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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Carl Sassenrath in REBOL-ML

REBOL: Skript-Library on Desktop
The script library of can now be accessed from the View desktop. With the help of its library drawer, upload and updating of scripts is also possible.

Currently, the library is at beta 1 status. For future versions, there are ideas like a browser for better viewing of the library, a history icon which informs about changes and an additional field in the REBOL header which states in which environment (CGI, REBOL/View, ...) the script works and whether it produces output which is for example not the case with includes that merely import functions. (sd)

[News message: 18. May. 2001, 22:14] [Comments: 0]
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Halvadjian Georges (ANF)

PerfectPaint V2.6
Version 2.6 of PerfectPaint, the paint and image processing program, has been released and is available for download at the title link. Read here what has changed:

  • New Tooltype: NO_STARTUP_WINDOW
  • Improve Bridge tool
    you can communicate easily with all programs having an arexx port. Each program is decribe by an ASCII file (in PerfectPaint:rexx/Bridge/Host). The available hosts are:
    ADPro,ArtEffect,FinalWriter,FxPaint,Image Engineer,ImageFx,MovieShop,PageStream,Photogenics and TVPaint.
    You can exchange pictures, brushes, palettes and animations.
  • Sometimes PfPaint crash on exit when you manipulate a lot of buffers, it's fixed.
  • pp_Setbuffer, PP_findemptybuffer and pp_FindEmptyBrush works well now.
  • Improve pp_SetBrush and pp_SetBuffer
  • Add an Arexx shell.(right mouse button on arexx button)
  • PfPaint can now load and save AnimTransfer for Aweb, Ibrowse and Voyager.
  • Little bug corrected with the compose requester
  • Fix a nasty bug when you save a 24 animation with more than 100 frame.
  • Improve Animation:
    Add a new subitem 'Effects' with:
    • Clone Anim
    • Join Anim
    • Inverse Anim
    • Make Ping-Pong
    • Fade to
    • A new version of Slim Anim
    • Movie Factory: Lets you make transitions between two frames in the current animation. Available Operators are:Displace,Fade,Mosaic,Perspective,Spray, Tunnel, Twirl and Wave.
    • Dissolve: Same function than Movie factory, but transitions are made with a mask. 16 Operators are available.
    • Motion blur
    • Ghost frame
    • Shaker
  • Fix a bug with the tool 'Box' when it was used on very big picture.
  • Fix a bug with the floodfill algo.
  • Fix a bug while creating animation
  • New Arexx commands:
    • PP_StencilOn, pp_StenciOff, pp_Mosaic
    • PP_SavePPM, pp_Liquid, pp_InvStencil
    • PP_SSave ; Save Stencil
    • PP_SLoad ; Load Stencil
    • PP_Dissolve, pp_BufferGui, pp_SetPath, pp_GetPath
  • Improve Antialiasing line
  • New scripts: 3dGrid (box tool), Clock (circle tool)
  • Improve Palette requester with Load and Save Gradient
  • Right mouse button on the line button and you can change the pattern of your line.
  • several small improvements

[News message: 18. May. 2001, 21:09] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

Virus Help Denmark: Safe V15.6
With the virus scanner ´Safe´ you can find but not eliminate viruses. Here the details on the new version 15.6 released today:

Name: Safe v15.6
Archive name : Safe.lha
Archive size: 29.728 bytes
Release date: 18th May 2001
Programmer: Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Requires: Amiga with OS 2.04+ (xvs.library strongly recommended)

New in v15.6:
  • fixed muForce hit with VECS/S
  • moved memory detection and removals of 4ef9 trojans to
  • added GREAT ABILITY! Since this version Safe is able to remove EVERY PATCH from:
    Open - Write - Lock - UnLock - Examine - ExNext - LoadSeg - NewLoadSeg - PutMsg - DoIO -
Download shortcut: (ps)

[News message: 18. May. 2001, 14:19] [Comments: 0]
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Tao: intent® V1.1
On 14 May 2001 Tao Group released version 1.1 of its multimedia platform intent®. The system contains new multimedia extensions and an upgraded JavaTM VM.

intent® specifically targets at the home and mobile connected device market - e.g. mobile phones and digital TV-sets which can be extended with multimedia features using intent®, as for example for media players there is a streaming technology available, now.

The JavaTM virtual machine now supports PersonalJava 1.2 specifications, as specified at the heart of the DVB's Multimedia Home Platform definition for Digital TVs.

This version of intent® is also the first from Tao to include technology from one of its engine partners Sseyo® with its 'Koan' interactive audio software.

The intent® 1.1 SDK is available from Tao Group for both Windows and Linux. intent® is supported on a wide range fo embedded processors, including ARM 6/7/9, Thumb, StrongARM Power PCTM, MIPS R3/4/5xxx, SH3/4, and ST40. (sd)

[News message: 17. May. 2001, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts

Datatypes: WarpDTPrefs V44.4
The preference program for datatypes by Oliver Roberts was updated and is available in version 44.4, now. This program can be used for individual settings of the following datatypes: WarpJPEG, PNG, BMP, and PSD.
Download: WarpDTPrefs.lha - 113 kB (ps)

[News message: 17. May. 2001, 15:38] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Effenberger (ANF)

Webtool: SiteWay-Modul 'ImageEditor' Version 1.33
Christoph Poelzl of RMS Communications advised me that more and more digital cameras (e.g. Canon EOS D30, Olympus E10, Kodak DCS 760....) are using a raw format, which apparently no Amiga software can read. Utilizing the two new loaders ´RAW Grey´ and ´RAW Color´ the ImageEditor in principle can read any raw formatted picture (e.g. sculpt), now.

Download: IE_Update.lha - 240 kB (ps)

[News message: 17. May. 2001, 14:23] [Comments: 0]
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New Style for DynAMIte: Bdynamite
For the online game 'DynAMIte', a Bomberman/Dynablaster clone, a new style called 'Bdynamite' was released. In this game you can online play against a maximum of eight players. More information under the title link. (ps)

[News message: 17. May. 2001, 13:21] [Comments: 0]
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Ignatios Souvatzis via E-Mail

NetBSD/Amiga: 1.5.1_BETA2 Test Snapshot
NetBSD/Amiga Version 1.5.1_BETA2, a test snapshot, is available under the title link.

If you have the possibility to do so, please test this snapshot and then report problems on the port-amiga mailing list or via the NetBSD error database.

NetBSD-1.5.1 will be a patch release mainly fixing problems and errors in NetBSD-1.5. I would like to thank Matthias Scheler, who created this snapshot! (ps)

[News message: 17. May. 2001, 12:47] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Gietzelt (ANF)

Programming Language: Emperor Introduces Itself
Emperor is an object-orientated programming language which enables the user in a most simple way to write applications and tools for the new AmigaOS 3.9 as well as for AmigaOS 2.0.

Standard-GUI-elements like windows, menus, requesters, ASL-requesters, ReAction- and GadTools-gadgets are integrated by clicking the mouse and can be programmed with the help of macro functions and integrated text editor. The gadgets can communicate by implementing of so called Interconnection-maps without typing a single line of source code. It is also very easy to create locale-catalogs and variables, to integrate libraries and so on. Emperor has an easily understandable and user-friendly ReAction-Gui and a detailed online-handbook in the ".guide"-format. Programming the new AmigaOS becomes a pushover!

Emperor is available in the completely reworked version 4.0 and has the following features:
  • Immediate visualizing of each element available
  • Generating C/C++-source code
  • Integrated text editor
  • StormC-connection via ARexx
  • Generating source code for AmigaOS 2.0, AmigaOS 3.9 or in mixed modus
  • Memory use drastically reduced (requires: 3 to 4 MByte)
  • Fixed some minor bugs of the previous version
  • Extended handling of GadTools-gadgets
  • Understandable layout
  • More complex menus
You can download version 4.0 of the program on Aminet-directory "dev/c".

Download: Emperor_v4.0.lha (ps)

[News message: 16. May. 2001, 22:58] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 16.05.2001
TrolanSrcs.lha       comm/cnet  336K+Source to the CNet utils I wrote
TaskiSMS.lha         comm/tcp   472K+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI).
simplehtml.lha       comm/www    35K+V0.16 of the simple HTML Offline Browser
preass154b.lha       dev/asm     42K+Preass update 
FPSPSnoop.lha        dev/debug    7K+Trace unimplemented 68040 or 68060 instr
MuForce.lha          dev/debug  272K+The V40 Enforcer, detects illegal RAM ac
MuGuardianAngl.lha   dev/debug  295K+MungWall superset, detect accesses to no
MuLink.lha           dev/misc   122K+Memory protect selected hunks of binarie
MuScan.lha           dev/misc   120K+Print the MMU tree layout.
muimaster020.lha     dev/mui     97K+Muimaster.library 020 patch Rel 5
MagellanIIPL.lha     docs/help   38K+Polish Locale for MagellanII
MuManual.lha         docs/misc  788K+Tutorial, examples, includes, (auto)docs
F1GP_2001.lha        game/data    9K+2001 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (13 May)
Gallery_music1.lha   game/data  4.1M+Archive with 3 great music samples for G
Gallery_music2.lha   game/data  5.5M+Archive with 3 great music samples for G
gametracker.lha      game/misc  1.1M+Gameserver browser for QW/Q/H2/Sin/Shogo
GRACUser1.lha        game/role  390K+Extra stuff for GRAC users
gumband.lha          game/role  962K+Gumband 2.1.5b - Roguelike solo RPG
oangband.lha         game/role  897K+Oangband 0.5.1b - Roguelike solo RPG
666MagNumbers.lha    game/think   9K+V1.2, MagicNumbers v1.1 images + German 
Connect4.lha         game/think  70K+Connect 4 game using MUI (with source)
MagicNumbers.lha     game/think 138K+A small but good mind game V1.1
Piggy.lha            game/wb      8K+One player dice game written in Arexx.
pdhfic.lha           gfx/conv    89K+Convert images from Datatypes to Spectru
MuEVD.lha            misc/emu   129K+MuLib driven ShSh driver for ECS,AGA,P96
AGReader.tgz         misc/unix   95K+AmigaGuide file reader, for Unix system.
absolution.lha       mods/med   656K+"High Energy" executable OSS module
absolution2.lha      mods/med   509K+"High Energy" executable OSS module
cruising.lha         mods/med   223K+"High Energy" executable OSS module
gdammerung.lha       mods/med   300K+"High Energy" executable OSS module
np_initm.lha         mods/misc  716K+Noyz Phaktah '005 - I'm Not In The Moog!
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit   110K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
PT4_Beta2_src.lha    mus/edit   509K+Protracker V4.0 Beta 2 full source code
Play16_1.9.lha       mus/play   190K+Multi format sound player, supports AHI
GamesIcons01.lha     pix/nicon  609K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons03.lha     pix/nicon  652K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons04.lha     pix/nicon  663K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons05.lha     pix/nicon  654K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons06.lha     pix/nicon  647K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons07.lha     pix/nicon  632K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons08.lha     pix/nicon  624K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons09.lha     pix/nicon  651K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons10.lha     pix/nicon  641K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons11.lha     pix/nicon  629K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons12.lha     pix/nicon  631K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons13.lha     pix/nicon  621K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons15.lha     pix/nicon  630K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons16.lha     pix/nicon  612K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons17.lha     pix/nicon  635K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons18.lha     pix/nicon  646K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons19.lha     pix/nicon  641K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons20.lha     pix/nicon  623K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons21.lha     pix/nicon  640K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons22.lha     pix/nicon  618K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
GamesIcons23.lha     pix/nicon  112K+OS3.5 256 color icons for games
eaqua.lha            text/misc   45K+A Aqua (MacOs X)-like imageset for ENote
HTMLstrip.lha        text/misc   23K+HTML stripper which can also replace HTM
XDM20.lha            util/arc    56K+DMS like disk packer using LZX v2.0
LoadModule.lha       util/boot    9K+Install Libs/Devs reset-proof, ROM-Updat
MuFastChip.lha       util/boot  118K+Chip memory cache mode fine tuning tool
MuFastRom.lha        util/boot  118K+MuLib conformal ROM to RAM remapper
MuFastZero.lha       util/boot  134K+MuLib Zero Page remapper, FastExec/Prepa
MuLockLib.lha        util/boot  112K+Lock the mmu.library in memory on startu
MuSetCacheMode.lha   util/boot  121K+MMU tree adjustment tool for experts
PatchRAM.lha         util/boot   19K+Patch Os 3.9 RAM-Handler to show right s
Wibby.lha            util/boot   34K+Small, quick, and useful taskbar util
akNAIL-dt.lha        util/dtype 120K+AkNAIL-dt V44.12 (NAIL, 68000-060)
akPNG-dt.lha         util/dtype 236K+AkPNG-dt V44.98 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/MOS
MMULib.lha           util/libs  530K+Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
MuMin.lha            util/libs   55K+Minimal MuLib archive for redistribution
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  379K+Report+ 4.62: Multipurpose utility
ReqAttack_fin.lha    util/misc   34K+RAPrefsMUI finnish catalog
Mu680x0Libs.lha      util/sys   329K+MuLib aware 68060, 68040, 68030 and 6803

[News message: 16. May. 2001, 15:35] [Comments: 0]
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Database: MySQL for Amiga Version 3.23.38
You can find an AmigaOS-port of MySQL database-system version 3.23.38 (binaries for 040) on the French website of 'SixK'. This version was compiled and optimized by Gcc 2.95.3. New: MySql client and MySqlCheck.
Download: MySQLd3.23.38_040bin.lzx (ps)

[News message: 16. May. 2001, 14:40] [Comments: 0]
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