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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Gabriele Greco (E-Mail)

MorphOS Uploads to Aminet from Gabriele Greco
If someone is interested I've uploaded some MorphOS related files to Aminet on Sunday and they are finally available:

A nice vertical scroll shooter that runs in true color 640x480 with parallax scrolling, really nice gfx. Very playable here on MorphOS, it was almost implayable on 060...
Dowload: gammapatrolmos.lha

Port of ZIP/UNZIP, with crypt support, about 1.5 faster than the powerup version.
Dowload: ZipMOS.lha

Port of the unix lha. VERY fast, use the unix syntax instead of the Boberg's lha one.
Dowload: LhA-mos.lha

Version 1.2.3 of SDL, also available in .zip format at
Dowload: SDL-Amiga.lha (ps)

[News message: 20. Dec. 2001, 11:30] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

Zorro II USB Controller: HIGHWAY Beta Testers wanted
HIGHWAY beta testers with busboards wanted.
The initial bigger tests of the new HIGHWAY cards (zorro II USB controller) turned out that especially non-Commodore busboards behave crucial in connection with the HIGHWAY card. To prevent our customers from being disappointed, we are now looking for beta testers having a busboard (A1200 / A4000) and living in or near Munich.

Interested people might contact (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 20. Dec. 2001, 10:45] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet (ANF)

PPClib.emu V0.9 available on Aminet
The PPClibemu is an emulation of the ppc.library and of the PowerUp kernel under WarpOS. The author of this emulation is called Frank Wille.

Changes since the last Aminet-release (v0.8d):
  • Three environment variables from ENV:ppclibemu will be recognized: IgnoreNOCACHEM68K, Debug, NoFreePatch and NoELFPatch (set != 0 to activate).
  • Library init swaps to an own 16K stack, to prevent problems with limited ramlib stack size.
  • Fixed bugs in __floatdidf, __floatdisf, __floatunsdidf and PPCDivs64/PPCDivs64p/__divdi3.
  • New utility "ppclibemu_install" to load library into memory, replaces LoadSeg.
  • PPCCreateTask() behaves like exec.library's CreateTask() now.
  • PPCMsgPort is more similar to a real MsgPort.
  • PPC task termination routine will no longer free all memory.
Download: ppclibemu.lha (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2001, 14:01] [Comments: 0]
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Payback (ANF)

Payback: Update 6 now available (Update)
Under the title link you can find update 6 of the game ´Payback´. Payback is a game in the style of GTA and supports 68k- and PPC-processors (WarpUP) as well as hardware-3d-rendering (Warp3D). The following things are new in update 6:
  • Vehicles can now be added to custom maps.
  • Added high score tables to rampage mode.
  • Improved vehicle textures.
  • In multiplayer mode, your kills will now go negative if you commit suicide with zero kills.
  • Added sparks when two vehicles scrape against each other.
Download: PaybackUpdate6.lha (link corrected). (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2001, 13:57] [Comments: 0]
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Timo Kloss (E-Mail)

Graphics Adventure Engine: Update of 'Inga'
A new udpate of the graphics adventure engine "Inga" is available on the Inga homepage (title link), from now on. The following has changed:
  • The sound plugin now enables voice and sound output via AHI.
  • RAM cache system reworked.
  • CLI programs can be executed with the "Extern" command.
  • Single character animations are only loaded if required.
  • Animations now appear as fast as if the engine would run at 20 fps (no frames skipped)
  • The scroll text in sequences now also moves with constant speed, independant of the actual number of fps.
  • No more mouse pointer in sequences, anymore.
  • Characters can be displayed that far on top of the screen, that e.g. only the feet are visible (this would have caused graphic erros in the past).
  • Running characters will reach their target point accurate on pixel (previously only roughly).
  • Animated objects can be displayed as still picture, whereas the single picture to be viewed can be set using Inga-Skript (see compendium under "Objekt-Standbild").
  • Objects "bound" to the mouse pointer are now displayed along with thier animation.
  • PlugIn system reworked (safer now).
  • PlugIns can be disabled by thier options (tooltypes).
  • Miscelleanous little bugs fixed.
So, only audio CD support is still missing, now. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 18. Dec. 2001, 20:48] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert (E-Mail)

Image Editing: PNG-Box V 2.51 and SViewIV V 9.25
Andreas Kleinert has placed PNG-Box version 2.51 and SViewIV version 9.25 in the Aminet. With PNG-Box you can convert graphic files via the SuperView-Library to PNG. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 18. Dec. 2001, 12:32] [Comments: 0]
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