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47 Messages found

AROS distribution: AROS One 2.7 (x86) (14. Dec. 2024)
The "AROS One" distribution, based on the AROS binary interface ABI v0, is now available in version 2.7 for x86 computers. A DVD ISO file and a USB flash (“VHD”) image are available for download. The VHD image can be used as a hard disk in vir...

AROS x86_64: version 20241102-1 of the ABI v11 developer branch (14. Nov. 2024)
AROS developer Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz had given his stable branch of AROS for 64-bit Intel and AMD processors the code name ABIv11 to distinguish it from the ABIv1 version in progress in the main AROS repository. The new version replaces it...

MorphOS-Storage uploads until 07.10.2023 (08. Oct. 2023)
The following files have been added until 07.10.2023 to MorphOS-Storage: AstroMenace_1.3.3.lha Games/Shoot3D Hardcore 3D space scrol... Easy2Install_1.0b38.lha Network/PackageManager A package manager to do... PDF2PDF_1.3.lha ...

MorphOS-Storage uploads until 16.09.2023 (17. Sep. 2023)
The following files have been added until 16.09.2023 to MorphOS-Storage: goattrk2_2.76.lha Audio/Tracker Official tracker-like C... gt2stereo_2.77.lha Audio/Tracker Tracker-like C64 stereo... Morphoza_1.3.lha ...

MorphOS-Storage uploads until 20.05.2023 (21. May. 2023)
The following files have been added until 20.05.2023 to MorphOS-Storage: hURL_2.0.lha Development/Hollywood/... A plugin for Hollywood ... HollywoodSDK_10.0.lha Development/Hollywood Plugin development kit ... HollywoodCubicIDE...

MorphOS-Storage uploads until 11.03.2023 (12. Mar. 2023)
The following files have been added until 11.03.2023 to MorphOS-Storage: VintageSongPlayer_2.50... Audio/Players A different, funny and ... Centurion.lha Emulation/Misc Centurion CPU6 based mi... cranker_0.66.lha ...

MorphOS-Storage uploads until 18.02.2023 (19. Feb. 2023)
The following files have been added until 18.02.2023 to MorphOS-Storage: FinalBurnNeo_1.0.0.3GI... Emulation FinalBurn Neo, an Emula... dRally.lha Games/Race Open Source Engine / De... Fallout2-ce_1.2_R...

RCross: Radio-controlled car game from developer contest ported (17. Jul. 2022)
Last year, the developer competition #hvdosdev2021 was won by the PC game "RCross", which requires an 80486 processor with 8 MB RAM. In it, you control a radio-controlled car that has to complete a course in the best possible time. The Amiga port ...

MorphOS: Software collection Chrysalis 3.15 (24. May. 2021)
Yannick 'Papiosaur' Buchy's Chrysalis is a preconfigured collection of programs, games and emulators for MorphOS. Usage requires an unmodified installation of MorphOS 3.15. Changes in Chrysalis 3.15: Wayfarer 1.20 (Jacadcaps) Iris 0.117 beta...

Preview videos: nameless platformer, Turbo Sprint, 3D shooter 'Exhumed'. (01. May. 2021)
The programmer 'DomKid' has published a first video of another platformer developed with the Scorpion Engine. The release of the Super Sprint clone 'Turbo Sprint' is apparently imminent, a promotional video should whet the appetite for the title. Besid...

Preview video: Port of 'Shadow Warrior' in progress (15. Apr. 2021)
Shadow Warrior is a first person shooter from 1997 that uses the (slightly improved) Duke Nukem 3D engine. Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró is currently working on an Amiga port of the 2005 released game (video). The targeted minimum configuration is AGA/RTG, a 6804...

MorphOS-Storage uploads until 13.02.2021 (14. Feb. 2021)
The following files have been added until 13.02.2021 to MorphOS-Storage: MilkyTracker_1.03.lha Audio/Tracker An XM/MOD tracker by th... AntiryadGX_4.9_install.7z Development/Engine 2D-3D Antiryad Gx is an unifi... FluidLite.lha ...

MorphOS: Software collection Chrysalis 3.14 updated (27. Dec. 2020)
Yannick 'Papiosaur' Buchy has updated version 3.14 of Chrysalis, his pre-configured collection of applications, games and emulators, originally released in October. Requirements are MorphOS 3.14 and an unaltered installation of the operating sys...

MorphOS: Software collection Chrysalis 3.14 (12. Oct. 2020)
Yannick 'Papiosaur' Buchy's Chrysalis is a preconfigured collection of programs, games and emulators and now is available in version 3.14 for MorphOS 3.14. An unchanged basic installation of the operating system is required. Changes: Added: W...

Dungeon Crawler: Port of "Legacy" (2003) announced (28. Feb. 2020)
Legacy is a classic Dungeon Crawler like Dungeon Master or Eye of the Beholder which was released in 2003 for different PDA platforms. Recently Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró has released a limited demo version of an Amiga port (video of the intro) but also pointe...

MorphOS: Dungeon-Crawler Arx Libertatis 1.2 (24. Jun. 2018)
Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró has ported the first person Dungeon crawler Arx Libertatis - which is an open source implementation of the game Arx Fatalis released in 2002 - to MorphOS. The CD of the original game and the Arx-Fatalis patch to version 1.21 are requ...

Hexen II - Hammer of Thyrion (uHexen2 1.5.8) for AmigaOS, MorphOS and AROS (18. Aug. 2016)
Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró has ported the engine of the FPS classic Hexen II to AmigaOS 3, MorphOS and AROS. The engine uHexen2 as well as the corresponding game data of the Shareware version are available on Warp 3D is supported via Min...

Game engines for DOS games Catacomb 3D and Keen Dreams (13. Aug. 2016)
Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró has released ports of the engines of Catacomb 3D - which is the (technical) prequel of Wolfenstein 3D - as well as of the jump'n run game Commander Keen: Keen Dreams. The engines always need the level data of the original ...

MorphOS: Software collection Chrysalis 3.9.2 (15. Mar. 2016)
Yannick 'Papiosaur' Buchy's Chrysalis is a preconfigured collection of programms, games and emulators (PDF description) and now is available in version 3.9.2 for MorphOS 3.9. An unchanged basic installation of the operating system is required. Change...

Podcast: Amicast 5 (English), Interview with Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró (24. Aug. 2015)
Episode 5 of the English-language podcast Amicast features an interview with Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró, who has ported a lot of applications and games from the Linux world to AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and AROS. ...

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