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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

CD32-Emulator for Windows: Akiko v1.2
Finally the time has come! A new version of Akiko, CD32 and CDTV emulator for Microsoft(r) Windows(r), can be downloaded from the Airsoft Softwair homepage ( Version 1.2 is a major update which is about 20% faster and supports emulation of the CD32's nonvolatile memory including a cool nv ram editor which supports importing, exporting, locking & patching of save states.

Example of patching a save game is included in the documentation. Additionally Akiko has now a real Joypad emulation which means that the user can map every key / joystick button to the CD32's joypad buttons. Akiko also supports the emulation of the language identifier of the CD32 and CDTV now so some games appear now automatically in the language you configured in the Akiko settings. Finally there were some bug fixes and improvements in the single patches as well as an extended documentation.

If you still haven't registered Akiko (only $15US/15 EUR) you should have a look at Defender Of The Crown 2 CDTV which can now also be played with the Akiko demo version. But don't forget to set your native language to the CDTV's language in the Akiko settings so that the game appears in it. By the way, Akiko does not require the extended ROMs of the CD32 & CDTV. Kickstart 3.1 and 1.3 are enough. Registered users please send an email to with "subscribe" subject and you'll get the latest version (you'll only have to subscribe once, then you'll always get the latest version of Akiko) If you haven't registered yet, you should definitely get the demo version of Akiko! (ps)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2002, 01:00] [Comments: 0]
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