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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Todd Oberly (E-Mail)

Beta version of the MUI class "newstring.mcc" (IBrowse)
Mikolaj Calusinski has provided a new version of the MUI class "newstring.mcc" with the following bug removements:
  • Sometimes "RAmiga events" were absorbed by the class, even if the regarding window was not active
  • Marking and/or replacing of text did not work at all or not as thought
  • Potential crashes with too long strings
  • Some other smaller bugs

Newstring.mcc is used with IBrowse and some other applications. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2004, 14:03] [Comments: 0]
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30.Jun.2004 (Website)

IRC client: Version 1.1b of WookieChat released
Today version 1.1b (225 KB) of the new IRC client Wookiechat has been released.

New is a basic preferences and server selection window which allows to add, delete or change server entries as well as the option to modify the user name. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2004, 13:25] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: Amiga Forever
The update to version brings a more recent version of WinUAE ( and some other little improvements to "Amiga Forever" users. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2004, 02:18] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts (E-Mail)

IBrowse: New IBPreferences custom class available
Testing under OS4 revealed a long standing bug in the IBrowse 2.3 preferences custom class, which manifested itself as a crash as soon as the preferences were launched. After a short testing period, the IBrowse development team is pleased to announce the availability of the new bugfixed custom class.

The developers recommend that all users of IBrowse 2.3 install the new custom class, even if they do not have the crash under OS4-Pre, or even use OS4, as the bug is still present and a potential problem.

Note: Those selected users that also tested the fix prior to release should also install this final release in place of the test version they were sent. (cg)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2004, 02:04] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Website)

Poseidon: New drivers for the Thylacine USB-card
Under the title link you can find a new version of the driver (7 KB) for the USB-card Thylacine, which can be used with the USB-Stack Poseidon. (snx) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2004, 09:47] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Kickflash OS4 firmware updated
Version 1.6 of Kickflash OS4 is now available on the website of Coyote Flux and our support page. This is a major update with many improvements over the last version.

The firmware now supports multiple Kickstart remapping. The remapping of 512KB Kickstarts works with the MapROM feature of the Cyberstorm MK1/MK2/MK3/PPC, A3640 and the BlizzardPPC boards. Additionally it supports Retro Remapping to make any Amiga start in Kickstart 1.3 mode when the joystick button is held during reset. This requires a 34.005 Kickstart ROM and uses Relokick's internal relocation table to rekick the system. This lets you disable the caches by pressing the left mousebutton during the Kickstart 1.3 floppy boot screen, which makes a lot of older programs compatible with faster systems.

Many more resident modules can now be installed at the same time, and many more filetypes are supported, such as the latest (non-public) ram-handler version 51.6.

Other changes have been made to the hunk handling, AmigaOS 3.9 reset handler code, memory handling and the OpenOXYPPort support code.

Special thanks fly out to Peter Riede, who has helped a lot during the development and testing of this product.

Download: CoyoteFlash.lha (37 KB) (snx)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2004, 07:24] [Comments: 0]
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Software News in Summary
Update of various Asoft tools

Alfonso "alfie" Ranieri released updates of RxMUI (40.8), RexxMustHave (22.5), RxToolkit (2.6) and FreeDB (10.1).

Worm Wars 7.81

"Worm Wars" is a Tron clone by James "Amigan" Jacobs. Version 7.81 introduces a new object ("Autojump"), beyond that there are various optimizations and several mistakes have been resolved.

Direct download: WormWars.lha (541 KB)

Saga 1.4b

Also from James Jacobs comes "Saga", a computer version of the board-game "Saga: Age of Heroes". The update takes care of a couple known errors.

Direct download: Saga.lha (332 KB)

68060 version of "libmad mpega.library"

A special 68060 version of "libmad mpega.library" that offers speed advantages due to the avoidance of a few opcodes unknown to the 68060.

Direct download: mpega_libmad_060.lha (59 KB) (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2004, 22:27] [Comments: 0]
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