Timo Kloss (E-Mail)
Graphics Adventure Engine: Update of 'Inga'
A new udpate of the graphics adventure engine "Inga" is available on the
Inga homepage (title link), from now on. The following has changed:
- The sound plugin now enables voice and sound output via AHI.
- RAM cache system reworked.
- CLI programs can be executed with the "Extern" command.
- Single character animations are only loaded if required.
- Animations now appear as fast as if the engine would run at 20 fps (no frames skipped)
- The scroll text in sequences now also moves with constant speed, independant of the actual
number of fps.
- No more mouse pointer in sequences, anymore.
- Characters can be displayed that far on top of the screen, that e.g. only
the feet are visible (this would have caused graphic erros in the past).
- Running characters will reach their target point accurate on pixel (previously only roughly).
- Animated objects can be displayed as still picture, whereas the single picture to be viewed
can be set using Inga-Skript (see compendium under "Objekt-Standbild").
- Objects "bound" to the mouse pointer are now displayed along with thier animation.
- PlugIn system reworked (safer now).
- PlugIns can be disabled by thier options (tooltypes).
- Miscelleanous little bugs fixed.
So, only audio CD support is still missing, now.
(ps) (Translation: mj)
[News message: 18. Dec. 2001, 20:48] [Comments: 0]
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