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123 Messages found

Game Construction Kit: Scorpion Engine (30. Jun. 2020)
The "Scorpion Engine" developed by Erik 'earok' Hogan allows you to develop game running on an A500 with a screen rate of 50 Hz. The editor runs under Windows. Graphics are imported as PNG files, levels created by using the editor Tiled. For sounds, music...

Mario clone: Amigo the Fox (alpha version) (23. Jun. 2020)
Erik Hogan's platformer "Amigo The Fox" (video) originally was a port of the old clone of "Mario Brothers" for DOS. Meanwhile the game which was created with the construction kit Scorpion Engine has been reworked avoiding copyright disputes. The game curr...

Game Construction Kit: Scorpion Engine (16. Apr. 2020)
The "Scorpion Engine" developed by Erik 'earok' Hogan is supposed to simplify developing games, which run on an A500 with a screen refresh rate of 50 Hz. If a game requires more power then the rate can be set to 25 Hz. The editor runs under Windows. Graph...

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