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Jan Andersen / VHT-DK (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: VirusZ v1.01 and Request for Feedback
Georg Hörmann has released version 1.01 of anti-virus software VirusZ, which may be downloaded from the website of Virus Help Team Denmark.

Request for Feedback

Georg asks urgently for feedback from VirusZ users, in order to learn how and whether his software has been used in the last 13 years. You can send Georg a message from the VHT Denmark website under the title link.

Infos about the new update:

Name: VirusZ v1.01
Archive name: VirusZ.lha
Archive size: 102,890 Bytes
Release date: 2nd June, 2004
Programmer: Georg Hoermann
Requirements: AmigaOS 2.04 or better, util/libs/ReqToolsUsr.lha, util/virus/xvslibrary.lha, util/pack/xfdmaster.lha, util/arc/xadmaster.lha (recommended), util/libs/DisLib.lha (optional)

Changes since the last release:
  • Fixed bug in Bootblock Lab which caused "Write" and "Install" to end up in a disk i/o error if "Ask Before Write Access" option was enabled. Thanks to Ronald Schakelaar for the bug report.
  • Fixed password handling for encrypted archives: a correct password has already been remembered for all files before, but cancelling the password requester because you don't know the correct password would have caused new requesters for *all* files in the encrypted archive. Now VirusZ also remembers the cancelling and will simply report all following files as encrypted. Thanks to Thomas Tavoly for reporting this problem.
  • Fixed bug that appeared after a sector check when checking disks that have the same name as their device (eg. disk labeled 'DF0' in device DF0:). Inhibit() is in fact a very simple DOS function that easily gets confused, so I added a little workaround for this problem. Thanks to Thomas Tavoly for the report and beta-testing.
  • Added lots of snapshots sent by Michel 'DMX' Bagmeijer and Andreas Kürzinger. Thanks guys. Changed distribution from FREEWARE to MAILWARE as I need feedback for further development. Currently I have no idea at all how many active users are still out there...
(nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2004, 10:34] [Comments: 0]
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