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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Graphics card: Presale of ZZ9000 for ninth batch
In his online shop, Lukas F. Hartmann has updated the item describtion of the graphics card ZZ9000 which now says: "Parts for all cards sold so far (Batch 8) are in stock and production is in progress. We have reopened pre-sales for Batch 9 which we expect for a June 2022 shipping target. Before buying, please keep in mind that due to the global chip shortage, additional delays can happen. We will ship your card eventually, but patience is key."

He also reported yesterday on Twitter that the delivery of the first batch of the ZZ9000AX sound module is slightly delayed (mid/end-February) due to the complicated manufacturing of the ZZ9000->AX cable and the manufacturer's overload before the Spring Festival. (dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2022, 16:55] [Comments: 0]
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Free motherboard design: Rämixx500 available in shops
The Rämixx500 is an open hardware remake of the Commodore Amiga 500+ motherboard, revision 8A.1 ( reported). Although the developer SukkoPera is already intensively working on the V2 of his project and thus further modifications (see also the Developer Blog), the V1 is still the last official release. For that the developer has crossed out his warnings ("THIS BOARD IS UNTESTED!!! IT MIGHT NOT WORK AT ALL! It might kill your cat or burn your house down. You have been warned."), noting now that this version of the board has been tested and works well - "apart from a couple of very minor issues". However, he could not recommend using this version of the board, even if it worked. Instead, one should download the project documents and check them for errors.

If that is too much trouble for you, you can order already produced boards. Both the German and the Irish store Sordan offer the board for around 34 and 28 Euros, respectively, plus shipping. (dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2022, 14:40] [Comments: 0]
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Motorola68k emulation: Status update on Emu68
Developer Michal Schulz regularly provides background information and status updates on his Motorola68K emulation Emu68 for the ARM architecture on his Patreon page. In yesterday's entry he reports about video driver, SD card driver, EmuControl and bug fixes. Finally he has pointed out to some tutorials he has started writing: (dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2022, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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Shoot'em up: Fourht demo version of Jackal
NeesoGames has released the fourth demo version of its game Jackal, created with the Scorpion Engine. The shoot 'em up was also submitted as an entry for AmiGameJam 2021. Changes since third demo version:
  • No loading times between the menu and briefing screen
  • Intro waiting time reduced to 6 seconds
  • Updated credits
  • Big copter animated at mission start
  • New type of vehicle bullets
  • Regular POWs
  • Powerup indicator
  • Soldiers are thrown out of the jeep when it explodes
  • Rescue copter flies away when all POWs are delivered
  • Level 2 preview (playable to the end but no boss fight and some enemies are missing)
  • Many bugfixes and improvements

[News message: 20. Jan. 2022, 13:30] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Löwenstein (Mail)

RESHOOT PROXIMA 3: Preview of Stage 1
In August last year we reported about a new preview video of the third part of the shoot'em up series RESHOOT PROXIMA 3, which is currently in development. Shortly before Christmas 'AmigaBill' invited the three developers of the game Richard Löwenstein, Martin Ahman and Kevin Saunders to its Twitch channel to present the prototype of Stage 1. This demonstration is also available as a Video (game start from minute 33).

As Richard Löwenstein explained to us when asked, a prototype of the first stage was shown, "still far from complete. There are quite a few attack waves missing, the boss is conspicuous by its complete absence." Likewise, exciting attack patterns, boss designs and fine-tuning of the music would still have to be tackled. On the other hand, 90% of the graphics for all five stages have been drawn, and the visual designs for all stages have been defined and technically implemented. (dr)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2022, 21:36] [Comments: 0]
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