trip browsing it. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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