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Heise [Newsticker]

StarOffice-Sourcecode Released
Sun has released the source code of StarOffice as Open Source on October 13th, 2000. This is the pre-release of StarOffice 6.0. The further development of the package has been handed over to the OpenOffice-Project.

The source code is 400 MByte in size, and is available for download at the OpenOffice website for download. It contains 35,000 files which count all together some 9 million lines of C++ code. A Pentium III computer with 256 MB RAM and Linux would need some 20 hours to compile the package. The space required on the harddrive will grow up to 2 GByte while doing this. Currently supported are Windows, Linux, and Solaris. A version for Mac OsX, which is said to be still in an earlier stade, should follow.

Sun themself will still participate in developing the Office package in the future through their development department in Hamburg, and release official StarOffice versions basing on OpenOffice. Those will also contain components which Sun has acquired from thrid party companies and thus are not part of the OpenOffice package. These components include the spell checker, the thesaurus and the database Adabas D.

[News message: 14. Oct. 2000, 06:57] [Comments: 0]
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