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Indie Retro News (Websitee)

Preview videos: nameless platformer, Turbo Sprint, 3D shooter 'Exhumed'.
The programmer 'DomKid' has published a first video of another platformer developed with the Scorpion Engine. The release of the Super Sprint clone 'Turbo Sprint' is apparently imminent, a promotional video should whet the appetite for the title.

Besides Shadow Warrior, Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró works on another shooter based on the 'Build' engine from 'Duke Nukem 3D': Exhumed, distributed in the USA as 'PowerSlave'. According to the author, the Amiga version (video) is still in a very early stage and still has various serious bugs. (cg) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 01. May. 2021, 23:34] [Comments: 0]
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