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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Software News Summary
MiniShowPicture 1.62

Version 1.62 of the picture shower MiniShowPicture was released today. It's a simple picture displayer that's based on MUI and uses datatypes. The functions include drag&drop, scaling, as well as keyboard support. The archive includes versions for MorphOS and AmigaOS 3.

Direct download: MiniShowPicture.lha (284 KB)

MorphOS: New version of "Alphatools"

"Alphatools" is a collection of little graphical tools: tifftopng, PNG and TIFF modules (at this time 32-Bit) for ImageFX as well as a few scripts for TVPaint.

Direct download: alphatools.lha (648 KB)

MorphOS: New version of "Ripper"

"Ripper" is an MUI-based CDDA ripper and sound converter.

Direct download: ripper.lha (489 KB)

AmigaOS 4: two small grapic demos

Peter Gordon provides these PPC-native graphic demos "Lights" and "Tunnel." (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2004, 23:39] [Comments: 0]
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Icon Patch: PowerIcons 1.06
A new version of the icon patch "PowerIcons", which makes possible the use of 32Bit icons under AmigaOS, was released today. The changes may be found in the readme document.

Direct download: PowerIcons.lha (755 KB) (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2004, 20:26] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen / VHT-DK (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: VirusZ v1.01 and Request for Feedback
Georg Hörmann has released version 1.01 of anti-virus software VirusZ, which may be downloaded from the website of Virus Help Team Denmark.

Request for Feedback

Georg asks urgently for feedback from VirusZ users, in order to learn how and whether his software has been used in the last 13 years. You can send Georg a message from the VHT Denmark website under the title link.

Infos about the new update:

Name: VirusZ v1.01
Archive name: VirusZ.lha
Archive size: 102,890 Bytes
Release date: 2nd June, 2004
Programmer: Georg Hoermann
Requirements: AmigaOS 2.04 or better, util/libs/ReqToolsUsr.lha, util/virus/xvslibrary.lha, util/pack/xfdmaster.lha, util/arc/xadmaster.lha (recommended), util/libs/DisLib.lha (optional)

Changes since the last release:
  • Fixed bug in Bootblock Lab which caused "Write" and "Install" to end up in a disk i/o error if "Ask Before Write Access" option was enabled. Thanks to Ronald Schakelaar for the bug report.
  • Fixed password handling for encrypted archives: a correct password has already been remembered for all files before, but cancelling the password requester because you don't know the correct password would have caused new requesters for *all* files in the encrypted archive. Now VirusZ also remembers the cancelling and will simply report all following files as encrypted. Thanks to Thomas Tavoly for reporting this problem.
  • Fixed bug that appeared after a sector check when checking disks that have the same name as their device (eg. disk labeled 'DF0' in device DF0:). Inhibit() is in fact a very simple DOS function that easily gets confused, so I added a little workaround for this problem. Thanks to Thomas Tavoly for the report and beta-testing.
  • Added lots of snapshots sent by Michel 'DMX' Bagmeijer and Andreas Kürzinger. Thanks guys. Changed distribution from FREEWARE to MAILWARE as I need feedback for further development. Currently I have no idea at all how many active users are still out there...
(nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2004, 10:34] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert (E-Mail)

Free keyfiles for SView 5, SView 4 and akDatatypes
Free keyfiles for SView 5, SView IV and the "akDatatypes" have been uploaded to Aminet recently. Due to problems with the uploads, the keyfiles are available at for now. (cg)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2004, 20:50] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet (Website)

Aminet uploads until 2004-06-02
Here, the list of the latest Aminet uploads since our last report:
CygnusEd_4_DE.lha    biz/misc     8K+New German catalog for CygnusEd V4
YahooGpScan1_5.lha   comm/mail    6K+Strips YahooGroup adverts.         V1.5
AmiMSN.lha           comm/tcp    27K+(0.5) Major update. MSN Messenger client
BabelDoc.lha         comm/tcp    38K+Translate docs or strings from one langu
streamer.lha         comm/www   469K+Internet radio MPEG and RealAudio file p
GnS_Spo2Invita.lha   demo/intro 367K+Spoletium2 Ivitation Intro by Genesis
ixemul-inc-bin.lha   dev/gg     1.2M+Include files for ixemul or libnix. V48.
nano.lha             dev/lang   206K+New virtual machine, assembler like lang     dev/lang     4K+Use Amiga Request Choice Gadget with per
adcvt.lha            dev/misc    13K+AutoDocs to HTML converter v0.1
InstallBoot.lha      disk/misc   11K+Install Boot GUI
DiskValid.lha        disk/salv   11K+PFS DiskValid GUI 
ThePolice.lha        docs/hyper  53K+The Police: albums, lyrix, singles +more
d3GNOP.lha           game/misc  3.1M+D3GNOP - THE Pong clone in MiniGL v1.0 (
WormWars.lha         game/misc  541K+Worm Wars 7.8: Advanced snake game
horrorhouseb4.lha    game/shoot 2.9M+New shoot'emup (68000, Wapos, Morphos)
aGibbet.lha          game/think 217K+Game like "Guess Word" with RUS dictiona
Permu.lha            game/wb     36K+Try to match the displayed pattern!
Anim2gif.lha         gfx/conv   177K+Converts and scales an amiga animation t
Gif2anim.lha         gfx/conv   233K+Converts & scales GIF animations to amig
SmartScale.lha       gfx/conv    30K+A CLI/WB program used for gfx conversion
dejong.lha           gfx/fract   67K+De Jong Explorer
ImageFX45txtFR.lha   gfx/ifx     67K+ImageFX 4.5 French interface Text
make_lnx.lha         misc/emu    11K+.LYX to Atari Lynx .LNX file conversion 
rotate.lha           misc/emu     9K+Set the ROTATION flag of any Atari Lynx 
vic-emu-tools.lha    misc/emu    45K+Tools and helpful info for vic-emu 0.65
imdbDiff040514.lha   misc/imdb  2.7M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff040521.lha   misc/imdb  3.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
Amoralplay.lha       mus/play   144K+Plays SIDS,OctamedSS,mods,Digibooster et
Ami-Crystal.lha      pix/icon   632K+Ami Crystal first no commercial PNG-Icon
AmiComSys_PNG.lha    pix/icon    21K+PNG-Icon for AmiComSys
Descent2PNG.lha      pix/icon    20K+PNG-Icon for Descent2
scummbubbles.lha     pix/icon   426K+Scumm VM Bubbles in png format
UAEPNG.lha           pix/icon    17K+Replacement PNG-Icon for UAE
Wolfenstein3DP.lha   pix/icon    21K+PNG-Icon for Wolfenstein3D
makeguide2.lha       text/hyper  25K+Create a guide from several small files
makeguide3.lha       text/hyper  48K+Create a guide from several small files
HP_Deskjet400C.lha   text/print  25K+Deskjet 400C/L Driver for WB 40.17
HP_Deskjet870C.lha   text/print  27K+Deskjet 8x0C Driver for WB V40.23
HP_Deskjet900C.lha   text/print  25K+Deskjet 9x0C Driver for WB V40.14
Tree177.lha          util/cli    18K+Lists Directory content tree-like
SteBaseConv.lha      util/conv   62K+Numeric base converter ITA-ENG + source
ExtraLib.lha         util/libs  357K+Dynamic buffers, useful stuff, now FREEW
ACSE.lha             util/misc   23K+ACSE test administration tool
RHzFileChecker.lha   util/wb    119K+Program for identifying file types.
(nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2004, 12:51] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

MorphOS: C64 emulator Frodo now with Catweasel SID support
The MorphOS version of the C64 emulator Frodo has been updated and does now support the original soundchip of the C64, known as SID (Sound Interface Device).

Added features of Frodo 4.1b R3 (645 KB):
  • Supports Catweasel MK3 PCI/Flipper for SID
  • Better sound quality in AHI modes
  • Selectable 6581 and 8580 waveforms for AHI
  • Better overlay and fullscreen support

[News message: 02. Jun. 2004, 07:35] [Comments: 0]
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01.Jun.2004 (Website)

MPEG player: RiVA V0.50 released
Stephen Fellner released v0.50 of "RIVA", a shareware mpeg player for 68k based Amiga systems. New in this version:
  • Added Window display mode to allow playback in a window on systems with no PIP/VLayer. Enter can be used to toggle between window and fullscreen during playback
  • Added support for the BGRA32 colour format. PC graphics cards (like GeForce) use this mode, so UAE users can play videos on a truecolor screen (or in a window on a TrueColor Workbench) on those cards
(snx) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 01. Jun. 2004, 13:21] [Comments: 0]
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