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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Aminet Uploads until 01.06.2001
PeekMail_GR.lha      comm/mail    3K+Greek locale for PeekMail
popcheck-mos.lha     comm/mail   58K+Choose what mail to delete from POP serv
LCR-I.lha            comm/misc   53K+LeastCostRouter for german Internet Prov
LCR-P.lha            comm/misc   44K+LeastCostRouter Print-Tool
LCR.lha              comm/misc   75K+LeastCostRouter for german Telephone Pro
BabelDoc.lha         comm/tcp    34K+Translate docs or strings from one langu
FTPMount_GR.lha      comm/tcp     4K+Greek locale for FTPMount
Lynx-mos.lha         comm/www   1.2M+Great WWW Browser,v284dev20 with SSL -Mo
ncftp-mos.lha        comm/www   604K+FTP client/tools v3.0.3 - MorphOS -
MuForce.lha          dev/debug  272K+The V40 Enforcer, detects illegal RAM ac
MuGuardianAngl.lha   dev/debug  295K+MungWall superset, detect accesses to no
TestHandler.lha      dev/debug   10K+Mount a task as a device for debugging
jikes-diffs.lha      dev/lang    25K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.14 (diffs)
jikes.lha            dev/lang   716K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.14 (source)
jikes000.lha         dev/lang   608K+Fast Java compiler, v1.14 (68000 binary)
jikes020-060.lha     dev/lang   603K+Fast Java compiler,v1.14 (68020-060,FPU)
adfblitzer.lha       disk/misc   27K+Program to handle ADF-files! With Source
Collector3.5PL.lha   docs/help   12K+Polish Locale for Collector3.5
AmigaPoWeR.lha       docs/hyper  31K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
starmag27_ag.lha     docs/mags  142K+German Amiga-Online-Magazine AmigaGuide-
TheCrypt17.lha       docs/mags  3.7M+Issue 17 of "The Crypt" magazine
AmigaArenaNew2.lha   docs/misc   11K+AmigaArena Interview English
WHD_FrostByte.lha    game/patch  25K+HD Installer for Frost Byte
WHD_HardDrivin.lha   game/patch  36K+HD Installer for Hard Drivin'
WHD_HardDrivn2.lha   game/patch  37K+HD Installer for Hard Drivin' II
WHD_JetSetWly2.lha   game/patch  22K+HD Installer for Jet Set Willy II
WHD_ManicMiner.lha   game/patch  24K+HD Installer for Manic Miner
WHD_ScoobyDoo.lha    game/patch  19K+HD Installer for Scooby & Scrappy Doo
WHD_SuperSki2.lha    game/patch  27K+HD Installer for Super Ski II
WHD_Zeewolf.lha      game/patch  45K+HD Installer for Zeewolf
WHD_ZeewolfII.lha    game/patch  44K+HD Installer for Zeewolf II
DunGen3.lha          game/role  231K+Dungeon floorplan generator/editor
eyangband.lha        game/role  799K+EyAngband 0.3.2 - Roguelike solo RPG
gumband.lha          game/role  971K+Gumband 2.1.6a - Roguelike solo RPG
SameGame.lha         game/think  15K+Addictive puzzle game with coloured ball
Tri_Q.lha            game/wb     36K+A peg game for the Workbench
3dto3d-mos.lha       gfx/conv   150K+Convert between 3D ormats, v3.1 -MorphOS
FlashMandelPPC.lha   gfx/fract  4.6M+The best fractal rendering program for A
GetImageInfo.lha     gfx/misc    14K+Shows picture dimensions without datatyp
ijpeg-mos.lha        gfx/misc   183K+Independent JPEG Group Tools, v6.2b -Mor
mpgtx-mos.lha        gfx/misc    67K+Manipulate MPG files (Join,Split,Demux..
FDDx2toInt.lha       hard/hack   22K+How to connect two PC FDD to internal po
TestGear-Notes.lha   hard/hack    7K+Test equipment projects, general notes.
TestGear4A.lha       hard/hack  616K+The Oscilloscope Project Disk 4A.
Electrostatic.lha    misc/emu   210K+Atari 2600 emulator/translator. V2.3
yacas-mos.lha        misc/math  520K+Math Program like MatLab, v1.0.47 -Morph
DZY-Visionary.lzh    mods/tranc 823K+Visionary - Trance by Dazzy of Soundforc
DZYTermination.lzh   mods/tranc  90K+Termination - Trance by Dazzy of Soundfo
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit   127K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
amigabomb.lha        pix/art     46K+Amiga Bomb, done with Perfect Paint 1.3
Exoticons.lha        pix/icon   8.9M+1500 NewIcons for games - Version 1.0
Exoticons35.lha      pix/icon    16M+1500 OS3.5/3.9 Icons for games - Version
APowerStuff.lha      pix/misc   297K+Pics & WBPattern from aMiGa=PoWeR magazi
APowerStuff_2.lha    pix/misc   567K+Pics from aMiGa=PoWeR magazine
APowerStuff_3.lha    pix/misc   661K+Pics from aMiGa=PoWeR magazine
APowerStuff_4.lha    pix/misc   577K+Pics from aMiGa=PoWeR magazine
stipe1.mpg           pix/mpg     50K+Mpeg anima               320x200x60
ExoticonsWB.jpg      pix/wb     204K+WB Grab showing Exoticons Game Icons
WB1600x1200.jpg      pix/wb     371K+OS3.9 + DopusMag. 5.82
HTMLEdit_key.lha     text/hyper   1K+Official keyfile for HTMLEdit v 1.32
pdftohtml-mos.lha    text/misc  299K+Convert PDF documents into HTML or PS ,v
wvWare-mos.lha       text/misc  1.1M+Convert Word 2,6,7,8,9 docs to Html,Late
LoadModule.lha       util/boot    9K+Install Libs/Devs reset-proof, ROM-Updat
PatchRAM.lha         util/boot   19K+Patch Os 3.9 RAM-Handler to show right s
StartMeUpV1_3.lha    util/boot   35K+Startup files management
CentreQuest.lha      util/cdity  12K+Centre system requesters how you like.
FloppyHalt.lha       util/cdity  14K+Halt a file being written to floppy disk
TaskByName.lha       util/cli     2K+Simple ARexx Scripts for handling DOS ta
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  380K+Report+ 4.63b: Multipurpose utility

[News message: 01. Jun. 2001, 21:23] [Comments: 2 - 03. Jun. 2001, 18:10]
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Christian Bauer

Mac emulator: Basilisk II version 0.9-1
The 68k Macintosh emulator 'Basilisk II' is available for AmigaOS, BeOS, Unix & Linux and Windows. Yesterday, Christian Bauer released version 0.9-1. Download: BasiliskII-0.9-1.amiga.lha - 124 kB (ps)

[News message: 01. Jun. 2001, 14:57] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen by e-mail

Virus Help Denmark: Safe V15.7
The virus scanner ´Safe´ can detect but not eliminate viruses. Here the details of version 15.7 which has been released today:

Name: Safe v15.7
Archive name : Safe.lha
Archive size: 26.921 Bytes
Release date: 31. Mai 2001
Programmer: Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Requires: Amiga with OS 2.04+ (xvs.library strongly recommended)

New in v15.4 - 7000:
Fixed stupid bug with QUICKTEST which caused that some machines crashed. Thanks to MikeHendren and Dieter B. for reports. (ps)

[News message: 01. Jun. 2001, 10:47] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Tool: update of asyncio.library for WarpOS
Thanks to helpful support, there's a new update of the asyncio.library with WarpOS support which will appear on Aminet in the next days.

On a couple of Amigas, the PPC task could freeze. This bug is now fixed. Also the library should run in PPC mode faster than before.

The update was tested with WarpOS v5.1 and worked without problems. Nevertheless interested users should first test the update as problems with older WarpOS versions cannot be ruled out.

Download until appearance on Aminet: asyncioppc.lha - (22 kB) (ps) (ps)

[News message: 01. Jun. 2001, 02:42] [Comments: 0]
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Movie-/Animplayer: SoftCinema with Open DivX Decoder V 1.5
There is an OpenDivX decoder v1.5 available for the movie and animation player 'SoftCinema', now too. The plug-in can play OpenDivX files 0.48 and 0.50. Download: opendivx_1.5.lha (ps)

[News message: 31. May. 2001, 17:11] [Comments: 2 - 06. Jun. 2001, 17:57]
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Vapor (ANF)

IRC-Client: AmIRC 3.5.14 Beta
The new beta version of the IRC client 'AmIRC' is available for registered users. Version 3.4.14 contains numerous bugfixes of the GUI, Arexx commands, etc. (ps)

[News message: 31. May. 2001, 10:41] [Comments: 0]
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Icons: Exoticons V 1.0
ExoticA have made NewIcons and OS3.5/3.9 icons from 1,500 pictures of game boxes and probably created one of the biggest Amiga icon collections for games. The original scans are to find in the gallery under the title link.
Download: Exoticons35.lha - 17 MB (ps)

[News message: 31. May. 2001, 10:32] [Comments: 0]
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Richard de Rivaz (ANF)

Update to INET DIAL v3.842 and release of CD version
INET DIAL v3.842 has been released. The upgrade now includes support for both online (TaskiSMS) and offline (EZP@gerNG) SMS messaging.

INET DIAL is a Home Server for the Amiga computer with X-10 control and is now also available on CD from Kicksoft. The CD version includes APACHE, GEEKGADGETS and YAM for easy install.

Download upgrade: inet_dial.lha (ps)

[News message: 30. May. 2001, 14:13] [Comments: 0]
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