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Tom Parker

Browser: AWeb PowerPC JPEG Plugin V0.4
Tom Parker has written a PowerPC JPEG plugin for the internet browser AWeb. Actually this software is beta. If you want to test the plugin you will find more information and latest version 0.4 following the title link. (ps)

[News message: 29. May. 2001, 21:43] [Comments: 0]
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Game: Tales of Tamar V0.35 R4
Tales Of Tamar is an internet based game for Amiga, Atari, Linux, and PC from Eternity Entertainment Software. For registered beta testers are now updates for Amiga, Atari, Linux, and Mac from the download page available. The latest version is V035 R4.

Atari alpha testers need from now on the main archive and the update and will need then only to download the latest updates. (ps)

[News message: 29. May. 2001, 21:03] [Comments: 0]
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Amigan Software

Tool: Report+ Version 4.63b
With Report+ from Amigan Software you can create in an easy way bug reports, Aminet readmes, autodocs, and similar reports. The program is freeware and supports the GUI systems ReAction and GadTools.Download: report.lha - 380 kB (ps)

[News message: 29. May. 2001, 20:37] [Comments: 0]
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Webserver: Amiga Apache 1.3.20 + PHP 4.0.5
On the 'SixK Port Page' is the version V1.3.20 (incl. PHP V4.0.5 )of this webserver for AmigaOS (version for 68040) to use with the official Amiga Apache Archive available. Download: apache1320_php405-040.lzx (ps)

[News message: 29. May. 2001, 20:29] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 29.05.2001
tummy_020.lha        biz/dbase  911K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.10
tummy_040.lha        biz/dbase  911K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.10
tummy_060.lha        biz/dbase  911K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.10
AmiComSys.lha        comm/net   353K+V1.34 Personal Communicator like ICQ (MU
BabelDoc.lha         comm/tcp    33K+Translate docs or strings from one langu
DHCP20_68k.lha       comm/tcp   528K+DHCP 2.0, Dynamic Host Configuration Pro
tsgui.lha            disk/misc   21K+Create or write back image files (ADF) o
AnnuaireAmiga9.txt   docs/anno    3K+Presentation ANNUAIRE AMIGA FRANCOPHONE
eNote1.4PL.lha       docs/help   10K+Polish Locale for eNote1.4
stccg.lha            docs/hyper 1.8M+AmigaGuide to Star Trek CCG from Deciphe
AIOV47.lha           docs/mags  435K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 47 (May 
AmigaArenaNews.lha   docs/misc   82K+Amiga Arena Interviews/Previews in Germa
F1GP_2001.lha        game/data   10K+2001 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (27 May)
Gallery_upd.lha      game/patch   9K+Gallery update - screenmode requester ad
Shuf2_upd2.lha       game/patch   6K+Shuffle 2 Mysted final update - screenmo
Shuf3_upd.lha        game/patch   7K+Shuffle 3 ART OF NATURE update - screenm
angband.lha          game/role  726K+Angband 2.9.2 - Roguelike solo RPG
D-Flip.lha           game/think  83K+Tile-flipping puzzle by DawnBringer
Go_Ahead.lha         game/think  86K+Very early Public-Beta of a new Quizgame
Emerald.lha          game/wb    866K+Graphical effects and games
YAG_Genesis.lha      misc/emu    33K+Yet Another Gui for Amigenerator
imdbDiff010518.lha   misc/imdb  1.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
YACAS.lha            misc/math  450K+Math Program like MatLab, v1.0.47
rno-r058.mpg         mods/mpg    11M+Rno-records release #58 by FarFar(Chillo
rno-r060.mpg         mods/mpg   5.2M+Rno-records release #60 by Habit(DNB)
CutiSabi.lha         pix/wb     232K+Cute Workbench Look by Nowee for Visualp
MUIFontCatalog.lha   text/dtp    41K+PageStream arexx script - font overview
MUIFuzzyShadow.lha   text/dtp    29K+PageStream arexx script - make fuzzy sha
MUIPicCatalog.lha    text/dtp    42K+PageStream arexx script - picture overvi
BootManager.lha      util/boot   24K+Multiple startup-sequence manager
smd2bin.lha          util/conv   13K+Convert genesis rom in smd to bin
WarpDTPrefs.lha      util/dtype 122K+WarpDT preferences program V44.4a
Lgui.lha             util/misc  372K+A Language GUI for `speaking' languages.
NewHomerITA_DA.lha   util/misc  4.7M+Data files for NewHomer.lha (ITALIAN SAM
Stm.lha              util/misc   41K+Speak To Me (S.T.M) - A replacement SAY 
rxmui.lha            util/rexx  603K+RxMUI - MUI GUIs in ARexx macros
NewHomer.lha         util/wb     34K+Another talking Homer for your WB! (upda

[News message: 29. May. 2001, 19:40] [Comments: 0]
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WinUAE Homepage (ANF)

Emulator: WinUAE Version 0.8.16R3 released
WinUAE, the Amiga-Emulator for Win95, Win98, WinME, Win2K and WinXP, is released in Version 0.8.16 Release 3 with new rtg.library.

  1. FIXED: GUI DLL loader is no longer fixated on Deutsch.
  2. FIXED: Selecting 68000 CPU from a JIT config doesn't result in error message.
  3. ADDED: Sprite-collisions can be enabled/disabled during emulation, not just at startup.
  4. ADDED: Patched rtg.library added to package, which should fix the mouse trails. (Thanks to Tobias Abt and Alexander Kneer of P96, and Bernd Roesch). This file (rtg.library) will end up in the "Amiga Programs/" directory under the "WinUAE/" directory where you install to.
  5. ADDED: German keymap (UAE_German)
  6. ADDED: UAE disk change utility
  7. ADDED: French and German DLLs updated, Italian DLL added. (Thanks Georg V, FagEmul, and Daniele G)
  8. CHANGED: Tweaked the sound code again, memory-leak should be gone, performance should be better - expect a speed decrease when using JIT and sound.
  9. CHANGED: Graphics glitches caused by NOVSYNC flipping should be gone in full- screen mode.
  10. REMOVED: Turkish DLL, as it was out-of-date
Download: WinUAE0816R3.exe (ps)

[News message: 29. May. 2001, 10:26] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts

Datatypes: WarpDTPrefs V44.4a
Version 44.4a of the preferences-program for the datatypes by Oliver Roberts is now available. This program lets you change the preferences of the following datatypes: WarpJPEG, WarpPNG, WarpBMP and WarpPSD.

This version now contains a Portuguese catalog and documentation. Download: WarpDTPrefs.lha - 122 kB (ps)

[News message: 28. May. 2001, 11:21] [Comments: 0]
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Paint program: New modules for PerfectPaint V2.6
There are new modules for saving and opening of jpeg-files. Download: modules.lha (ps)

[News message: 28. May. 2001, 10:59] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via E-Mail

APC&TCP: LOM 2.0 - Science Fiction CD
Version 2.0 of the CD-ROM 'Lights over Mars' was released. An update will be available, if you own the original CD, for 5 DM.

The CD-ROM contains a big archive of the most well-known science fiction visions. Additional information is available at the title link in the 'support'-area. (ps)

[News message: 28. May. 2001, 09:19] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

File manager: DirOpus V4.15k Beta
Jacek Rzeuski has released beta version 4.15k of the file manager 'DirOpus' on 25 May 2001. This update contains some small enhancements listed in the history.

This version outputs debug information to the serial interface which can be redirected to a Workbench window using Sushi/Sashimi.

This beta version only contains changes since 'Directory Opus v4.15'. That version and the source code are to find on the download page.

DirOpus is a file manager, coded by Jonathan Potter and Greg Perry of GP Software. The source code was released under the terms of GNU public license in 1999. Jacek Rzeuski then started to rework and enhance the program.

Download: DOpus415kbeta.lzx, History (sd)

[News message: 27. May. 2001, 16:54] [Comments: 0]
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REBOL/Command V2.0
On 25 May 2001 version 2.0 of REBOL/Command was released. This version supports HTTPS, SSL, FastCGI, external libraries, as well as several encryption systems like Blowfish, RSA, and DSA. REBOL/Command/View is an additional part of the packet.

In the case of databases Oracle 8 (Windows, Solaris Sparc, and Linux libc6), and MySQL 3 are supported. The ODBC interface was tested with Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL.

REBOL/Command V2.0 is runnable on 30 platforms including:
  • Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME
  • BSD Unix: BSDi, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD for several CPU's.
  • Linux libc5 and libc6 for several CPU's.
  • Other: Sun Solaris, BeOS R5, HP-UX, Amiga, IRIX, QNX RTP, Mac OS/X.

[News message: 27. May. 2001, 15:30] [Comments: 0]
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László Török

AVI/MOV-Player: MooVId and PIV-MooVId version 1.5
László Török announced on his website that versions v1.5 of the AVI/MOV players 'MooVId' and 'PIV-MooVId' have been finished. Registered users should mail him to get the updates. (ps)

[News message: 27. May. 2001, 01:58] [Comments: 1 - 08. May. 2002, 19:29]
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Apex Designs

Game: New Extra-Maps for Payback
In the ´Extra-Maps´ area there are new towns for the action game »Payback« by Apex Designs. In one or two month there also will be a PPC version (WOS) for the game in which you can rise from a nobody to a gangster's boss. (ps)

[News message: 27. May. 2001, 01:32] [Comments: 0]
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Hĺkan Parting

Amiga-Buddy and Chat Program: AmiComSys 1.34
Hĺkan Parting has released version 1.34 of his Amiga-Buddy and chat program ´AmiComSys´. This program functions similar to the popular ICQ, but only exists for Amiga computers, at this time. Currently about 200 users are using this program. The central server moved to Sweden and now is available under, port 2957. (ps)

[News message: 27. May. 2001, 01:23] [Comments: 0]
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