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Stefan Blixth via eMail

New Updates for OnyxSoft Software
New versions of the following programs are available from OnyxSoft:
  • BackUp Version 1.2
    New cleanup function for automated display of updated files added.
  • Detris Version 3.0
    This game were completely rewritten and offers a good Tetris clone.
  • DRemind Version 1.56
    With the help of Alexander Doeller the program installer is available now.
  • MultiRen Version 1.42
    It is now possible to automatically rename #?.info-files by selecting this option in the setup.
  • TheMPegEncGUI Version 2.05
    Options for Pegase and Lame added. The requesters now opens parallel to the TMPEGUI window.
Further informations: There will be some server changes in the near future. As soon as we know what exactly will change we will inform you.

[News message: 16. Oct. 2000, 10:33] [Comments: 0]
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David Connolly via eMail

Issue #9 of Amiga Survivor Magazine
According to informations from David Connolly, the publisher of the Amiga Survivor Magazine, issue #9 of the printed magazine will be published at the end of October. This issue will contain a version of Max Rally. Issue #10, published at the end of November, will be shipped with the game Cosmo's Fun Class. Issue #11 will fusion parts of the Amiga Future Magazine with the Amiga Survivor Magazine. This issue will have a 68 pages special, and one or two secret gifts. Shortly there will be a webside at At the moment you can subscribe to an Egroups-Mailing List.

[News message: 16. Oct. 2000, 09:04] [Comments: 0]
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Cross-Upgrade of EZP@gerNG for Registered EZPager Users
Special cross-upgrade offer for registered users of EZPager (V1.1 to V1.11 purchased before 10-31-1998). Further informations are available at the title link.

[News message: 16. Oct. 2000, 09:04] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer

Software Updates by Sebastian Bauer
At the webside of Sebsatian Bauer are new versions of Atari800 (1.2), html.datatype (0.12), SimpleHTML (0.12) and SimplePac (1.3) available.

[News message: 16. Oct. 2000, 09:04] [Comments: 0]
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JOTD Patch & Installers

New JST Version 4.2 Released
Version 4.2 of JST released. If you want to play old games on your new system you would appreciate JST, because many disk based programs can be installed to harddisk with JST.

Download: jst.lha

[News message: 16. Oct. 2000, 09:04] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via eMail

Amiga Arena News
In co-operation with Denis Unger Amiga Arena offers FLM at a very special price of 10DM. FLM is a program that can be used as a dictionary, as a text translator, and for vocabulary exercises. FLM contains some English/German dictionaries with about 175000 entries.

An interview with Denis Unger is online too.

[News message: 16. Oct. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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SMSEngineer V1.0.6
Version 1.0.6 of SMSEngineer released. The changes since version 1.0.5 are the following:
  • Changes: Some minor changes of the GUI.
  • New: ToolType for setting default signature.
  • Bugfix: The signature is sent now.

The program needs MUI V3.8+, a TCP/IP-stack, and some additional MUI-classes. Which classes you will need is written in the readme file.

You can find the program at the Aminet (comm/tcp) and on the new homepage

Download: SMSEngineerMUI.lha, Readme

[News message: 16. Oct. 2000, 06:42] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Amiga Future Now in English
CS&E and Amiga Future signed an agreement on publishing an English version of the German printed Amiga games magazine "Amiga Future".

At the beginning it will be published as a part of Amiga Survivor and after few issues the new magazine will be published under the name Amiga Future UK.

The whole press release with further informations is available at the news pages of Amiga Future-Website.

[News message: 16. Oct. 2000, 06:42] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Luense

YAM AddOns
On 12. October 2000 Michael Luense has update his site with YAM addons. At this time the following scripts are available:

attinfo V2.13
Creates a logfile from attachments; the logfile is subsequently attached to the e-mail.

MuYaReq V2.10
Editing an e-mail via requester.

listinfo V1.00
Enter the name of the list. Information via requester.

Expolder V1.3
Im- & export of folders.

Dogy V1.2
Toolbar for all four add-ons. Needs MUIRexx.

[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 09:19] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox Drivers Updated
On October 15th, 2000 Vision Factory Developement has released an update of the Virge drivers for the Mediator board from Elbox. The update contains small changes and extends the driver with support for 2MB cards.

Download: CGXV3_Elbox.lzh (200K)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 09:19] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

V³, AmTelnet, Microdot-1-Source
Oliver Wagner has released on October 14th, 2000 in .plans on the V³ portal site information regarding the current state of development of the web browser. The V³ development proceeds well. Frames are supported again, and the tuning of the deeper integrated layer- and cliprects-routines gave a relevant speed boost for output and scrolling.

Soon there'll be a new release version after David Gerber has finished the configurable popup menus.

Of AmTelnet there's a test version which is supposed to fix the problems with Z-modem-transfers in conjunction with Miami - or maybe not.

Besides that Oliver Wagner has released the source code for MicroDot-1 (not 2).

Download: md1_src_01.lzx (391K)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 09:19] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Heider on ANF

Amiga Database for SuSE Linux PPC
Michael Heider wrote:
Using the title link you find some helpful texts and also some configuration files in the newly installed Amiga data base for SuSE Linux PPC (both versions). Among other things it is now possible to use SAX and YAST2 under SuSE Linux PPC on the Amiga,too. The data needed for that are ready for download on my homepage.

I also want to announce that in the next few days there'll be a kernel 2.2.10 for all Linux_m68k users ready for download which also works with the Linux_m68k CD I created.

[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 05:17] [Comments: 0]
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Facts about AmigaDE
Gary Peake, Director Support Amiga Inc., has posted on October 14th, 2000 facts on the Open Amiga mailing list regarding the AmigaDE. This posting summarizes different known information.

[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 05:10] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Flame

Amiga Flame Celebrates fourth Anniversary
The online game magazine "Amiga Flame" celebrates its fourth anniversary. Four years ago it was introduced to the public for the first time to show that an Amiga games market exists. Now, after the past years full of hard work they foresight hopefully thanks to the Amiga Digital Environment (AmigaDE), and the AmigaOne.

[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 04:06] [Comments: 0]
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ProStationAudio Tutorial for SMPTE sync.
On the website of AudioLabs a tutorial was released which deals with synchronized audio output via an external SMPTE source

[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 04:06] [Comments: 0]
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Richard A. Poser via email

AmigAIM 0.9396 beta
On October 15th, 2000 Richard H. Poser has released the beta version 0.9396 of AmigAIM. This program makes it possible to use the AOL-Instant-Messenger-system "AIM". Compared to the previous version the following has changed:
  • I think I isolated the problems with the Password being saved improperly, Capitalization and Spacing in ScreenName used for signon should no longer matter - I found that an Earlier built in data conversion was attempting a conversion anyway if spaces were used in the ScreenName in the Signon. I call the problem, the "amazingly growing password"
  • I also now restrict the length of the ScreenName and PassWord entry blocks to a maximum of 16 characters (Longest AIM will allow anyway. Not sure why I hadn't done this already)


[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 04:06] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Bauer

Basilisk II Homepage Reworked
The homepage of the Mac emulator "Basilisk II" has been reworked and newly designed. The 68k MacIntosh Emulator is obtainable for AmigaOS, BeOS, Unix, Linux, and Windows.

The Amiga binaries can be found here.

[News message: 15. Oct. 2000, 01:48] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens on ANF

ACG News
The Belgium Amiga Club ACG have a new version of the Dutch newsletter "acgmail 86 Oktober 2000". In the first article the club is asking for help from the Belgium and Holland Amiga-users. Because there are less and less Amiga users in the club they are considering to stop the Amiga part of the club. If you want to help you can e-mail us -

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 12:27] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Dellert via eMail

DCE Obtains Exclusive Rights for the Voodoo CGX Drivers
Vision Factory Development (VFD) and DCE Computer Service have signed an exclusive contract on the usage rights of the "CGX Voodoo"-drivers. Contrary to some declarations, this driver will only be available for the G-REX PCI board.
Complete announcement at the title link.

In this context please check out the official announcement at CyberGraphX.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 12:17] [Comments: 0]
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VMC News
From now on, the VMC-ISDN and HyperCOM user-forums may again be used without any problems. All of the links of our domain have been transfered to our until the definitive re-transfer.

Also, Mr. Frank of VMC asks Mr. Schönfeld of Individual Computers to expose the true facts.
More infos at the title link.

Since amiga-news does not want to become the scene of such conflicts, we would like to ask our readers, who want to be informed about the process of this conflict, to get information directly on the websites of the relevant companies:
VMC ./. Individual Computers.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 12:17] [Comments: 0]
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H&P: New ImageFX Offers
For a limited period of time we offer all of the ImageFX packages (also all of the updates) including the PPC-Expansion PowerStation. You can get an overview on the offers in the press release at the title link.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 12:17] [Comments: 0]
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Juergen A. Theiner on ANF

SWOS Tournament in Danger!
What a pity. It could have been so cool! Actually I had planned to host a SWOS tournament at the AmigaMeeting. Sponsors had quickly been found. Now the whole thing might not take place.

  • My ride has jumped off: Persons from the region Aix-la-Chapelle/Cologne who want to go there please contact me!
  • Only 3 people (including me) have registered until now. All interested people please register!

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 10:58] [Comments: 0]
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FROGGER - New Beta-Version of the well known MPEG-Player
FROGGER a MPEG-Player for the AMIGA that allows acceptable replay speeds even on slower cpus (68030).

The '1.62 beta 2' version of the program, a further development of the 68K- and PPC-version, can be downloaded at the title link.

On the FROGGER download-site there is also a new FROGGER-Start-Pic.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 10:51] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: Development Status
On oktober 11th, 2000 AROS has released a status report about the current status of this Open Source project. The changes concern mainly the AROS version for x86 computers.

Cleaning-up of the AROS source tree by Bernardo Innocenti, simple hardfile support of FFS formatted floppy disks (ADF) by Georg Steger, and better mouse support for AROS native/x86 by Tobias Seiler (mouse buttons work now). Georg threw in some additional code to change the position of the mouse pointer on the screen, and now you can move the window around. Since VGA.HIDD doesn't support the XOR drawing mode, yet there is still some graphics garbage when you move the window, but that should be fixed, soon.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 06:57] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

StarOffice-Sourcecode Released
Sun has released the source code of StarOffice as Open Source on October 13th, 2000. This is the pre-release of StarOffice 6.0. The further development of the package has been handed over to the OpenOffice-Project.

The source code is 400 MByte in size, and is available for download at the OpenOffice website for download. It contains 35,000 files which count all together some 9 million lines of C++ code. A Pentium III computer with 256 MB RAM and Linux would need some 20 hours to compile the package. The space required on the harddrive will grow up to 2 GByte while doing this. Currently supported are Windows, Linux, and Solaris. A version for Mac OsX, which is said to be still in an earlier stade, should follow.

Sun themself will still participate in developing the Office package in the future through their development department in Hamburg, and release official StarOffice versions basing on OpenOffice. Those will also contain components which Sun has acquired from thrid party companies and thus are not part of the OpenOffice package. These components include the spell checker, the thesaurus and the database Adabas D.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 06:57] [Comments: 0]
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Martin "Mason" Merz in ANF

MI News: AppMI - 5. Release
AppMI is a freeware collection of images and animations for toolbars with GlowIcons design, which would perhaps become a standard for the Classic Amiga System. The fourth update has been completed now.

The new archive contains 66 new or reworked images, 2 new animations and a new HTML documentation for easier navigation. More informations about AppMI are available here. The archive for registered users will be sent to them by email soon.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 06:57] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert via eMail

News about SView-Ports
SuperView is a well known graphics converting and viewing tool well knwon of the Amiga. The author Andreas Kleinert is working on porting SView to other systems, and publishes a status report:

The GUI preview of the planned WinSView tool kit still is at alpha state while subject of intensive development. Hence it still is not available, but by this you will get some initial impression on what it is about.

Development takes place on two levels:
  • 1. The underlying C++ class library for image handling (loading, saving)
  • 2. The program surface (GUI) in form of a MFC 4.1-based design

Both originally were developed using Watcom C/C++ - for the class library part and for testing it we use the Watcom C/C++ V11 ability to develop 32 bit software for the Win9x/NT character mode (DOS box), and for the GUI part BlueSky's Visual Programmer is utilized.

But the design of the C++ classes is completely platform independent (e.g. regarding endianess) and suitable to be ported for a wide range of operating systems, e.g. certain Linux derives, BeOS or QNX. Additionally, no compiler specific C++ specialities are used ("baseline C++") and utilization from a clean C program is no problem.
More infos can be found at the title link.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 03:41] [Comments: 0]
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